Life Circuit Diagram of Homo-Sapiens 8 ­­– Generating mechanism of “Jung-Ki-Shin”

Homo-Sapiens should depend on other’s flesh. As humans do not have the capability to transform inorganic substance into organic substance by themselves, humans should ingest organic substance through eating plants. And thus humans can maintain vital activity through digestion process which transforms again the organic substance into inorganic substance.

Photosynthesis means that inorganic substance is transformed into organic substance. In contrast, in human digestion the reverse order occurs; organic substance is converted to inorganic substance. A life is connected to another life through food chain. This is the life cycle in ecological system.

Mitochondria of plant compose organic matter using “Chun-Ki (Heavenly Ki; sunlight, temperature)” and “Ji-Ki (Ground Ki; inorganic matter, nutrient, element)”. Process of organic compound synthesis is mutually different per various species of plants.

Plants or meats ingested by animals are transformed and separated into Chun-Ki and Ji-Ki throughout digestion process where functioning of Simpo plays the key role.  

Chun-Ki separated by functioning of Simpo flows in the most outer route of three-layered meridian system. Chun-Ki has the characteristic of magnetic energy and is used as the energy source to circulate the meridian system. In the Korean medicine, this energy has been called “Shin(; divine energy, deity)” in abstract terms.

Ji-Ki separated by functioning of Simpo flows in the middle route of meridian system. This energy has been called “Jung(; the most primitive and vital energy)” in the field of Korean medicine.

The energy absorbed in spleen becomes “Ki”, which circulates in the most inner route of meridian system.

Ki which is generated in the process of digestion flows into “Dan-jung (膻中; acupoint which is located in the middle of chest)” where four types of energy converge; Wi-Ki, Yung-Ki, Chun-Ki, Ji-Ki. The energy clustered at Dan-jung is called Jong-Ki(宗氣; The most prominent energy).

Wi-Ki(衛氣; Guardian energy which circulates in the outer area of body to protect skin) is circulated by lung. Jong-Ki which is created at Dan-jung circulates into the meridian system, which is called Yung-Ki(營氣; The operating energy).

July 5, 2017.
Udeka writes.

*Translated by Metrica.


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