Life Circuit Diagram of Homo-Sapiens 15 – The theory of "Ki-Mi (氣味)" and "Gwi-Gyung (歸經)"


"Ki ()" and light are classified according to the size of its particles. For your easy understanding, let’s assume that the size of light is set to 1. Then the relative size of other particles can be expressed as 100/N.

The values of N for basic particles of various substances are as follows :

l  Ki formed when Ki-madang is formed during the acupuncture therapy: 
    N = 7
l  Ki emitted from hand during the Ki therapy: N = 19
l  Light emitted from hand during the Chakra therapy: N = 80
l  Light of Jao-Ujudo (子午流注圖; the Heavenly Lights Flow Diagram): 
    N = 100

The size of the particles produced during the digestive process without the fumigation process in Po () after eating meal is expressed as number (N) in the following :

l  bamboo salt (salt roasted in bamboo): N = 31
l  ginseng: N = 27
l  garlic: N = 25
l  Ha-Soo-Oh (何首烏): Pleuropterus multiflorus TURCZ.: N = 23
l  onion: N = 21
l  beef: N = 20
l  pork: N = 18
l  apple: N = 18
l  pear: N = 15
l  Coffee: N = 8
l  sugar: N = 7
l  honey: N = 5

Recall that the reference value of N for light (N) is 100, so that the size of particle for light is normalized to 1 (It is a simple math: 100/N = 100/100 = 1.)

If the value of N for the particle of a substance is less than 40, it is called Ki(). Otherwise, it is called light. The food eaten by us is absorbed into body and becomes the form of Ki and light through the digestive process.

By the “Un-Hwa (運化)” function of the spleen, the absorbed Ki and light pass through the fumigating process of Po (; energy conversion device) and then they are transformed into 12 types of Jung ()-Ki ()-Shin () that can be absorbed by internal organs. This makes the circulation of 12 meridian routes.

The changes in the size of the particles (N) of the foods that have completed the fumigation procedure of Po () are as follows:

l  bamboo salt (salt roasted in bamboo): N = 31 81
l  ginseng: N = 27 52
l  garlic: N = 25 52
l  Ha-Soo-Oh (何首烏): Pleuropterus multiflorus TURCZ.: N = 23 48
l  onion: N = 21 42
l  beef: N = 20 40
l  pork: N = 18 32
l  apple: N = 18 24
l  pear: N = 15 20
l  Coffee: N = 8 16
l  sugar: N = 7 28
l  honey: N = 5 15

The food that we eat goes through the 1st digestive process and the 2nd fumigation process of Po(). And then it is converted into Ki and light, which have very tiny size of particles, and then is absorbed through the 12 meridian routes. The size of the particles varies from food to food.

The smaller the size of the particle gets and the greater the N value gets, the more the property of light, the higher the absorption rate in human body, and the greater the pharmacological effect the particle has.

Asian people have thought that food (organic matter) is converted into Ki() through the digestive process and the Po()’s fumigation process, is absorbed into body with five flavors. This is the main topic in the theory of "Ki-Mi (氣味)"*.

Note: “Mi ()” means flavor.

Ki which is generated from food (= organic matter) through the digestive process and the Po ()’s fumigation process enters into the major 6 viscera and 6 supplementary internal organs through 12 meridian routes and forms the Ki-madang or Light-madang. This is the main topic in the theory of "Gwi-Gyung (歸經)"*.

Note: "Gwi-Gyung (歸經)": "Gwi ()" means enter. "Gyung ()" means a meridian route. Thus, "Gwi-Gyung (歸經)" means that food enters specific meridian routes after complex digestive processes explained in the above statements.

In oriental herbal medicine, the pharmacological properties of the vegetables and fruits used as foods, and herbs used as medicine were classified. What kind of diseases they are used for, how they taste, and how to take them were explained.
Where and how a herb works was known and it was developed into the art of treating real patients.

At that time of the science and technology level, the invisible digestive process and the Po()’s fumigation process could not be precisely recognized. The invisible world, which was unknown by the science and technology at that time, was conceived by spiritually talented people and medical practitioners with the spiritual eyes awakened, and have been inherited and developed into the cognition of philosophy

Ki-madang is formed when "Gwi-Gyung(歸經)" is achieved by the Pyo-Rhi (表裏) relationship*.

*Note: Pyo-Rhi (表裏) relationship is the energy circulation between the superficial(exterior) and deep(interior) layers of meridian routes. See also < Operating mechanism of the meridian system 8 - Circulation of "Pyo-Rhi"and three cycles in the meridian system> for more details.

The formation of Ki-madang caused by the stimulation of acupuncture needle on acupoint occurs without the process of Po (). Ki-madang can be formed by food or medicine, and the treatment effect depends on the mechanism of action. In general, when Ki-madang is formed by acupuncture, it is formed quickly and in wide range, but the disadvantage is that the duration does not last long. When Ki-madang is formed by food or medicine, the size of Ki-madang is generally smaller and less powerful than that formed by acupuncture. But the former has long-lasting quality, although it is different depending on the type of food or medicine.

Light-madang is formed when "Gwi-Gyung (歸經)" is achieved by the “Jang-Bu Sang-Tong (臟腑相通)" relationship (the direct meridian interaction among the internal organs). Light-madang has a remarkable healing effects due to the physiological effects of light. The healing effect appears faster and is more effective when light-madang is formed than Ki-madang.

The theory of "Ki-Mi (氣味)" and "Gwi-Gyung (歸經)" was the part of Korean medicine that was conceptualized and abstract. There were no people who could feel and understand the theory of "Ki-Mi (氣味)" and "Gwi-Gyung (歸經)" with their senses.

It's a real phenomenon happening in the body, but there were not enough theories and principles to explain it. It took courage to believe in the medical book and the existence of invisible acupoints and meridian systems, and to treat human life.

The existence of Po () was known. Except the records in the medical book about Po (), the function of Po was unknown and there was no one to ask. No one could understand where it is and how it works, except the contents recorded in the medical book.

Facing the termination of material civilization on the planet Earth, the deconstruction of medical matrix installed on the planet Earth, and the advent of new spiritual civilization, I, Udeka leaves this message for record in communicating with the Heaven. For the expansion and installation of the new medical matrix, as it is the right timing.

October 11, 2017.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Genesis. Edited by Metrica.


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