the Operating Mechanism of Miracles

It is said that the miracle occurs when incurable diseases are cured beyond the current technology of humankind. The miracles and wonders that incurable diseases are cured can occur when the following conditions are met in the invisible world.

1.       THE FIRST CONDITION: A special energy-field should be built for the patient. Miracles can only occur in the invisible special energy-field with the help of the celestial angels and space-ship.

2.      THE SECOND CONDITION: Curing diseases may seem like a curer’s procedure or behavior. But in the invisible world, Raphael angels, the celestial practitioners, access to the human body and cure the human in the invisible world (the Intangible Middle Layer () and the Intangible Deep Layer ()). In order to cure incurable diseases, there must be invisible support from the energy beings (angels). Further, the healer should have the command over the angels.

3.      THE THIRD CONDITION: The healer should be given the authority to eliminate (destroy) life in life. From the view of human, germs and virus, and cancer cells are bad things and should be eliminated. In contrast, from the view of the universe, they are all the creatures created by the Creator and have reasons to exist by themselves. If a person has gotten an incurable disease, it means that there are so many lives in his/her body beyond the threshold. Wonders and miracles can occur only if the healer have the scientific technology that can eliminate the numerous lives in life or you are given such authority from the Heaven.

4.      THE FOURTH CONDITION: The healer should be able to solve the cause of incurable disease from the invisible world. Human incurable diseases are programmed at birth, which are mostly built as a Karmic Energy-Field in the Human Intangible Deep Layer () with the form of a seal. The miracle that the inherent disorders and incurable diseases are cured can be done only by those who have the authority to dissolve the Karmic Energy-field.

5.      THE FIFTH CONDITION: The following miracles are possible only when the authority to supply Baek () energy – Suhn-Chun-ji-Shin (先天之神; the innate divine energy), Suhn-Chun-ji-Ki (先天之氣; the innate Ki), Suhn-Chun-ji-Jung (先天之精; the innate Vital energy) – to the human body is permitted.

l  Human rejuvenation
l  Old man gets new teeth.
l  Aged eyes return to normal.
l  Rebirth from death
l  Life extension

Only those, who have been given the authority of the Heaven to transcend human life and death, can cure human incurable diseases and perform wonders and miracles.

In the view of humanity, the cure for incurable diseases may seem like a miracle. From the perspective of the Heaven, it is just a part of the Heaven’s program, and it is just what should happen.

In the 6th Layer of the human Intangible Deep-Layer (), there are 5 strata. The Wonders and Miracles in the Human Body can occur when the healer has access to each stratum.

     In the 1st stratum, there is a life circuit diagram. The miracle is possible only when the healer has access to the life circuit diagram. In addition to the access to the life circuit diagram, you must have the authority to change the setting values of the life circuit diagram.

     In the 2nd stratum, there are Karmic Energy-field to affect the internal organs. In order to perform the miracles, the healer must have the authority to dissolve the Karmic Energy-field which has caused the incurable diseases.

     In the 3rd stratum, there are Karmic Energy-field to affect consciousness and emotions. The Karmic Energy-field causing mental disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, are built in this stratum. In order to perform miracles, you must have the authority to access and dissolve the Karmic Energy-field in this stratum.

     When the healer can access and dissolve the Karmic Energy-field in the 4th and 5th strata, you can perform complete miracles.

In the course of the Earth Dimensional Ascension, there will be a time of wonder and miracle that humanity has never experienced before.

To show that there is the Heaven,
To manifest the invisible Heaven to the visible Heaven,
To begin the New Ground Under the New Heaven,
To introduce the era of Eui-Tong (醫通; Supernatural power of healing),
To open the era of Life Truth,

Captain Udeka says that the wonders and miracles are planned by the Heaven.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by SNY. Edited by Metrica.


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