
Showing posts with the label Spiritual World

47. Attitude to face ghost

The invisible world controls and coordinates the visible world. During reading the messages of “Spiritual world” written by Udeka, you probably will come to realize Plato’s thought, “the visible world is the one imitated from the invisible world” is not the thing in vain. It is the feature of universe that if the visible world is one, the invisible world is one hundred. The true meaning of the phrase “all the existing things are phantom” is that the visible is just the world which I feel and judge with my five senses. It advises us to figure out that all the knowledges prior to understanding the invisible world, are merely in vain. Although the world of ghost is also invisible world, it is the order of invisible world arising from mankind’s mind or body. And it is the leading edge education system introduced by Heaven to make mankind learn the spiritual world, experience the variety of emotional richness, and solve each other’s karma. The world of ghost is the world of lower ...

46. Conversion to the Light : Saying good-bye to the Brothers in Darkness

The hardship of ghost or angels in darkness is the course as painful as not to be described well. While accompanying human for long time and having indirect experience of human’s life, they perform their roles to make human’s emotion rich, to make human’s life be distorted against one’s will, sometimes to make human’s life hard or fully blocked, or to put human’s life in the course of harsh situation in order to make it flower from the muds of life. As a colleague having indirect experience of your life, as a guide leading the way of your life, as a harsh spiritual instructor pushing your learning toward light, as a servant already having gone through the course of learning toward light, as an actor taking villains’ role, the ghost and angel in darkness are the beings taking various roles. They conduct various missions for the spirit-souls traveling in 3rd dimensional material world. Ghosts are being in the 4th dimensional spiritual world and are supervised by the 4th dimensiona...

45. Matrix of light(Higher-self - Alpha and Omega)

Human beings who live in the 3rd dimensional material world have their higher-selves in the 4th dimension. The energy field of aura, which is the evidence of that said above, is composed of 7 energy layers. A human clone doesn't have the energy of aura. My 1st higher-self who live in the 4th dimension is the first causer making to exist me. He is always with me and also feels more than 80 percents of my emotion, thought, and consciousness. When we pursue enlightenment and talks with the inner self, we are practicing hard asceticism, prayer and meditation to communicate with our higher-selves. I can't die and exist without the help of my higher-self. When ghosts, Satan and Devils in Heaven visit me, the most painful beings is the higher-self and the spirit-souls who entered my body. Guide angels, dragons and guardian-divines are also painful. For the case of persons who have the 2nd or 3rd higher-self, the higher-selves feel about 50 percent of your emotion and pa...

44. Abortion and ghost

It is never easy that woman lives in the material world. Homo-sapiens is made of four genes such as the Carians (bird-man), the fishes, the mammals (Ju-ryu; all lives capable of running) and “Gap-ryu” (all lives having hard-shelled backs). Because the cerebral cortex of Homo-sapiens stores a reptilian gene of Gap-ryu and reveals its characteristics, there are the structural characteristics which reveal violence, sex impulsivity, and aggression in the unbalanced state with other energies, especially excessive state of man energy. Especially, the northern hemisphere is a place where energy unbalance is severe. This is because male superiority is conspicuous and capitalism is developed in this place. Living as the underdog economically, psychologically, and religiously in life, woman cannot help but be daunted with holding internal sickness in their deep minds. Unstable psychological state brings about a chronic stomach disorder which is representative disease for woman. To mak...

43. Conversation with angels

The ascending spirit-souls need to make a lot of efforts and learnings to communicate with the angels belonging to the Government of Heaven, besides one’s guardian angels. For these spirit-souls, the spiritual groups in Heaven (Mountain-Divine, Marine-Divine, Land-Divine group) take place of the role and serve them, so that the ascending spirit-souls can communicate with them. In this way, the ascending spirit-souls are in the course of learning. For ascending spirit-souls to communicate with the higher level of Government of Heaven, support of the group – they belonged in Heaven – is required. Also the approval of information release should be achieved by the Higher Committee of Government of Heaven. After these procedures are done, then they could communicate with angels belonging to the Government of Heaven, and receive information through channeling. For descending spirit-souls, most of their communications beyond guardian angels are connected with the angel groups with w...

