The Secret of the Heaven(3): Higher-Selves Group

The Structure of the Government of Heaven(3/3)

Does the Heaven exist?
If it does, where and how?
What is it like?

The Heaven has been closed, slept and shrouded in the holy scriptures and human mind. Now we reveal the true nature of the Heaven,The knowledge of human race about the universe which is far outside of the atmosphere is no different than that of the primitive tribes or Bushmen in Africa. How long he/she has lived as spiritual person, Many people tend to believe that the higher-self exists only in his/her heart. Many people have ignorance that the higher –self is just one and unique.

<The Group of Higher selves and Supervisor>

In fact, there are multiple higher-selves for each spirit-soul.
The higher-self does exist in every odd dimension(e.g., 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17).
The maximum number of higher-selves of ascending spirit-soul is 4.
The maximum number of higher-selves of descending spirit-soul is 8.
The Government of Heaven is the united gathering of higher-selves  to serve their avatars.
The Group of Supervisors who manage higher-selves and the Government of Heaven exist in the even dimension(e.g., 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18). They may be categorized as the Heaven in broad terms.

Arrogant people do not admit that they might be wrong. Today, most of the human race is full of arrogance.

<The Government of Heaven(cosmic vessel) likes this image>

The Government of Heaven is a cosmic vessel of planet size larger than the Earth. Not fixed but moving…This is called the vessel of Universe United. The Earth belongs to the vessel of Jerusalem. The vessel of Jerusalem control and manage 3,600 planets and stars. It is the vessel of Jerusalem that the human race has been believing in as the Heaven. It is Jesus who is the Chief Commander of the vessel of Jerusalem. He is in service as the being of energy body. Jesus is directing the Government of Heaven, collaborating with children of the Creator. The Group of Supervisors in 10th dimension direct the vessel of Jerusalem. The top head of the Group of Supervisors is also Jesus, who is boarding the vessel of Phoenix which is in 17th dimension. The vessel of Phoenix is also called the ‘Duka’ spaceship.

For perfect control, the Heaven is orchestrating with twin system.
One is the Government of Heaven and the other is the Group of Supervisors.
By this dual system, the human race is managed and protected.
The Heaven is doing the best so that the wills of the Heaven is done on the Ground.
By the God’s will, the secret of the Heaven is now revealed to the Human race.

April 26, 2016. Udeka writes.
(Translated by Metrica)


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