03. "Little I"(Lower Self) and "Big I"(Higher Self) in Me

When mind got narrowed, or when harmony and balance of mind got lost, you stare at yourself becoming too stubborn to have any room even for sticking a needle in your mind and you had been in regret and despair so many times, asking yourself, "Is this who I really am? Is this my limit?" 

When "Big I" inside me emerges, love is revealed like spring water streaming out endlessly. Sometimes, fairies live in the heart. A sentiment of pity sharing the difficulty of poor people and suffering neighbors in poverty, is alive. There is also pure mind shedding tears while watching Human Theatre, sad movies or sad dramas as well. Sometimes people may free-handedly treat their friends to something special, and some people may also have showed largely selfless benevolence and fidelity toward their families.

While dealing well with “Little I” through being stick to “Big I”, sometimes “Little I” prevails ourselves and we become narrow-minded when we lose control of arising sense of justice in a flash and explode the energy of anger, exposing envy and jealousy, and then "Infinitely little I" starts to take control of "Big I", becoming a narrow-minded person.

As there is "Big I" inside me, there also is "Little I" inside me. It is a piece of our life in the third dimension which remaining ego is still taking a big part that the occasion when "Little I" appears in our lives is bigger than when "Big I" operates.

Avonal spirit Group and Daynal spirit Group originated from Giant Consciousness in the thirteenth dimension are more likely to reveal "Little I" rather than "Big I". Some people
are deeply falling into "playing Source-Creation", and people who have the ability to see lights and channel tend to delude themselves that those abilities are some sort of great
blessing. Such a delusion causes "Big I" to give its way to "Little I" and they become satisfied with having an attitude of a fattened pig for their lives or wish to gain recognition, behave as if they are the hosts, be successful and enjoy showing off themselves, even though they are just visitors to the feast for children of other town.
This happens because "Big I" is giving its way to "Little I".

Everything I need is already inside me. Every time I'm in deathly agony and nothing is going well, suffering from endless agony and anxiety of life in the material world and in conflict with family having difficulty dealing with the burden of life, "Big I" within me is sleeping and waiting to be awakened.

"Big I" inside me always stays there. It has always been there and will always be there, not going anywhere or leaving the position empty, as it has been.

To awaken "Big I" inside me, your consciousness should be awakened first, and the consciousness has to overcome fear with knowledge and wisdom, and can only be awakened by truth and charity. "Big I" inside me is to be awakened as if crops are ripening through time, moving consciousness from head to heart, putting aside concerns and worries serving for "Little I" endlessly.

Then how should I deal with "Little I" visiting me at every moment? When we are in trouble and having difficulties, we tend to look for someone outside to help us, waiting for assistance desperately, and finding God, friends, sweethearts and the truth outside.

At a time like this, start talking to yourself silently. Just try a role as a teacher to yourself, become a master to yourself or a friend to yourself or a sweetheart to yourself. Let you teach yourself and put yourself in the position of student at the same time.

This is Self-Teaching.

The project of “Big I” which overcomes “Little I” is the secret, the methodology and the
technique for awakening "Big I" that Self-Teaching has.

Udeka writes.


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