04. The Role of a Ghost

In the Eastern culture, it has been told that a Grim Reaper dressed in black shows up to take the dead person to the afterlife world. Several years ago, a Korean drama dealing a subject of ghosts and souls was on air by SBS, one of biggest broadcasters in Korea.

Actually, there are certain angel groups, not dressed in black though, guiding Sprit-Souls separated from their body to the fifth dimensional astral plane. Those angels heal and comfort souls trembling with fear or severely damaged from accidents or disasters. The damaged souls need light for healing. By the help of added light, they are easily allowed to go to the astral plane.

Most of Spirit-Souls usually follow the guidance of angels when they leave this world. But if they have grudge, resentment or desperate wish, they could take a process to solve their pent-up feelings through the mediation of angels. A ghost can be used to make people, who need a lesson of life or need to solve their Karma at this life, experience dark side of life or a rough life, with the ghost  having more power than his guiding angels. The role given to a ghost is limited within the range that Sprit-Souls living in the material world will be able to sustain.

If someone is living with the possessed, it means there is a lesson that the possessed has to learn at first. And it also means that his family or spouse have to let some feelings out or solve the grudge of ghost through experiences which the ghost provides.Visiting an exorcist and performing an exorcism can not solve everything. Sometimes a little clue can be provided to solve the problem that caused to bring a ghost.  Through exorcism they might understand what grudge the ghost has. However, in the case there is still something left what they have to learn, the ghost goes back to him and continues his duty within 3months of exorcism. Through this suffering process, people will learn everything what they have to learn, while wasting their property.

The key message from the Heaven in this experiment of utilizing ghosts is :
“The tangling and hitching of egos, which should be transformed into the love, mercy, respect and gratitude, be solved by experiencing ghosts.”

Ghosts will never be gone until the possessed or surrounding people of him learn value of life or lessons they need to learn. Performing exorcism or spiritual rituals never expel ghosts. The only way to expel ghosts is to comprehend every lesson people need to learn. Once ghosts achieve their goals and solve Karma, then they will go back to the astral plane.

There are many variations in the hierarchy of power. For example, ghost A may be more powerful than ghost B. In terms of the role, there are differences. There are ghosts playing a role of the light, or a role of the intermediate, or a role of the dark. Even in the world of ghost, there is a hierarchy and a being containing brighter light is a winner. The ghosts do not have the notion of space and time.

Even ghosts playing a role of the darkness can not intervene human being's right at their free will. If a ghost breaks this rule, the ghost will be recalled by angels and should take all the responsibility. A role of ghost is allowed only within the permitted range.

The ghost having low level of consciousness will be given a role to make people experience a state of low level of consciousness. Learning will go on even in the afterlife by doing a role as a ghost. While a ghost continues learning by itself, it may go into someone's body who needs the same level of learning and makes him experience what he needs. Actually both the ghost and possessed experience what they need to learn. We attract various dark experience by way of our thinking or feeling under the law of attraction. More talented ghosts can perform their duty better than others with the possessed  NOT being aware of it. There are so many talented ghosts in this world. So that people can not recognize whether they are possessed or not. They think they do something only with their thoughts and feelings, but the truth is that it might be ghosts' ability to induce them to do something bad or weird. The Spirit-Souls, who has descended from higher dimension will be led and trained through inner voice of their higher-self.

Team Udeka has never seen a person without a ghost within him. Please, throw away vague horror, fear or wrong prejudice. There are just a few ghosts going off the rails. Most of ghosts are our family, friends and colleague. They should be respected because they are taking difficult roles to help us to enrich our life and our experience.

Translated by Metrica
Udeka writes.


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