23. Ancestral God and Geomancy

Nature is a living organism. Every being is giving and taking energy to each other. Everything is the existence which serves its best at its own level of consciousness, sharing the energy of love toward each other. According to the Chinese idiom, it says ‘ruling Yin energy and adjusting Yang energy’ [Yul Reu Jo Yang : 律呂調陽] to describe this harmony of nature.

Land is breathing. The breath of land is called ‘the energy of land’. A certain site can have a weak or strong earth energy. An underground vein of water can be weak or strong. There are such spots where the energy flows in or out. There are places full of earth energy or less energy flows.

The earth is also a grand living land. The energy which the earth owns by itself is called ‘grid energy or vortex energy’. It is spread as a tremendous energy grid like a cobweb. It is supplying energy into every corner of the earth. Just like the meridian system* of our body is carrying energy into even the smallest part of our body. This energy has been being periodically rearranged.
* Meridian system quoted above include branch meridians that lead off from the 12 standard meridian as well as capillary meridian routes that lead off from branch meridians.

The rearrangement of the earth energy is called ‘grade adjustment of grid energy’. The Metatron angel group under the Government of Heaven is in charge of this work. Reclamation projects on the earth are constantly going on.In this way, the ground is re-born newly. The grid energy always flows into the new land. There always have been fine tuning processes according to times and circumstances. As the result, the energy of land is always changing.  The living organisms are revealing and expanding themselves within the change of energy. It is the variation principle of the universe.

To worship ancestors, to wish a blessing for generation after generation, to hope the late to have peace on a propitious site, to be a good son or daughter as he/she thinks ‘burying the body of their parents on a propitious site is the duty of sons and daughters’, so many people  try to find a propitious site, inviting experts of geomancy even today.

Sometimes nature reveals itself or hides itself under the rule of continuous changes. Only in changes, through the energy adjustment, the energy of the universe is always periodically being changed. The energy of land is also always being changed following the rise and fall of people on the land. This is the reason why the land is a living creature.

The Gaia is staying within the ever-changing Mother Nature. Always renewing land and heaven is exchanging energy through ruling and adjusting each other within the energy change of Gaia.

It will also be the good learning for them who dedicate their efforts to finding a better site which is always changing with 500-years old texts and 1,000 years-old geomancy texts. It is one of the various lives to enrich the matrix of 3rd dimension.

There is no eternal propitious site. When land changes, the energy of heaven also changes as  energy flows in and out. It is the rule of the universe that ‘if the heaven changes, the land changes together’.

The heaven 1,000 years ago is different, the land 500 years ago is different, the energy of land and heaven 100 years ago is different, the energy movement of land and heaven 10 years ago is different, does a text - trying to find a never changing propitious site - have any significance then? Who dare guarantee that a propitious site 30 years or 50 years ago is still effective?

The earth is energy. Land is energy. Ancestral ghosts are energy. My mind is also energy. Then where can we find a propitious site? The mind is ‘Ki(氣)’. My ancestors are energy. My land and heaven is nothing but the energy, just resonating with me. Thus where my mind stay, , there shall be ancestors, a propitious site and the Heaven. Don’t you think that the place where a piece of mind stays, my mind connecting to my ancestors and the place where the light workers are standing on, is a propitious site?

Translated by Metrica
Udeka writes.


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