11. Ghost Visiting and the Law of Attraction

I want to describe the energy transformation, which is incurred in the one who is possessed by the Brothers in the Darkness.

When the Brothers in the Darkness visit someone, it can be divided into two cases. In the first case, everyone can notice that someone got possessed by something. In the second case, no one knows that. The more competent the Brothers in the Darkness are, the better they can manipulate and take control of emotions without revealing their existences.

Angels in the darkness are much more powerful than ghosts. Their difference is quite like that of amateurs and professionals.

The heart chakra of the possessed get closed soon after ghosts or angels in the darkness visit. The possessed starts to radiate negative energy from the heart chakra and a whole body. By the law of attraction, the people who have dark and negative wave of energy are attracted to the possessed.

The ghost which is visiting for the role of darkness, not for sharing experience together, puffs out tremendous murky energy. Its smelly energy spread out just like roasting fish in a rainy day. It attracts the people who have also dark and murky energy, reacting to this energy. In this way, the possessed and attracted people start to make dramas. Thus, the possessed becomes fully different person, erupting various emotions.

The people, who are accompanying the possessed, have the same wave length as the possessed. Here are some examples:
1. the one who are possessed by Brothers in the darkness
2. the one who are sick
3. the one whose heart chakra is closed, not knowing the value of tears
4. the one who are unable to tolerate anger or annoyance
5. the one who are full of rage and sorrow
6. the one who are too competitive and selfish
7. the one who is merciless and full of greed and desire.

As a hyena is drawn to the smell of a rotten meat, the innocent and stupid people who are possessed by ghost fall into the prey of them (mentioned above) and start to lose what they have, one by one.

Some ghosts have a unique and customized energy frequency, so that they make people be attracted to a specific emotion or energy. As the result, the possessed get affected and wander away as if being lured into something for a while. Ghosts recognize each other according to the plan of heaven. They are also connected to each other as a sort of network to help each other. This is a very beautiful infallible plan. This is a visiting which could not fail. As such done it was. As such shall it be.

Let us summary the symptoms of the possessed:
1. Everything fails in the end
2. Things go well for a while, but it suddenly fall apart
3. Conflicts, disorder and troubles arise in the family
4. Whole body and mind get sick, all cells in body are suffering and negative murky energy spew from their body
5. Good people go away from the possessed. The people, having dark and dusky energy, gather around the possessed. Collectively, they are mixed up and make troubles.
6. They get annoyed and resentful too easily. Getting cock-eyed to everything they face.

Only when the possessed restore love, belief and charity, ghosts and angels in the darkness will fall back by themselves. They can not be expelled by exorcism. They will never go out until their mission is achieved. As ghosts visit people with infallible plans, the master key is just ‘YOU’.

Translated by Metrica
Udeka writes.


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