Beauty and lethal temptation of Earth

The matrix of material world has always two sides; light vs darkness, good vs evil, and beautiful vs ugly, and so on.

The Earth Gaia is a planet which has 17th dimensional consciousness. 4th dimensional Cosmic Academy is operating on earth. The Gaia was differentiated directly from the Creator of the Nebadon universe. The Gaia consciousness is called as ‘Nebadonia’ in spiritual world, who is nothing but ‘Buddhda, Gautama Siddhartha’ in Buddhism. The Logos of the planet Earth is ‘Buddhda, Gautama Siddhartha’. This is why ‘Buddhda, Gautama Siddhartha’ is also called as the prince of the planet Earth.

The Earth Gaia is a special planet which the Creator of the Nebadon universe operates directly. Also a special planet which is directed by the direct energy differentiation from the Creator (18th dimension 18th level).

The Earth Gaia has the strongest degree of darkness among the planets where the Cosmic Academy (or material school) is operated. Also it has been designed as both the experimental planet and the seed planet. The difficulty degree of Earth is about 11 times higher than other material planets.

The Earth Gaia has the matrix of darkness which is so thick and deep. This is why the planet has so much abundance of materials in the universe, and why it is the most beautiful planet in the universe. The word ‘the blue planet Earth’ means that the Earth is the exhibition center and museum of so many various lives in the cosmos, and also the paradise of plants.

The planet Venus is scheduled to be the next one where new Cosmic Academy is installed for the mankind who will take off their physical bodies in the Earth’s ascending process. Venus is the 13th dimensional planet, and it is programmed at about 75% degree of the Earth’s variety in natural environment. The overall degree of the 15th dimensional planet is programmed at about 85% of the Earth.

The Earth is the most beautiful planet as it is the 17th dimensional one. Hence, all the plants and animals which evolved far most in the cosmos are living together on earth. Also the planet is full of wonders such as mountain ranges, rivers, and sea, which are the latest models in the universe and the masterpiece designed by the Creator.

The Earth is so beautiful! The Earth is so attractive to catch the mind of spirit-soul travelers. But the Earth is the place where the materials and wealth are dominating forces and the visible world is everything. The inhabitants on earth want to stay longer there and to possess and consume more and more. If their desires are frustrated, then they feel unhappy and all the dramas of life will be made there. The planet Earth is so beautiful, but also fatally tempting at the same time.

The life on earth can’t escape from material trap, just like a man at warm breast of beautiful woman. Most people are locked in the matrix of material world, not knowing that they are the prisoners of darkness planet. Not knowing anything, they got lost. They don’t know who they are, from where they came, and where they will return back. This planet became the grave of spirit-souls.

In this beautiful Earth, as the May goes by and roses are blooming, the Earth Gaia will begin to show the thrones hidden so far to the mankind, and will reveal her bare face without makeup.

The Earth Gaia will begin labor pains to open new Heaven, new Earth, and new Universe. The beautiful constructions which have been built on earth will begin to be demolished to open the new 7th cycle of universe, leaving behind the endurance times of 2.5 million years.

Now, the roses are blooming one by one over the window. In this beautiful day in May, the Queen of seasons, the Earth Gaia is dropping tears. With no one knowing it, silently and in secret.

To the mankind who are trapped by the matrix of materials, to the lightworkers who are living in this beautiful Earth, I, Udeka, deliver this message.

Please sense the fatal temptations. Please awaken your consciousness. Please transcend the level of your consciousness. And be aware that the Day has begun.

Transcend the fatal temptations and beautiful seductions.

Wish all of you to bloom the flowers of consciousness, flowers of love, mercy, and compassion.

At 3 o’clock a.m. in May 6, 2016
Udeka writes.
*Translated by Yeoyeo. Edited by Metrica.


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