The Final Unravelment on Human Personality

The following is a summary about the influential factors that impacts the most on human personality. (The factors are organized in order of influence)

1.       As the larger the size of the spirit is, the brighter the spirit is, and the higher the density of the spirit is, Spirit consciousness plays the bigger role.

The spirit is granted from the Creator. Spirit energy is manifested from spirit consciousness. Spirit energy is unchanging energy. Spirit energy is the purest energy in the Universe. It has the greatest impacts on human personality. It represents the characteristics of the Original Spirit. If the spirit energy is sealed or shrunk, human personality also changes.

2.      The Influence of Thought Adjuster

For the journey of the spirit and the material experience of the spirit-soul, the spirit should receive the thought adjusters from the Creator. Depending on the content of the thought adjusters, the direction of the evolutionary journey of the spirit is determined. The features of thought adjusters determine the characteristics of the spirit or spirit-soul. This holds for plant, animals and humans.

3.      The Soul Consciousness Program

In order for a spirit to experience the material world, it must be given the thought adjusters from the Creator. When the program of the spirit-soul, i.e., the program of a life is prepared and planned in the Heaven, the soul consciousness program optimized for the nature of the thought adjusters should be installed. After this is done, the source energy of the spirit-soul is finally determined.

By the nature of the thought adjusters and the soul consciousness program, the characteristics of the higher-selves are determined. The nature of the higher-selves determine the characteristics of the avatar (human being).

4.      The matrix of the light, intermediate and darkness installed in the soul energy

The soul consciousness is determined by the soul-consciousness program and the matrix of the light, intermediate and darkness. The matrix of light allows us to recognize the essence of things without distortion. The matrix of the intermediate and darkness has distortion in recognizing objects, which is like seeing objects with sunglasses.

Depending on the type of matrix installed in the soul energy, the political tendency, the level of consciousness that recognizes the reality, and the way in which we solve the problems are varying. It is an important factor in the formation of human personality.

In the Oriental studies, the debates between Seong-Suhn-Sul (性善說; the theory that human nature is fundamentally good) and Seong-Ag-Sul (性惡說; the theory that human nature is fundamentally evil) refer to the type of matrix that is installed in the soul energy. In general, the relative proportion of matrix among the light, intermediate and darkness is 4 : 2 : 4.

5.      The MHCIS (Meta-Humanoid Consciousness Implementation System)

There is an invisible system that forms the human mind and consciousness, which is called the MHCIS (Meta-Humanoid Consciousness Implementation System). The MHCIS is located in the inter-dimensional space of Simpo (心包; invisible outer layer of heart).

All life forms have intangible devices that implement consciousness. The MCIS (Meta-Consciousness Implementation System) installed in human beings consists of three layers of unconsciousness, subconscious, and current consciousness. The MCIS is an important factor in determining the intelligence or talents of human.

6.      Emotion Cords and Consciousness Cords

There are twelve intangible devices in the Conception Vessel (CV; 任脈, Im-Maek, Sea of Eum) where the emotions of human beings are generated. Those are called the Emotion Cords. There are seven intangible devices in the Governor Vessel (GV; 督脈, Dok-Maek, Sea of Yang) on the back of human body, which are called the Consciousness Cords. These cords are connected to the MCIS to make human mental operation, which is finally recognized in the brain. Thus, those cords have direct impacts on human personality.

7.       The Influence of Baek Energy

A garment is needed for a spirit-soul to experience the material world. For plants, the various species of plants are their coats. For animals, the various species are their varying coats. Human beings are wearing coats called Homo-Sapiens. The Homo -Sapiens are divided into four major types according to their characteristics. The four types are further expanded into the 12 tribes.

The major 4 types of Homo-Sapiens are as follows:

l  Uh-Ryu (魚類; the Baek-energy of fishes)
Ø  Kidney is strong.
Ø  Reason is developed.

l  Jo-Ryu (鳥類; the Baek-energy of birds)
Ø  Heart is strong.
Ø  Intuition is well developed.

l  Gahb-Ryu (甲類; the Baek-energy of insects, crustaceas and reptiles)
Ø  Lung is strong.
Ø  Physical strength is good.
l  Ju-Ryu (走類; the Baek-energy of mammals)
Ø  Liver is strong.
Ø  Emtion is rich and well developed.

Depending on the combination ratio of the four genetic traits that compose human body, the personality of human will change.

8.      Infuence by Energy-Beings in the Heaven

The following energy-beings may affect the human personality.

l  Ghosts or angels in the spiritual world of 5th dimension (Astral Plane of the Earth, the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet Earth)
l  Angels in the 7th dimension (the Third sphere-angels), angels of darkness in the 7th dimension
l  Angels in the 9th dimension (the Second sphere-angels), angels of darkness in the 9th dimension
l  Angels in the 11th dimension (the First sphere-angels), angels of darkness in the 11th dimension

Those who directly experience the energy beings of darkness to resolve their karmas may suffer from schizophrenia, tristimania, and depression.

All the mental disorders such as gibberish, Devils Rampage, explosive anger (emotional dysregulation),  schizophrenia may be caused by invisible energy-beings.

Energy-beings known as ghosts, angels, Satan or demons have the wavelengths that could disturb human sentiment and consciousness. Using this wavelength band, the energy-beings can disturb human emotion and consciousness or cause schizophrenia.

Experience of dark and stuffy energy is beyond affecting human personality and makes human difficult to live a normal life. In this way, human’s own karmas should be dissolved. By the intervention of these energy-beings, a human life is in complete control and supervision of the heaven.

I leave this message just for the record.

March 23, 2018.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Yang-Woon. Edited by Metrica.


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