08. Stop Thinking - Pride and Proud
There is no one knows me as well as I do. The exact reverse is also true; ‘I’ am the last one to know myself. Pride and proud are the hardest to be aware of, and the easiest to perceive, one of the negativities inside me. Pride and proud are one of the negativities that fears left in inner mind is exposed to the outside. Mostly, it’s inconvenience to others rather than myself. People who think they have deeper knowledge or who believe they have extensive experiences are like the ones trying harder to make rooms in a well. The people who think they know a lot more than others have stronger pride and proud. To the people who don’t have enough consideration for others, to the people who don’t communicate with nature, to the people who think they are more superior and special than others, to the people who have more separated consciousness than oneness-consciousness, pride and proud affect them strongly. Pride and proud are source of superiority and it makes oneself hate ...