The Final Unravelment on Hypertension

The heart is at the center of the blood circulation. With the heartbeat, the blood circulation begins. The source energy that causes the heartbeat comes from the intangible device of the heart. Among the intangible devices surrounding the heart are devices that generate magnetic field. Along with the generation of magnetic field, magnetic field is created between blood and blood vessels like magnetic levitation train, and the blood circulation begins without friction.

If magnetic field is generated in the intangible device that constitutes the heart, Yung-Ki (營氣; The energies circulating in the twelve main meridian routes) begins to circulate along with the blood circulation. This function and role of the heart was called Sim-Saeng-Hyul (心生血; creation of magnetic forces by heart-beats to circulate bloods) in Oriental Medicine. Sim-Saeng-Hyul (心生血) describes the mechanism that magnetic field generated in the intangible device comes out of the heart.

There is an intangible device that always keeps the amount and speed of blood supplied to the heart constant, so that the heartbeat can fluctuate at a constant rate. This intangible device belongs to the liver. This process in the liver was called So-Seol (疏泄) process (various stretching mechanism in body governed by liver). The liver must send blood to the heart at a constant amount and constant speed. If this mechanism does not occur normally, the heart will have arrhythmia.

Blood is purified by the kidney, spleen and liver, and enters the heart, receives the action of Sim-Saeng-Hyul (心生血), becomes fresh blood with the supply of fresh oxygen from the alveoli, and circulates throughout the body.

In the kidney, blood passes through the glomeruli, removing the contaminated material. The removed material becomes urine, and the blood becomes fresh blood.
The spleen is responsible for recalling and destroying damaged red blood cells during the circulation of blood.

The spleen is responsible for filtering contaminated blood. The liver is responsible for chemically purifying blood through the process of Gan-Jang-Hyul (肝臟血; bloods refreshing in liver)

Fresh blood that has left the heart goes through the process of blood circulation, being purified through the kidney, spleen and liver, and then goes back to the heart. The heart is at the center of all internal organs.

There is an intangible device in the heart that supports the function of the heart. It is connected to the intangible devices of other internal organs through 53 sensors. Due to this, the heart plays a role as the organ of monarch in our body.

Just before the blood enters the heart, it is affected by the intangible device associated with the heart. This field was not mentioned in Oriental medicine. Among many intangible devices associated with the heart, this intangible device is affecting the blood pressure and the composition of blood.

There are two functions in this intangible device.

(1) The first function is the final recalling of the contaminated blood.
If the function of the intangible device that recalls the contaminated blood in the blood is degraded,
Contaminated blood flows through the blood vessels
The congestion of blood occurs
Wastes accumulate in capillaries or muscles
As the congested blood is counted in as the whole blood volume
The mechanism of creating new blood is reduced
New blood supply is reduced
The viscosity of the blood becomes higher and turbid
As the heart is getting more pressure
Hypertension will occur

Hypertension is caused by an abnormality of this intangible device. When this intangible device is operating normally, the symptoms of hypertension are alleviated.
With one or two light treatments, we were able to experience that hypertension symptoms are normalized through the normalization of the function of this intangible device.

(2) The second function of this intangible device is to control the viscosity of the blood, the turbidity of the blood and the composition of the blood, etc.
It serves as a control center for the secretion and control of 26 blood components.
If this function is degraded or has a problem
The abnormality of blood occurs
Blood cancer occurs
Problems with energy metabolism occur
Abnormalities in the lymphatic system occur
Abnormalities in the immune system occur
Diseases caused by abnormalities of hormone metabolism occur

The secret of the human body in the invisible world, the cause of hypertension and arrhythmia in the invisible world are left behind record in coordination with the Heaven, for those with right time-line and for those whose consciousness are awakening.

Opening the era of Life Truth…

May 12, 2018.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Genesis. Edited by Metrica.


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