23. The Level of Conscious Awakening

It is generally said that the awakening of consciousness can be achieved by his/her own individual efforts. But this is not true, and some limits are existed to get awakening of consciousness by his/her own efforts.

Some factors are needed to get awakening of consciousness. In individual efforts, one should have an opened mind and an opened consciousness. But many crucial factors are helped by heaven. There are an awakening of chakra, helps of his/her super-ego, and helps of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Heaven. We call these 'programmed'. Each level of awakening of consciousness will be matched to his/her missions on earth. Also, this level will be set according to their time-line.

If he/she will be awakened earlier than their time-line, he/she has difficult to live in 3 dimensional material-based world. So, the time of awakening of consciousness must be on time exactly according to their time-line programmed to their roles and missions. Chakra awakening for someone who has been scheduled to be awakened at the exact time acts very important role to awaken his/her awakening of consciousness.

Because the awakening of chakra system will make it possible to meet with his/her super-ego, and then this meeting will activate mutual exchange more. This meetings also give more lights to their inner spirits through their Heart Chakra. His/her spirits being exposed much lights must be happy. This life, which is that his/her spirit is happy, is a palpitating life, is a liveable life, and is a consciousness awakening life.

Awakening chakra will bring out hidden negatives which is an energy of fear, but also will have energies to purify these negatives. Activating of 12 chakras will make our body be filled with lights, and negatives of ego will be purified in these activating process, and then finally the level of awakening of consciousness will be increased gradually.

As the awakening of consciousness increase, the passage of light is built well. Light workers must have well-constructed passage of light. Well-constructed passage of light will be able to increase coordinating capability between emotion, think, and will. Also this will be able to balance between rationality and emotion, and to help the balancing between womanhood and manhood. All of these have important role to increase the awakening of consciousness.

Awakening chakra means the constructing of light passage in our body, and this light passage will play a role as bridge between body and spirit. This bridge role will help us to awaken our spiritual consciousness, and that is 'awakening of consciousness'.

Translated by Yeoyeo

Udeka writes.


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