The Cross of the Universe

The meridian system, which had been blocked in our body, unlatches in the shape of Cross. Also, the realization of the Heavenly truths on Earth is like the way of the Cross.

This is the communicating principle between the Heaven and the Ground. The meanings of what a human being lives on Earth are follows. The human beings are the heaven’s noble beings who is on the journey of spirit-soul through the very narrow body of Homo-sapiens, letting their all things down, sealing all memories and abilities. Also they are the universal beings who will charge their own responsibilities of life (in other words, ‘the Cross of Life’). They are the beings who fulfill the heaven’s will on this Earth, bearing their Crosses of universe under the rules of karma and causality.

The Heaven has granted ‘EVERYTHING’ on Earth: beautiful vs ugly things, all believings of righteous vs evil, all things which could be imagined (because the human race can do everything as they imagine), all irrationality and absurdity, etc. Why does the heaven permit all the things? It is to let mankind learn the precious value of love and light which is the principle of the universe. All of you are the special cosmic beings who came here to resolve  the universal karma, bearing ‘the Cross of the Universe’. To this Earth! The toughest place of material matrix and the most deepened place in the darkness.

‘The New Cycle of the Universe’ will start simultaneously when ‘the Old Cycle of the Earth’ ends. To open the new cycle of universe, the Earth has been selected. The universal karma and causation have permeated into the tragic history of Earth. On this Earth, the universal resentment dissolution and win-win will be achieved along with the ascension of Earth. Also, all the karma of the universe will be solved in this Earth.

Mankind can see as much as they believe and believe as much as they can see, in accordance with each level of consciousness.

2.5 million years have passed in this Earth in order to dissolve the universal karma. The will of the Heaven to open the new Heaven and Ground will be manifested on this Earth. Mankind, who came here burdened with the cosmic cross, has lived tough life here with their own weight of life (their own cross of responsibility). We appreciate ‘All of You’.

All of you will reach the place where you need to go and find where you need to stay by the rules of causal relations, reflecting level of your consciousness.

Not knowing why we live, not knowing where we came from, not knowing where we go, believing that ‘all things seen’ is the whole, trapped in the matrix that money is the best, locked in rigid box of religion, fallen into the radical dichotomy of the right and wrong… you have tried your best to dissolve the universal karma. All of you are the universal travelers in your own journey of Spirit-Soul. We deeply appreciate your troubles and efforts so far.

Those, who are spiritually awakened, shall arise, accepting knowledge of the universe but not knowing the big picture. From chaos which come from natural disasters, in confusion which come from collapsing of social infrastructure, in harsh environment for survival, in deep despair and sorrow... Also, there will be a few who will search for a ray of light, overcoming all sorts of social prejudice. I, Udeka, write this message on record for the seed-like special people who will search for the truth of the invisible world, knowing ‘what it appears is not the whole’.

All of you, who read this message, are not the beings who have been plunged into the Earth without any reason. There are some reasons why you were born on this Earth. The heaven does not exist for the happiness and good fortunes of you, not for answering to your prayers and not for the welfare state and the ideal society.

Every Spirit-Soul is a cosmic being and noble creature, who learns the universal order and love and goes its own way of Spirit-Soul, just at each level of consciousness and through the evolutionary process of Spirit-Soul.

Just for the ones who search for a piece of light in this Mundane World, Udeka writes this message on record. The more you see, the more you believe. The more you believe, the more you see.

February 11, 2016
Udeka writes.

Translated by Yeoyeo. Edited by Metrica


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