The Garment of Spirit-Soul

The spirit-soul is an energy. The spirit-soul is an energy-being that has consciousness and feelings. The spirit-soul does not feel a sensation and hunger. The spirit-soul has no concept like male and female. The spirit-soul does not even sleep.

The spirit-soul needs to wear garment for its material experience. The spirit-soul needs to wear clothes to get life. The spirit-soul have to wear an overcoat for its evolution. The spirit-soul’s garment is predetermined according to the size and spectrum of the spirit. The spirit-soul’s overcoat depends on the journey of evolution.

Some spirit-souls enter a mineral called tungsten and are traveling through the material experience. Some spirit-souls are traveling through the material experience, wearing an overcoat of diamond, rose, wild ginseng or bean.

Some spirit-souls are traveling through the material experience, wearing an overcoat of earth worm, frog, snake, pig or tiger.

Some spirit-souls are wearing men’s overcoat and some are wearing women’s overcoat to do the material experience. Some spirit-souls are born with a handsome overcoat and some with a shape beautiful enough for the material experience.

The spirit-souls must wear an overcoat for the journey of material experience. The spirit-souls can evolve only through the material experience.

An overcoat worn by the spirit-souls can be largely divided into minerals, plants, and animals. The overcoats that the spirit-souls wear is called “Sam-Na-Mahn-Sang (森羅萬象; Everything in the material world)”. The more spirit-souls are born, the more various overcoats must be prepared for the material experience. As long as the birth of the spirit-souls does not stop, the Creator must constantly create and supply life forms for the spirit-souls to wear, which is why the Heaven should exist.

The more the spirit-souls evolve, the more necessary it is to create a new model for the implementation of higher consciousness and feelings. As the spirit-souls and the Great universe evolve, the Creator must constantly create overcoats that are essential for the spirit-souls to evolve. The evolution of the Great universe will stop if the Creator fails to create new life forms and provide the overcoats. The evolution of the Great universe will stop if the Creator fails to fulfill his role.

As the universe evolves, there is a state-of-the-art overcoat created to enable the highest consciousness and the highest level of diverse and complex feelings in the universe. Homo-Sapiens (Human) is the newest humanoid overcoat. It is the lucky chance in the universe to have the material experience of Spirit-Soul in the newest humanoid overcoat, Human. Homo-Sapiens, the newest model in the universe, is a wearable overcoat only on the planet Earth, which is both a seed planet and an experimental planet.

Every spirit-soul has its own overcoat to wear. The overcoat of spirit-soul is predetermined according to the spectrum, size, brightness, age and evolutionary journey of the spirit-soul.

The overcoat that the spirit-soul can wear is various. All the spirit-souls are wearing their overcoats. The spirit-souls are going through the material experience in an overcoat suitable for the spirit-soul’s evolutionary process. The spirit-souls are wearing thick overcoats and living as life-forms for their evolutions.

Some spirit-souls are born and live as minerals, plants, animals and humans. Wearing clothes for each spirit-soul, in each of its positions, in the reincarnation system of the planet, in the life cycle, and in the netting of the Heaven, the spirit-soul is wearing individual clothes and doing the material experience for its evolution.

The spirit-souls is an aliveness, a life, the circulation of life and the flag of life.

December 15, 2018.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Buchae-Dosa. Edited by Metrica.


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