42. Conversion to light (1) - agreement among spirit-soul, higher-self and Government of Heaven

Among the persons who are installed the darkness matrix, there are a few persons who think about conversion to the light. Most people live and die according to their life programs and roles. The proportion of people who convert to darkness from light is approximately 4 percent among the lightworkers. This is the case that they give up the lightworker and determine to live by their free-wills. In this case, the higher-selves are waiting for you to come back to the light again, without giving up until the last moment of the Earth. The proportion of people who convert to the light from the darkness is approximately 1 percent. Every human has one’s own life program which was designed by oneself and one’s higher-self before birth. This life program is readjusted every 5 years and partial fine-tuning is done periodically. Some lightworkers might have several programs to convert from the light to the darkness or reversely. Avatar who live in the material world has most rights in choosing...

41. Higher-self (1) - Supervisor of matrix

When the Brothers in Darkness – who belong to the matrix of darkness such as ghost, Satan and Devils – visit you, they enter your body in the coordination with your spirit-soul, your higher-self and the Government of Heaven. At this time, the coordinated contents are followings. The visiting duration of Ghosts and Devils is to be prepared and planned at the beginning stage, depending on the following; how many ghosts visit you and what you must learn. The visiting program varies from a few days or months to several decades. The higher-self has a leading role in the course of coordination among three counterparties (spirit-soul, higher-self, Government of Heaven). This coordination is continuously tuned in the course of program. The time of leaving is also determined by the active request of the higher-self. The energy sealing – which is necessary in life – is also coordinated by three counterparties. In the visit of light matrix such as guardian angels, dragons and guardians di...

40. The case that the darkness matrix is dominant (2)

Persons who have the role of darkness get to reveal their darkness energy in their words or writings. There are many persons who can feel their energies directly. Speaking and writings coming from the darkness matrix have the following characteristics.  - Speaking and writings lacks clarity.  - Even though their speaking and writings are packaged with plausible words,    their contents are poor and have lots of illogical part.  - They don't understand even what they are saying in a severe logical leap    and change their words frequently.  - They have severe ups and downs of emotions and tend to be gibberish.  - We might feel unpleasant because the energy coming from their speaking    and writings are stuffy.  - They speak differently to every people they meet.    They lower themselves to the people with purer and stronger energy.    However, they tend to be rel...

39. The case that the darkness matrix is dominnt (1)

The stronger the light matrix is, the stronger the darkness matrix is. The stronger the darkness matrix is, the stronger the light matrix is. Except a class of people who take a role of the darkness, the light is stronger than the darkness for the people born in this material world. Let’ say the power of light is 100, then the power of darkness is about 80. The matrix is installed such that one could manage and surmount it by one’s free-will or inner light. This rule also applies to individuals, specific country and region. The matrix is programmed so that the balance between light and darkness is maintained. The Government of Heaven oversees and manage all of this. This is one aspect of the perfect control of Heaven. Nevertheless, the people who have the matrix of darkness heavily are divided into the following three cases. *** The first case *** The light matrix is more dominantly installed for the lightworkers at birth.  - example: light 50, darkness 30, free-will 20 ...

38. Coexistence of the matrix of light and darkness

There might be many beings in our body and their examples are as followings:  - guardian angel  - angel in Light, angel in Darkness  - higher-self  - guardian-divine, which might be variously represented as dragon, the god of mountain and tiger, etc.  - ghosts, Satan and Devils (the Brothers in Darkness) They are in perfect harmony with networking each other. They don't make any conflicts and contradictions each other located in one body within their work scopes. They are playing their roles good enough, based on the well organized scenario under the mutual respect. There is no conflict between the light and the darkness in Heaven. This is also so in body as well. The light knows its duty well and acknowledges that the role of darkness is important. The darkness also knows its duty and admits the role of light. They respect each other's role. Only your thinking, consciousness and mind living in the matrix have the consciousness of separation. Human i...

