16. The Relation between Ancestral Ghosts and Descendant

The reason why there are so many ancestral ghosts is that at the same wavelength range, ancestors and descendants react on each other. In Korea,  the sibling relationship has special meanings for long time,  the word ‘sibling’ means that that ‘in the universe, those who have the same energy frequency, like brothers and sisters, are in the same wavelength range would be mixed up with one after another and exchange their energy’.

The belief that ancestral ghosts enter the body of their descendants and do harm to them is the result of ignorance, t not knowing the world of ghost. The thought that ancestral ghosts may do harm to their descendants, who share the same energy frequency with them, is based on the material foundation of primitive  agricultural environment in the agrarian society. This thought is deeplyrooted in prejudice which it was formed through the Confucianism culture during the dark times when people’s consciousness were not awakened.

When ancestral ghosts  enter their descendants, they should follow the laws of the universe. Besides, they have a strong tendency to settle an old score and karma mainly between their nearest and dearest. Heart-break and pain will happen in the close relationship.

Ancestral ghosts or any other ghosts know life plans and programs of the possessed who they volunteer to enter. They are on the possessed, as a ghost, well aware of what their roles are like in the whole picture of  the possessed’s life plan. Shamans have tendency to speak impolitely and loudly to ancestral or ordinary ghosts during conversation. The more unware they are ofthe world of ghost, the more likely they are to do so.

They don’t know this world. That is why shamans talk roughly and yell to them and they view them as harmful and annoying things to expel and scare away. If you are fearful of them, you get to give off the emotional energy of fear toward them. Then the dark energy of fear will be amplified and come back to you. Yin energy, which ghosts and  angels in the darkness have, is amplified and return with the energy of chills and horror.

Ghosts and  angels in the darkness which Udeka have a meeting with express mutual respect and make agreeable and pleasant conversation with humor.

In this conversation, all ancestral ghosts tell us when, why, and what for they came into its descendants, and how long they will stay. They also inform us how far they have achieved their mission and ask their descendants to do ‘this and that’, expressing their love amid tears.

Rather, they are sorry for not helping them more and want them to learn something even in this way. They are serving their descendants, volunteering in the perfect love.

The concept that ancestral ghosts torture and distress their off-springs is nothing but the paradigm which is valid only in the 3rd dimensional perspective caused by fear and ignorance.

This concept is only the matrix of illusions caused by irrational fear and ignorance.

The religion related to ancestral ghost is also an artificial matrix made by using negative energy of ignorance, prejudice and horror.

Though ancestral ghosts and  angels in the darkness are not helpful right now and do harm to their descendants in the matrix of the 3rd dimensional material world, they are the precious beings who help them to carry out their own programs in order and to raise degree of completion.

It is the very ancestral ghosts that are eager to help their off-springs to be mature and live by the program that their descendants planned. They are valuable beings, who are filled with love

Ancestral ghost sometimes wails “My poor child, my poor child”, feeling sorry for their off-springs. Their cry is still ringing in Udeka’s ears.

Udeka writes.


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