To win each other's heart

We can’t do anything without winning heart of others. Everyone should win heart from each other, and everyone wants to win or tries to win heart of others. Salespersons need to win heart of customers. These also apply for the Buddhist monks, ministers, priests, and nuns. Doctors should win heart of patients, and also the patients want to win heart of doctors. To open other’s heart is the problem of survival, and the key to solve all the problems. At the same time it might work as the cause to block all the problems. All of us live only to open other’s heart. The 3 rd dimensional material school is being operated to learn and practice opening the heart. All of us are striving eagerly to win hearts of each other in invisible rules, while we are suffering from pains. If we could win hearts of each other, most anguishes and conflicts will disappear just like melting snow. If we could enter hearts of each other, all of us could get in the kingdom of happiness. To win hearts of e...