37. Dragon and Guardian divine

Even though the light-matrix has variously existed in comparison with the darkness-matrix, it has not been known well and has been regarded as myths or legends, or as the original form preserved in religious ceremonies or cultural symbols. Through channeling with the Government of Heaven during 1 year of chakra-awakening sessions, we could learn the followings:  - Things which we, human, could imagine and are left as language (word, written document), really exist in the universe, and are the important factors in our life, though most of them are invisible.  - Those are the matrix of Light and Darkness which was installed to awaken human consciousness and for evolution of spirit-soul. The Government of Heaven has well maintained and managed the structure of light-matrix and darkness-matrix, being together with the spiritual journey and evolution of Homo-sapiens. There has been no one free from this matrix structure. Also there have been rarely anyone who could see ...

36. Guardian angel

The 4rd dimensional material world largely consists of the darkness-matrix and the light-matrix. The ghost, Satan, and Devil so on are the main factors to compose the darkness-matrix. This darkness-matrix is growing up on the basis of human’s emotion, desire and sealed memory, and functions as the energy source of living. Regardless of ghost, Satan, or Devil, they are all the beings of energy-body, which dwell in the world of astral plane. This astral world consists of 12 layers (levels) in the 4th dimensional spiritual world, where the matrix of light and darkness is working in the various layers of light spectrum. The domain of ghost is below of 4.25th layer, while Satan and Devil are located in 5th to 8th layers, which is a sort of middle area. The guardian angels and other beings in the light dwell in 8th to 12th layer in the 4th dimensional world. It is to say, the darkness-matrix is distributed in the lower layers or the middle layers, while the light-matrix is located in...

35. Hologram and the Brothers in Darkness #2

The executives in the Government of Heaven dwells in the 6th dimension. The topsiders in the Government of Heaven are composed of the Archangels in the 8th dimension. The Higher committees are both the advisory group and supervisory group, which are located in higher than 8th dimensions. These committees are in perfect harmony and balance, cooperating with the Government of Heaven. Division like the Light or Darkness does not apply in Heaven. Such duality is needed only on the ground, which is useful to learn the material world. In the 4th dimension there is “the Spiritual World in Heaven” which controls the world of ghosts and manages the ascending spirit-souls. The first higher-selves of all spirit-souls stay in the Spiritual World in Heaven. The Gaia manages the descending spirit-souls and control the star-gate through which spirits come into the Earth from the other space. The Brothers in Darkness existing in the 5th ~ 8th dimension are under control of the Government of He...

34. Hologram and the Brothers in Darkness #1

34. Hologram of ghost and angel in Darkness 1 People occasionally might see ghost during their spiritual disciplines, in dreams, at public monument, or when staying alone. Sometimes they might see Satan or angels in Darkness. All of these events are what should occur or such things that is supposed to happen. The common traits of ghost, Satan, or angel in Darkness are that they are beings in energy form and that usually they are likely to incur unpleasantness or bad feelings. These ‘Brothers in Darkness’ are normally sensed as an energy rather than the visible one. There are many shamans who have very acute senses to feel them as energy-body. They feel the energy mainly with their physical bodies. When the shamans are possessed with the Brothers in Darkness (working together with the energy in their bodies), they try to show off and exaggerate this possession by using the shamanic devices such as a small bell, hand fan or grass cutter etc. during exorcism ceremony. Some peo...

33. World of devil and Satan

The older the prejudices are, the more they are based on human fear and panic. Also they tend to be illogical and treated as taboo. They are reproduced by the groups who manage and control the matrix of darkness. The Devil and Satan are the main cultural codes of the Christian religion, and also the symbols of fear and panic. Among the orthodox Christians there are people shouting “You are Satan!” just because their thoughts are different from others. There exists no Devil, nor Satan. But there are only the angels who take the role of Darkness, who belong to the Government of Heaven, as taking the appearances of Devil or Satan. Now that all of them are the angels in Heaven, there is no discrimination between them. To play the role of Darkness, to help the experience of Darkness, and to maintain the Darkness matrix, the role of angels in the Darkness are needed. Due to the nature of jobs – which is hard and difficult – there are insufficient volunteers. Therefore these roles a...

