The Galaxy’s Night and the Photon belt

Both the beginning and end is the one, in other words the end is another beginning. If beginning exits, then there should be the end.

The Earth Gaia, 606th planet in Satania stellar system of Nebadon Universe, was created by the Creator’s light (breath) with the Big Dipper locating as the center. The lights originated from the Paradise of 18th dimension create all things. The characteristics of these lights are similar to the Motherhood (Yin; Negative). There should be the period which is needed for all creatures to grow and mature. This period is named as ‘Galaxy’s Night’ or ‘Bless Time in the Darkness’.

The time of ‘Galaxy’s Night’ is not the same for each planet, stellar, and galaxy. The existence of galaxy’s night means that there will be the universal program to harvest planetary material civilization and to start a new civilization.

This universal program is the ‘Photon Belt’, which is called the light to terminate civilization. The Light of Photon belt is originated from the Paradise of 18th dimension. This light has the nature of Yang (positive) and has the role of killing and harvest.

The Light of the Creator has both sides of yin and yang, namely negative and positive. The yin side (negative side) of the Creator’s Light creates and breeds all things. This light gives breathing to life and helps all things to grow and mature. By this light, the great cosmos is operated. The light, which exists everywhere to help the universe to circulate, might be referred as the ‘Light of Creation’, ‘Light of Life’, or ‘Light of Love, Mercy and Compassion’.

The light from Photon Belt is that of judgement and harvest.Also the one which accelerates changes and growth to maturity. The one which terminates the material civilization. The one which causes the change of nature. The one which separates the wheat from the chaff. The one which ripens fruit. The one which gives rise to all kinds of disasters. The one which plows up everything for the new beginnings.

In this context, the message ‘God judges by the light’ is a good metaphor. The light affects every beings with fairness and impartiality.

Every planet, stellar and galaxy has its own unique cycle of change. Whenever it is due time for termination of cycle and dimensional ascension, the light of judgement directed by the Creator comes into play. This light is known as the ‘photon belt’ in our planet. Nowadays, the intensity of this light is reaching to the critical breaking point.

This light will drive and lead all kinds of changes in our planet. The Armageddon has already started by the Photon belt. There is not enough time left for the mankind to get hints and become aware of. The era of great stirring and chaos will come.

So many sufferings, pains, partings, regrets, angers and screams. Being stunned, Peoples will scream and shout angrily to the heaven.

The heaven goes on its own way, as programmed. Never it will come down to the level of mankind’s eyes. Only the ones who realize the way of heaven shall pass the strait gate of the Heaven.

You can never find the way of the Heaven in the mainstream news or TV channel. Only those who are awakened shall save themselves.

The invisible world will control the visible world. The unpainted face of the Heaven, which has been covered and hidden, will come out. Thus, the universal truth shall spread out on this earth.

For the time to come soon, this message is put on record.
April 11, 2016. Udeka writes.
(Translated by Yeoyeo)


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