25. Shaman and Initiatory Illness

Most people won’t want to be a shaman. Far from a social status or honor, shamans tend to be scorned and treated contemptuously. It is a tough life in that they have to endure social prejudice and negative stereotype in a society. The position of a shaman has fallen to the low, compared to  that of a minster, a monk, a nun, or a priest. Although their lives are far from honorable, they do glorious deeds in the dark side. This is the destiny of a shaman.

Most of them believe that they live a shaman’s life by destiny and they cannot help it. They accept that although they don’t want, they cannot avoid their lives with resignation and from a fatalistic standpoint. They admit that they are shamans by profession and live with a sense of duty as a shaman.

They act as a bridge between the 3rd dimensional physical world and the 4th dimensional astral plane. Also they have their roles of a medium or a psychic in terms of energy. Most of them are the ascending spirit-souls and have to take the required courses in the program of this lifetime. Among the required courses, their lives are programmed as a shaman.

Before they become a shaman, most of them tend to face a mysterious disease, which is called ‘Mu-Byoung’. It is  a lingering and ill-defined illness which forces a candidate of shaman to accept the destiny that makes him/her live as a medium.  In most cases, ‘Mu-Byoung’ causes much more pains than rheumatism does. Especially, visual and auditory hallucinations are characteristic symptoms of ‘Mu-Byoung’: rheumatism is one of the general disease which causes whole body aches. If one suffers from rheumatism, then the one is paying for one’s karma.
* Mu-Byoung: the word ‘Mu’ means the world of shaman. ‘Byound’ means disesase. Mu-Byoung is a sort of disease, which is most commonly found in the world of shamans.

They suffer from an ill-defined illness, their relationships with others go sour and in the end they get to be far from their family. Through this process of arrangement, they come to undergo a psychic’s life. They begin to study and explore the spiritual world on their own and volunteer their service to the human race at the same time.

Among the programs of life, main program must be implemented. To do so, the invisible beings help you go through the given course. This program is being processed in the complete control of the Government of Heaven.

Mu-Byoung is a mandatory course as a psychic. Most of shaman accept their life as a shaman to release themselves from the pain and torment of Mu-Byoung. Mu-Byoung sticks to a shaman like undetached gum by the time they finish their experience of a shaman’s life. It acts as a new type of a seal.

Udeka writes.
Translated by Metrica


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