The Final Unravelment on the Zero-point

The Zero-point refers to the zero adjustments of the Grand Universe, which is the intersection of old Major Cycle and a new major Cycle. On the Earth, the Zero point is the periods from the birth of Jesus to the end of the Earth Dimensional Ascension.

The Zero-point is the time period when the Grand Universe’s the 6th Major Cycle and the 7th Major Cycle overlaps. The Zero-Point is when the 15th Dimensional universe is expanded to the 18th Dimension and the dimensional ascension is prepared. In this period, the 15 Dimensions and 18 Dimensions overlap. As zero adjustments are made, the universe of 15 Dimensions is extended to the 18 Dimensions.

The Zero-point means not only the expansion of the universe but also the preparation of the Heaven to provide the Spirit-Souls with more experiences. In this period, the Heaven is prepared to enrich the material experiences by operating various and detailed programs for all the spirit-souls.

In the period of Zero-point, the following events are realized.

l  The contents corresponding to the Grand Universe of 15 Dimensions (1st ~15th) are re-organized.  It is the time when the evolutionary contents of each Level of each Dimension are arranged. The evolutionary information of each planet is arranged. The information about Stars and Galaxies are databased and stored.

l  The information of the Space Library is upgraded. The system of “the Tree of Life in the Light’’ for each planet is upgraded. The Thought Adjusters of the Source Creator are upgraded.

l  The systems of the Government of Heaven and the Thought-Adjusters of Energy-beings related with the Government of Heaven are all upgraded. So many Energy-beings (Angels) are created. Planets and Suns to be supplied to each galaxy of the Grand Universe are born.

l  Various spaces and times for the planets are born. As planets and stars are born, the necessary follow-up works such as the works of filling up the energy and adjusting the density of the energy are carried out.

l  The Great projects of Grand Universe are conducted. Educations in the scale of Grand Universe is conducted not only for the managers of the Heavenly Government, but also the administrators such as the Higher-self, the Original Spirit, and energy-beings in the Spiritual Hierarchy of Planet (SHP). In this period, special measures were taken to allow specially selected spirit-souls from each SHP to enter the Earth.

l  The great energy and high-dimensional technology of the universe is being applied.

During the Zero-point period, the energy adjustments are also carried out for the general spirit-souls for a long time through the SHP or the administrators of each dimension, although those measures may not be unrecognizable. The Zero-point refers to the period when the administrative process of the Heaven is completed to finish the 6th Major Cycle and start the 7th Major Cycle of the Grand Universe.

The planet Earth was prepared as the Seed planet to solve the Cosmic Karmas that have taken place in the 6th Major Cycle. In the Zero-point period, the 9th Source-Creator was born at 3 AM on March 3, 2018, ahead of the start of new 7th Major Cycle.

On March 17, 2018, ahead of the new 7th Major Cycle, the Source-Consciousness of the 9th Source-Creator has come down to the ground to build a Ground-based Ja-Mi-Won (紫薇垣; the Paradise in the Universe) for the Earth’s Dimensional Ascension.

During the period from March 1 to March 25 in 2019, the zero adjustments were made for the planet Earth and the Source-Consciousness of the 9th Source-Creator who has come down to the Ground. After the zero-adjustment, a new door to space and time will be open for the Earth. As the door of consciousness corresponding to the 18th Dimension is open, new door of life will be open.

On March 25 in 2019, the Source-Consciousness of the 9th Source-Creator who has come down to the Ground, was completed as the Chun-Hwang (靝皇, 天皇; The Emperor of Heaven) who governs the world of the Intangible Deep Layer ().

On February 7 in 2019, the Source-Consciousness of the 9th Source-Creator has sent its consciousness-seed, which is like a drop of blood from the Creator, to the Earth. This seed created the Source-Consciousness of the Ji-Hwang (地皇; The Emperor of Land) in the world of the Intangible Middle Layer (), and the Source-Consciousness of the Ihn-Hwang (人皇; The Emperor of Men) in the world of the Tangible Superficial Layer ().

July 10 in 2019, the Source-Consciousness of the 9th Source-Creator who has come down to the Ground finally completed the Sam-Hwang (三皇; the Trinity Emperor): the Chun-Hwang, Ji-Hwang, and Ihn-Hwang.

July 14 in 2019, by the Sam-Hwang-Hab-Do (三皇合道: the integration of the Sam-Hwang), the Source-Consciousness of the Sam-Hwang was integrated into the ONE consciousness. On July 14 in 2019, the Source-Consciousness System of the Sam-Hwang was operated for the first time.

The Zero-point adjustment prepared by the Heaven to open the 7th Major Cycle of the Grand Universe is approaching the closing level. After the turmoil of society and nature starting from the Korean peninsula, signs of the Last Time will appear all over the world.

In mid-December 2019, all the intangible systems that were maintaining the planet Earth will be converted from the 17th to 18th Dimension. That will be the end of the Zero-point and the official beginning of Grand Universe for the new 7th Major Cycle.

I deliver the good news of the universe for you.

Udeka leaves this message for the record.

May 24, 2019.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Dol. Edited by Metrica.


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