
Showing posts with the label [Life TreeTV] Tuesday : The Evoutionary Journey of Spirit-Soul

[Life Tree TV] The Matrix of Enlightenment created by Religion

The Matrix of Enlightenment created by Religion It is not wrong to read 100 volumes of books on dating or love to have good romance, but we know through experiences that it is not the most appropriate way. I hope you do not make the mistake of learning how to have a baby even before getting married in order to succeed in love and marriage.   We are getting accustomed to living lives only depending on our intellectual activities although we don't know when we began to be, and our life tendencies to rely on reasoning (head) rather than feelings (heart) intensify as we become more and more materialistic. However, your true love may not be found among the ideal lovers you have imagined through hundreds of books. Instead, your true sweetheart is highly likely to be the person who makes you attracted to him/her through your heart and makes you convinced of the person as your better half.   The less we are accustomed to feeling through our hearts and talking with our hearts, the less...

[Life Tree TV] Spiritual Truth-Seekers and Religious Believers

Spiritual Truth-Seekers and Religious Believers ‘Spiritual Truth-Seekers’ are those who believe that life is a divine journey of a spirit-soul. On the other hand, religious believers are those who believe, follow, and practice the teachings of the personalized God.   ‘Spiritual Truth-Seekers’ refer to the people who believe that all things in nature are sacred in themselves because the sacred spirit-souls indwell those creatures. Religious people believe that divinity comes from a personalized God and have personalized gods in the center of their beliefs.   ‘Spiritual Truth-Seekers’ believe in the invisible world and understand that the divinity that they within themselves is no different from the nature of God.   Religious people also believe in the invisible world, but they wish to be sheltered in the bosoms of the saints they worship by relying on the teachings of their saints, rather than believing in the divinity within themselves.   The Spiritual Truth-Seekers,...

[Life Tree TV] Illuminati and Freemasons: Their True Identities

Illuminati and Freemasons: Their True Identities From the perspective of ordinary people, Illuminati and Freemasons are the core group constituting the Government of the Darkness or alternatively called the Shadow Government. They govern the planet Earth substantially, but are not overtly revealed to the world; they are the main theme of various conspiracy-theories.   They are known to be an elite group that manipulates global politics, economies, mass media, and legal systems by utilizing an incredibly powerful financial strength. Also, they are generally believed to be behind all sorts of big evil events taking place around the world.   At the level of human consciousness, Illuminati and Freemasons seem to be operated in highly secretive methods and to have built up the cartel for their own interests and the rich. This highly clandestine group of people are regarded as evil ones who have the goal of establishing the New World Order or One World Government in the world. ...

[Life Tree TV] The Final Unravelment on Robotoid

The Final Unravelment on Robotoid People who believe in the invisible world are largely religious believers, while those who believe in the invisible world from different perspectives are called spiritual truth-seekers.   Religious people who believe in the invisible world can never be free from religious matrices. Likewise, spiritual truth-seekers are not free from various conspiracy theories and false channeled messages related to the Shadow Government, Illuminati and Freemasons, and the existence of Aliens and UFOs.   Now, it is the time to unveil and correct all the misleading concepts and theories that spiritual truth-seekers have been exposed so far and to reveal matrices in which they are trapped in confusion.   The term, ‘Robotoid’, is not coined for the first time by those of the Shadow Government. This term, which can be found in channeled messages, was made by the Heavenly beings who give messages to channelers, in order to disparage human beings and instill th...

[Life Tree TV] The Principle by which Spirit-Consciousness is implemented

The Principle by which Spirit-Consciousness is implemented   (the principle by which consciousness and emotions are implemented) The origin of consciousness is the spirit that originates from the Consciousness of the CREATOR. The spirit consists of three types of Light of the CREATOR: the Thought Adjuster, the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of Holiness. Spirit-consciousness is born by integrative combined actions of the Thought Adjuster, the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of Holiness. The pure, immaculate spirit-consciousness that a newly born spirit implements under no influence of the karmic energy-field is called the Monad of the Spirit-Consciousness of the Spirit.   A spirit is given its uniqueness and individuality depending on the configuration of its Thought Adjuster. Also, depending on the mode of combination of the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Holiness apart from the Thought Adjuster, various spirits can be born by the CREATOR’s Action of the 1 st Creation. Th...

[Life Tree TV] The Birth of Thoughts (The Mechanism by which human thoughts are implemented)

The Birth of Thoughts (The Unravelment on the Mechanism by which human thoughts are implemented) The origin of thoughts is spirit-consciousness. Emotions originate from spirit-consciousness. The origin of consciousness is spirit-consciousness.   The mechanism by which thoughts are born is as follows: t he thought is born from spirit-consciousness implemented by a spirit, which has been born through the CREATOR’s Action of the 1 st Creation. The human body is created through the CREATOR’s Action of the 2 nd Creation. The thought is born from the consciousness embodied through the human body.   The Consciousness of the CREATOR → the Thought Adjuster → the Spirit of Truth → the Spirit of Holiness → the Birth of the Monad of Spirit-Consciousness → the Matrix for Soul-Consciousness → the Soul-Consciousness Program → the Birth of Spirit-Consciousness and the Birth of Soul-Consciousness → 12 Human Emotion Cords → 7 Human Consciousness Cords → the Meta board (where emotions and cons...

[Life Tree TV] The Weight of Truth

The Weight of Truth Human beings are living to expand their truths and have their truths acknowledged by others in the thoughts, feelings, consciousness, and emotions that they believe are true. Human beings are living by making choices and judgments at every moment with various levels of truths formed through their experiences and beliefs at the levels of their consciousness.   The weight of a person's life is the weight of that person's truth. The heavier the weight of a person’s life, the heavier the weight of the truth that the person carries on his shoulder. A person can endure the weight of truth as much as his vessel of mind, and the weight of his life is determined by the scale of his consciousness.   All human beings on Earth look similar in their appearances. However, the sizes of a person’s vessel of mind and consciousness are determined by the cosmic rank, age, and life program of his spirit-soul. Therefore, the weight of life and the weight of truth that people ca...

[Life Tree TV] The First Experience of a Mackerel

  The First Experience of a Mackerel When you see a fish on the table, if you call it “a mackerel", the fish gets confined in the system of signs and symbols. In other words, as soon as you recognize a fish on the table as a mackerel, the fish becomes the subject of understanding, the subject of interpretation, and the subject of criticism.   If you come up with a blue sea as you think of a mackerel, mackerel and a blue sea belong to a world of your experience and metaphor.   On the other hand, if you come up with a blue sky as you think of a mackerel, mackerel and a blue sky belong to a world of your thoughts and meta-consciousness.   The world of symbols in which a mackerel becomes a blue sea and the world of symbols in which a mackerel leads to a blue sky are linked to each other through the relationship between universality and probability, which describe two types of meta-awareness.   When you think of a mackerel, if you come up with a blue sea and then ass...