Operating mechanism of the meridian system 5 : “Chakra 5-Haeng” and “Ki-madang”

Each meridian point has 5 different states of energy, which is called “Chakra 5-Haeng”. The definition of each state in “Chakra 5-Haeng” is as follows:

*Note: Chakra 5-Haeng(; Moving State, Circulating status in universe)” means that the chakra system has 5 different types of state to reflect whether core of acupoint is complete and whether lights converge into the acupoint or diverge from it.

Ø  “Mog (; character of tree, wood)”: Core is completed and lights are radiating

Ø  “Hwa (; character of fire)”: Size of core is being reduced but lights are still radiating

Ø  “Tto (; character of soil, land, earth)”: Core is exhausted and lights stops radiating

Ø  “Geum (; character of steel)”: Core is gone. Lights start to converge to make core

Ø  “Soo (; character of water)”: Core starts to form. Lights continue to converge.

The meridian points reflect the state of internal organs (five viscera and six entrails), which is linked to the meridian points, with one of state in “5-Haeng”. The conventional study on the meridian system, which is written without knowing the energy state of meridian point, can’t avoid limitation from birth.

The revolution of future medicine starts in:

Ø  Step 1: Verify the energy state of meridian points which are related to pain or disease

Ø  Step 2: Understand the energy state of internal organs (the five viscera and six entrails) which are related to pain or disease

Ø  Step 3: Check the “Ki-madang” of effective meridian points which are related to pain or disease

Ø  Step 4: Try acupuncture with precision

We cannot solve problems in the visible world without seeing the invisible world.

When acupuncture is applied on a meridian point which is in the state of “Mog”, the side-effect may increase in proportion to the size of meridian point. Thus, it is recommended to avoid strong stimulation on the meridian point in the state of “Mog”.

When a patient has numerous meridian points in the state of “Geum” or “Soo”, it means that the patient’s body is exhausted energetically or his/her health condition is weak. In this case, it is highly likely that acupuncture may cause side-effects

If acupuncture is applied on an acupoint, normally within 1 minute energy state of the acupoint turns to the state of “Mog”, and “Ki-madang” is formed corresponding to the acupoint. While Ki-madang is formed on the acupoint where acupuncture is applied, another Ki-madang is created on the relevant location (network of acupoints). As it is the time to remove the acupuncture needle, Ki-madang of the original site (where the treatment is done) gradually diminishes and energy state of the acupoint becomes “Tto”.

Supposing that the size of Ki-madang on a specific acupoint is 1, then the size of Ki-madang arising on related another acupoints may come up to 10 ~ 20. Once an acupoint is stimulated by acupuncture needle, it may cause multiple Ki-madang over 2 ~ 3 spots.

In general, let’s assume that the size of Ki-madang is created on a specific acupoint as “1”. Then the size of Ki-madang on the same acupoint of opposite side may come up to “5”. Further, the Ki-madang of internal organ which is related with acupoint treated by acupuncture needle may have the size of about 10. When working of Ki-madang is finished, the remaining energy which comes from Ki-madang after treatment is accumulated in the “Dan-Jeon(丹田; the abdomen region)”.

Doctors in the old era had known the secret of Ki-madang created by acupuncture. But as times go, the wise doctors who had known the secret of Ki-madang went away one by one and the descendent doctors tended to memorize various principles of Ki-madang. But, unfortunately, nowadays knowledges about Ki-madang has gone. This is the reason why current doctors in Korean medicine rely on acupuncture which stimulates only specific acupoints which are directly related with pain or disease, not knowing anything about Ki-madang. 

The energy of Ki-madang is created by the well-known principles of meridian system:

Ø  The direct relation between internal organs: An internal organ is directly linked with another organ in the system of meridian routes. This pair of internal organs exchange energies each other directly.

Ø  The superficial and interior relation between internal organs: An internal organ is indirectly linked with another organ in the system of meridian routes. This relation reflects relative location of acupoints such as “superficial (exterior)” and “deep (interior)”.

For your understanding, let’s take an example. Supposing that we apply acupuncture on acupoint of “Hap-gok (合谷; LI4, United Valley)” which is in the state of “Soo”. The state of corresponding spot (“Hap-gok”) turns to the state of “Mog”. And then the triggered energies spread away as follows:

l  The energies go along the “Large Intestine Meridian (LI)”
l  The energies go through “Im-Maek (Conception Vessel)”
l  Ki-madang is creatd on the spot of large Intestine
l  Another Ki-madang is created on the opposite side of “Hap-gok”; That is, if “Hap-gok” on right hand is triggered at first, then “Hap-gok” on left hand is the opposite side

Fundamental principle of Ki-madang creation for the above case of “Hap-gok” is summarized as the following:

l  First notice that “Hap-gok” lies in the route of “Large Intestine Meridian (LI)”.
l  By the principle of direct meridian relation between “Large Intestine” and “Liver”, fundamental energy to creat Ki-madang comes from “Liver”.
l  If energy of “Liver” is in shortage, fundamental energy to creat Ki-madang is borrowed from “Lung”.

Ki-madang created on the spot where acupuncture is applied is not utilized for treatment. In fact, it just signals the strength and intensity of Ki-madang. The strength and intensity of Ki-madang formed on specific acupoint is proportional to those of Ki-madang formed on internal organs (the five viscera and six supplementary organs).

May 17, 2017.

Udeka writes.

*Translated by Taejo. Edited by Metrica

(Contact Us: metrica@naver.com)


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