14. The limit of stop thinking
As you can’t convince yourself,
whom are you trying to convince?
As you can’t move your own heart,
whomever do you think you can impress?
Not admitting yourself,
whom can you admit?
While you can’t talk to yourself,
do you want to meet a spirit-soul who speak the same language?
Right now, not loving yourself,
To whom are you giving a vow of love?
Love is a way of communication.
How can you say love without communication?
Love is a way of conversation.
How can you explain love without conversation?
Love is a side of understanding.
How can you describe love without understanding?
Love is another expression of keen interest.
How can you love someone without passionate concern?
The negativity coming up from deep inside,
we think we could control by our own wills.
Ceasing thoughts,
stopping intentions and actions,
controlling our emotions perfectly,
we think we could be the sovereign of our emotions.
By controlling our negativities completely,
we think we could be the ruler of our own life.
This was the ultimate goal and method of ‘self-teaching before’.
Thus the self-teaching was approached as a technique.
It was the self-teaching before.
However, do you think negativity is solved with stop thinking?
By purifying negativity in a technical way
and wrapping negativity with love and understanding,
do you think you can be a perfect sovereign of your feelings and thoughts?
The approach: “We can control negativity perfectly and instantly.”
is ‘stop thinking’
based on 3rd dimensional logics and techniques.
That approach might be
one of the expedients to solve the human problems.
But I have to say “It is not the whole picture!”
Do you believe the following?
“Stop negative thoughts and release them off from your bodies one by one.
By this way, we can solve the human negativity.
We can be a full sovereign and a perfect ruler.”
Do you believe it?
Have a time of reflection for a while.
“What a dangerous idea and contradiction it is!”
The elimination way that removes the negativities one by one
can’t solve the human negativity problems.
You will realize that the elimination way represents limitation of 3rd dimensional thinking and contradiction.
By the elimination way,
bad behavior might be modified.
However, that approach has the inherent limitation of ‘partial’.
Eventually it is reduced to ‘the matter of personal will’.
The technical way of stopping negative thoughts
might be useful for cooling anger and rage down.
But if the standard of it gets stricter,
we might be locked in another prison of OBSTINACY.
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