The Appearance of Human and the Sprite of the body

The Energy of Spirit-Soul-Baek is the energy of the non-material world. The Spirit has the highest vibrational frequency of light and symbolizes the Creator's Divinity among the spirit, soul and baek. The Soul has lower vibrational frequency than the Spirit, but higher than the Baek energy. The Baek energy has the lowest vibrational frequency among the three and is alternatively called “the Sprite of the body”.

The Baek energy is made up of the energy of Sam-Hwang (三皇; the Trinity Emperor).
The Baek energy is composed of three parts: Suhn-Chun-ji-Jung (先天之精; the innate Vital energy), Suhn-Chun-ji-Ki (先天之氣; the innate Ki), Suhn-Chun-ji-Shin (先天之神; the innate divine energy).

The set of three energies gather to form a consciousness, which is called the Baek energy or the Sprite of the body. The Sprite of the body originates from the Gaia consciousness supplied from the inner core of the planet, and is managed by the Yung-Dan (靈團; the Spiritual Hierarchy) of the planet.

l  Suhn-Chun-ji-Shin (先天之神):
Ø  This energy lies in the heart.
Ø  This energy symbolizes the fire and Ihn-Hwang (人皇; The Emperor of Men).

l  Suhn-Chun-ji-Ki (先天之氣):
Ø  This energy lies in the lung.
Ø  This energy symbolizes the wind and Chun-Hwang (靝皇, 天皇; The Emperor of Heaven).

l  Suhn-Chun-ji-Jung (先天之精):
Ø  This energy lies in the kidney.
Ø  This energy symbolizes the water and Ji-Hwang (地皇; The Emperor of Land).

The Spirit-Souls need garments to experience the material world. Human beings are humanoids dressing in a coat called Homo-Sapiens. The human body is a bowl containing the Spirit-Soul. The human body is the flag of life. The human body is the clothing of the Spirit-Soul. The human body is one of the Spirit-Soul’s clothes which the Spirit-Souls most wish to wear. It’s the latest model in the Universe.

The Spirit-Soul needs the Baek energy to wear a coat of human. The Back energy is the energy that can activate a physical body when the Spirit-Soul wears the coat, the human body. The operation of Spirit-Soul-Baek energy enables the Spirit-Soul to enjoy the material experience through the human body.

The Spirit-Soul-Baek energy is a set of three energies to accompany the journey into the material world. The Spirit-Soul-Baek energy is evolving. The Sprite of the body cannot evolve on its own, and is determined by the Yung-Dan (靈團; the Spiritual Hierarchy) when the Spirit-Soul wears its coat.

The Sprite of the body does not change once it is assigned to a Spirit-Soul. Only when the Spirit-Soul leaves Yung-Dan (靈團) of the planet, the Sprite of the body part from the Spirit-Soul. The origin of the Baek energy is the energy of the Earth’s Gaia.

There is no distinction of male and female in the Spirit-Soul. This is the same for the Sprite of the body. We may see through our third eyes that the Sprite, a non-material energy body, is much like the present avatar.

The Spirit-Soul lives a lot of lives through reincarnation. The Sprite of the body also receives a new body every time it reincarnates. The Sprite of the body has its own vibrational frequency and live many different lives as different forms. The Sprite of the body keeps a consistent shape through various reincarnations.

In the process of dissolving the karma energy field of members in “the Tree of Life in the light”, actual characters related to the karma energy field are revealed. It is often very surprising to compare the current avatar with a picture of the actual characters who had lived in the past. We may see a lot of similarities in appearances in spite of a difference in time, space, sex. Apart from the appearances, the energy radiated from appearance is also quite similar.

50 types of appearances are prepared in the Yung-Dan (靈團) of the Earth for male and female, respectively. It’s the appearance of you in this life that you chose one of these 50 types of appearances. Your prototype in the Intangible Deep Layer () is gradually manifested from the time you are born into the Tangible Superficial Layer ().

The Spirits-Souls from extraterrestrial planets should go through the Yung-Dan (靈團) of the Earth. The Yung-Dan (靈團) of the Earth has a variety of models for humans. The Spirit-Souls from extraterrestrial planets receive the human body that is most similar to the life forms on their planets.

The Spirit-Souls from reptile planets are born with the most similar appearance to reptilian appearance. To the Spirit-Souls who lived on reptile planets, the Sprite of body that is the most similar to the appearance of reptiles and has the closest vibrational frequency of reptiles are assigned.

When a human being dies, the body returns to the soil. The three energies of Spirit-Soul-Baek go back to the Yung-Gye (靈界; the astral plane in the 5th dimension). As they stay in the Yung-Gye (靈界), they go through the purification process to cleanse and heal the contaminated and turbid energies generated during the process of the material experience.

As the Baek energy has a relatively low vibrational frequency compared to the Spirit-Soul, the time for the Baek energy purification takes less than the Spirit-Soul. In the Yung-Gye (靈界), the damaged and contaminated Baek energy is recovered by more than 70%.

The Sprite of the dead, who was seriously injured in a war, died of a severe car accident, brutally murdered, gets also damaged even though it is energy-being. In the Yung-Gye (靈界), the Baek energy is healed to receive new body.

In the invisible world, the Spirit-Soul-Baek energy is being managed, healed and purified. The reincarnation of the Spirit-Soul-Baek is directed by the way the Heaven works in the Yung-Gye (靈界).

Jan 9, 2019.

Udeka Writes  

*Translated by Taejo. Edited by Metrica.


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