The principle of talking to the plants or animals

There are talented people who can talk to the plants or animals, which include intercommunication with and emotional connection to the plants or animals.

This is known as ‘Man-Mul-Hyung-Tong’ (capability of communicating to everything) in the circle of disciplinants, and as ‘channeling’ among spiritual persons. They can talk to flowers, trees, and even element-spirits (e.g., inorganic substance of chairs or football). In the process of Armageddon, peoples who can communicate to plants, animals and even element-spirits will increase dramatically, without knowing anything about the invisible worlds.

When this kind of special ability is given without one’s recognition, then fears will arise at first. Most people will approach to and understand their ability with fear and curiosity. But as the time passes by, the fears caused by the special ability are temporary and will vanish gradually. The feeling of superiority will be merged into conceit and arrogance. In the end, they might fall into ‘swamp of channeling’ and be destroyed fully.

Whatsoever you could talk to, all communicating counterparts are not the actual plants, animals, and element-spirits, etc. That is, talking to a plant does not mean that you are directly talking to ‘the plant’. In universe, this is not possible.

Talking to plants or animals means that you are granted the authority to connect to the ONENESS consciousness of plants or animals. This access privileges are granted by the Government of Heaven that controls the ONENESS network of plants or animals.

In plain language, the channeler connects to the network of the Government of Heaven which is already connected to the network of ONENESS consciousness of plants and animals. Thus, the channeler could share all the information about the plants and animals through the network. Plants or animals do not talk to you individually, but you are just sharing the ONENESS network through the Government of Heaven.

Both being connected to a channel source and seeing the invisible world means that the authority of connecting to the systems of Government of Heaven is allowed by Heaven. Channeling to one’s higher-self also is done in this framework. The communication is possible only when connection to the Consciousness-Information network in Heaven is accepted. And there is no exceptions in this principle.

All the channeling messages and visions (hologram images) are controlled strictly by the Government of Heaven, which is monitored and regulated thoroughly by the Supervisors Group.

There is nothing that happens by accident in the world. No matter whom - plant, animal, ghost, guide angel, or other beings in high dimension, whatsoever - you are talking to and have channelings with, everything is under the perfect control of Heaven. Every single message or hologram image is processed by the program which is supposed to occur. This is the way of Heaven.

Armageddon will be prepared and processed just like this way. All the things and events which will be played by the false prophets – such as fake the Creator, many fake Jesus, and many fake Buddha – are to be done, following the program of Heaven.

Even though you can talk to a rose, you are not talking to the rose directly. It is not real. The channeling is possible beyond time and space. Mankind can do nothing but receive the channeling messages by Heaven’s intention and the wills of Heaven. Mankind with no discernment will have no choice but to believe their seeing and hearing as truth. They will just see and hear as it is seen and heard.

If you got special ability, it is not because you are superior, excellent in practicing asceticism, or a faithful prayer. The answer is simple: “you were simply chosen for your roles and duties.” Your special capability means that you’ve got an access privilege to Heaven. In this case, access scope, level of information, effective maturity for the capability and the degree of truthfulness are already determined by Heaven. Also the abilities will last regardless of your own free will, and will not disappear until when the given roles and duties are ended. But once the given roles and duties are over, the connection will be shut out instantly just like a switch off.

Please watch out your steps carefully, just like walking on thin ice, with putting down your conceit and arrogance.

Even though everything depends on you, as you will see later, there is nothing wrong in the universe.

Good luck to you.

June 17, 2016.
Udeka writes.
*Translated by Yeoyeo. Edited by Metrica.