29. Lucifer and Dark Brothers

It's the order and the natural laws of the Cosmos that the consciousness expands or regresses depending on the material development. The best way of learning in the Nebadon Universe is living in the earth.  Rather than seeking the truth in the truth but realizing it in the untruth, misconception and prejudice and finding the light in the darkness... For this reason, the earth exists as an experimental planet in an experimental galaxy. One of severe misunderstanding and prejudice is the thought about Satan, devils and ghosts. That is the source of fear, on which the religious matrix is built. On the religious conviction, the human journey in search of the truth hasevolved. The highest executive who has designed  this matrix is Lucifer in 6th dimension. He had a role of  serving on the planet earth as  an avatar of the Archangel Luciel in the 9th dimension. With an IQ score of 1,200, He has installed various matrixes of the darkness such asthe matrix ...

28. Vampire Matrix

The Vampire, the unique symbol of blood-sucking monster, is the important pattern of Western culture. Meanwhile, in the East ghost or angels in the darkness are well known to the public The vampire is quite different with the description of ghost in the eastern. It stems from a unique origin of energy formed by the different cultural environment. The type of vampiric creatures are so rare in Korea. Instead of vampires, the nine-tailed fox is a genuine figure of blood-sucking, but it usually eats livers of animals or livestock. The monster is a creature in legends or myths built on a material foundation of the farming cultures. In the western, the victims of vampires are related mainly to the blood of humans. Considering that the victims are humans, the fear and horror is incomparably bigger and stronger than ghosts. It is the characteristic of the vampire having a unique cultural pattern of maintaining the immortality, the eternal dream of humans, by sucking human blood. The...

27. Accuracy of Fortune Telling

The tarot card reading has just 27 % accuracy. The accuracy and future-telling contents vary depending on the tarot card reader. If one who reaches more than 80% in the level of consciousness awakening deals the tarot card, , then the accuracy of readings might increase up to 37~56%. Now, let us examine the accuracy rate of various future-telling methods:  face reading 33%, Saju 36%, Sumak 34%, Feng Shui Theory (geomancy) 35%, and channeling of shaman 24%. These figures are just based on only the original texts. Of course, these figures might have a variety of ranges and could increase depending on the level of the reader’s consciousness. When a psychic mediums as the ascending spirit-soul foretells one’s destiny, the accuracy is programmed not to be more than 46% by the Heaven.  Under the consent of the Higher Committee in the Government of Heaven, the release of prophesy and channeling of above 46% accuracy by shamans is available. Shaman as the descending spirit-soul...

26. Shamanic Ritual by Consciousness Level

The spiritual world to which a candidate shaman can access is already determined. And as a rite of passge, usually the candidate shaman get through a spiritual procedure of ‘Being possessed by a god’. After this spiritual procedure, an ordinary people get to live as a shaman. Mu-Byoung, usually found among shamans, is a special natureof disease. Mu-Byoung might be considered as a kind of a program; it gives psychic mediums pains. The purpose of pain is to manage and control their body and mind. Throughout their life, it causes tension of life, establishes discipline and reform them personally. When a person enters the world of shaman, some sort of purifying process is needed. To prevent the person from stagnating at the level of consciousness where he/she has been living in a society without expanding his/her consciousness. To prevent this, the minimal control system is Mu-Byoung, which induce a psychic to have body aches. Thus, it prohibits him/her from making no efforts and li...

25. Shaman and Initiatory Illness

Most people won’t want to be a shaman. Far from a social status or honor, shamans tend to be scorned and treated contemptuously. It is a tough life in that they have to endure social prejudice and negative stereotype in a society. The position of a shaman has fallen to the low, compared to  that of a minster, a monk, a nun, or a priest. Although their lives are far from honorable, they do glorious deeds in the dark side. This is the destiny of a shaman. Most of them believe that they live a shaman’s life by destiny and they cannot help it. They accept that although they don’t want, they cannot avoid their lives with resignation and from a fatalistic standpoint. They admit that they are shamans by profession and live with a sense of duty as a shaman. They act as a bridge between the 3rd dimensional physical world and the 4th dimensional astral plane. Also they have their roles of a medium or a psychic in terms of energy. Most of them are the ascending spirit-souls and have t...