The Cosmic Karma of the Extraterrestrial Planet Series 7 - The planet UNSHALA that built a Light Civilization

My planet is one of the most advanced planets in terms of the material civilization. It was built based on lights. My planet is called “UNSHALA”, meaning a feast of light. As its name says, the joys and sorrows of planetary residents crossed in the feast of light.

A special light came in UNSHALA, which characterized the planet. The residents were reptilians whose body responded to this particular light. As the light is analyze and understood in our brains and spreads across all parts of the body, naturally we had a high understanding of light, wavelength and vibration.

This light has stabilized our mind and body, accelerated brain activity and improved physical function. So we didn’t have to rely heavily on foods and had lived without much difficulty due to this light. But as the population gradually increased, we decided to create a light supply chain, which is similar to the waterways system.

UNSHALA’s tribes were benefited fairly from the light supply chain system. But a tribe, who were not satisfied with it, secretly manipulated the intermediate valve to induce more light into their territory. The tribe who enjoyed enough light grew into a huge civilization, while the other tribes who suffered losses became underdogs.

The residents of the huge civilization made excellent progress based on the light. In order to accommodate the light and to spread it through the air easier, the buildings were built high and sharp like metal crafts. Furthermore, they have started to attach metallic gadgets to their bodies.

The huge civilization was developed highly, mainly focused on the technologies of physical function enhancement in pursuit of artificial beauty. Artificial eyes and ears allowed them to see and hear more than the body’s original capacity, and those were much more refined and beautiful than the original.

But as technology gets developed, society became increasingly stark and dull. As the conversation dwindled, a telepathic machine to read each other’s thoughts came out as a supplement. The residents of the huge civilization became more and more artificial, but the Spiritual Hierarchy of planet “UNSHALA” did not want this civilization to expand further.

The Chief Administrator of the Spiritual Hierarchy wanted to support the weak civilization to check and balance the huge civilization. Although the weak civilization was a little bit rugged and less refined than the huge civilization, the Chief Administrator of the Spiritual Hierarchy decided to support them, believing in their purities.

As the Spiritual Hierarchy Administrator who managed the weak civilization, I birthed into a physical being to carry out important projects at a watershed time of the planetary evolution. But when I incarnated into a physical being for the weak civilization, the real situation was very serious. The lack of light made our civilization vulnerable, starved, and all the infrastructure had collapsed. Moreover, the residents of our civilization were admiring the huge civilization and being integrated into the huge civilization.

The leap forward of civilization by ourselves was already difficult but we had to protect our civilization, which was being absorbed by the huge civilization. The huge civilization was a threat to me, and it became my goal to eliminate the threat.

I worked day and night to harness the hatred of our civilization’s inhabitants. Finally, I created a weapon that can attack the huge civilization’s weaknesses. As the residents of the huge civilization were influenced by light all over their bodies, the way to make them lethargic was to disrupt the light.

If we shoot the opponent’s heart with that weapon, the opponent couldn’t move, which is like all the meridian flows are cut off. With that weapon, we infiltrated all parts of the huge civilization and knocked them down.

I regarded the opponent civilization as our enemy and I thought that it was justice to destroy a huge civilization that had become almost like a machine. So, starting from my wrong justice, I ended up shutting down the light supply with my own hands. When the residents of the huge civilization couldn’t get a stable supply of light, they created a frenzy and turned into beasts.

The light supply chain was intertwined within the entire planet like a spider web, so when one of them went wrong, the ripple effect collapsed even our civilization that I was trying to protect. As a Spiritual Hierarchy Administrator, I had a lack of understanding of the planet and didn’t understand how important the light supply chain was to UNSHALA. It was like working so hard all night long to pull out the cornerstone of the planet.

I carved the planetary karma into my heart. As if my body were switched off, I’ve been paralyzed, convulsed and felt heartache all my life. I just had to go through the pains without knowing why I was sick.

Now I got to realize it was the suffering of the residents on UNSHALA, who I killed with my own hands, and it became my karma. I also found that the source of great sadness that I couldn’t bear was our planetary karma. It hurts me to think of the UNSHALA’s residents who had to die in pain. Taking this heartbreaking story of the planet’s demise to my heart, I came to the Earth.

I’m solving my planetary karma here on the Earth. I am learning the truth of the grand universe beside the Captain Udeka, where I can experience 100 times more than in our planet. Then I will go back to rebuild the civilization of UNSHALA.

I’ll go back to my planet to return the pure heart that we’ve enjoyed in the past. I’m talking to my colleagues, who came to the Earth with me and are struggling somewhere on Earth without knowing why they are suffering. It's time for us to remember our planet and why we came to the Earth.

April 16, 2019.

This article was written based on the channeled messages by the Channeler Team in “the Tree of Life in the Light”.


  1. Still planet, Earth is the center of the universe

    Bible is important on planet Earth
    Communists countries like
    Cuba, Vietnam, Cuba Laos, vietnam
    Total population 1.56 billion and land area 1018,8432 square kilometers
    Are having no free in reading Bible or
    Allowing to build churches + attending
    5 communist nation
    Does not allow other religions as well
    One example is China
    Come on china it is planet, earth

    Inside 93 billion light years universe
    Or inside Larger universe 
    ( a possible universe) 
    5.8x10^48 light-years
    Or 58000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000,00000000 light years
    Allowing Bible book by itself is okay

    Bible should be allowed everywhere

    Therese are expressions that
    Bible need to be allowed everywhere


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