02. Me who wants to be loved

At the bottom of the deepest desires in human heart,
there is a piece of mind that we want to be with someone we love.
When you can’t be with the one you love so much,
it is quite natural to feel a deep frustration and sorrow.

Even before learning a human mind is the most fickle,
separated already,
trying to find another guy,
trying to find another girl,
in the maze of love,
the world is full of people who are looking for love.

The mind that want to be loved
and the mind that want to love
are the human nature to meet treu self.

Until you meet true yourself,
even though you already live with You,
in the corner of our mind,
there is a spoiled little child
who is suffering for loneliness.
The immature Ego, playing the baby and losing its temper, inhabits.
Before you are aware,
abandoned, crumpled, wounded,
the neglected ‘love children’ of Ego are
trembling with fear in the shade of your mind.

Even though she is a beautiful girl like flowers,
even though he is a nice-looking hot guy,
they have to live their programs of life.
As the weight of their life is beyond their practice,
they are having a lot harder time than I am,
they feel a lot more lonely than I do
and they got hurt much more than I did.
It wouldn’t take so long to discover and understand that.

When the desire for ‘being loved’ are exaggerated
and starts to lock you up in the fence,
like the waves weltering without break,
constantly and breathlessly,
negative energy such as anguish of mind, loneliness and futility
starts to come up.
When you see happy people,
you should be happy with the energy, but not.
As if cockeye people go a twisted road,
it appears as jealousy and envy energy.

The source of negativity is the absence of love.
The absence of love is caused by abnormality
that there is no love where the love should be.
As you are looking for the love
from outside materials or a sweetie, not inside you,
it is hard to avoid the absence of love.

Written by Udeka

Translated by BB. Edited by Metrica.


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