Energy tuning of Spirit-Soul-Body(Baek)
*Baek : body energy. It is primitive and elemental energy which activates and operates our physical body. Baek is granted to us from the Mother Gaia.
The final procedure of energy tuning waits us after being oneness between self (I) and final higher-self. This is called ‘energy tuning of Spirit-Soul-Baek’.
It is a very long and difficult way to reach being oneness with final higher-self. However, energy tuning of Spirit-Soul-Baek does not take times so long.
Once being oneness with final higher-self is achieved, connection to the network in final higher-self’s dimension becomes possible, which is needed to support the role and mission for the dimensional ascension. Hence, lots of important information are downloaded into the realm of subconsciousness and unconsciousness through the MHCIS (Meta-Humanoid Consciousness Implementation System).
This downloaded information has its timeline to be realized accurately. But the negativity from the ‘ego’ will prevent the accurate realization of this downloaded information. So, Heaven prepares the procedure of reducing the ego’s negativities, and this is called ‘energy tuning of Spirit-Soul-Baek’. To assist in controlling the big energy of final higher-self and to prevent the negativities from the ‘ego’, energy tuning of Spirit-Soul-Baek is proceeded by Heaven. And this tuning procedure is carried out, whether we agree or not. This phenomenon is known as ‘Yang-Sin’ in Taoism.
The principle of ‘Yang-Sin’ is as follows. As we arrive at oneness with final higher-self, our body is gradually adapting to the high vibration of high-dimension energy, albeit it takes long time. Once being oneness with final higher-self is achieved, the spiritual energy begins to operate vividly in the body.
Also, Baek-energy is being adjusted to high vibration and the ego energy caused by soul consciousness is reduced and purified consistently.
As the high-dimension spiritual energy begins to work actively in the body, the triune harmony and balance among Spirit-Soul-Baek should be achieved.
The spiritual energy is represented as the golden color of light. The larger and brighter it is, the higher dimension the spirit comes from.
The characteristics of soul energy depend on final higher-self’s spiritual dimension. The color of soul energy is varying per each avatar; they might be white, silver, pink, yellow, green, blue, dark blue, or violet light. Each avatar has its own characteristics of soul energy.
Meanwhile, the Baek energy has white color of light uniformly across the avatars.
When tuning of Spirit-Soul-Baek energy is completed, the evidence is represented as ‘Sam-Tae-Geuk’* of three colors in the Dan-Jung (chest-center) chakra. This means that ‘Yang-Sin’ is completed in body. At the same time it represents the symbol of lightworker who could spread out Heaven’s will on earth, which is certified by Heaven.
* Sam-Tae-Geuk (1~11th dimension: Material universe) : It is a mixed chaotic state of ‘three beings into one’. The heaven, earth and human beings come into play as a one. Sam-Tae-Geuk is distinguished from Tae-Geuk by putting more emphasis on the human beings as the active player of the material universe. The word ‘Sam’ means ‘three’.
The unique shape of ‘Sam-Tae-Geuk’ reveals avatar’s cosmic status. And it proves that you have passed the strait gate of Heaven and you are ready to work as the lightworker.
Through energy tuning of Spirit-Soul-Baek, the degree of truth in channeling is enhanced and the disturbance of ‘ego’ is minimized when one tries to channel with or use other special capabilities. It is an inevitable process to make sure that the will of Heaven is done on earth.
Only when ‘Yang-Sin’ is achieved, the Providence of Heaven will be done entirely on the ground without distortions and errors. This is the cosmic meaning of energy tuning of Spirit-Soul-Baek.
May 24, 2016
Udeka writes.
*Translated by Yeoyeo. Edited by Metrica.
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