Life Circuit Diagram of Homo-Sapiens 10 – Emission of Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki
The meridian system has the following structure and characteristics.
Ø Circulation of “Wi-Ki”:
Lung takes the leading role for this.
* “Wi-Ki(衛氣)” is the Guardian energy which circulates in the
outer area of body to protect skin.
Ø Circulation of “Yung-Ki”
in the 12 meridian routes: Heart directs this function.
* Yung-Ki(營氣) is the main operating energy which runs through
the 12 meridian routes.
Ø The 8 Extraordinary or
Homeostatic Meridians: Perineum directs this function.
* The 8
Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridians: 1) Conception
Vessel (CV; 任脈, Im-Maek, Sea of
Yin), 2) Governor Vessel(GV; 督脈, Dok-Maek,
Sea of Yang), 3) Thoroughfare Vessel(TV; 衝脈,
Choong-Maek), 4) Belt Vessel(BV; 帶脈,
Dae-Maek), 5) Yin Link Vessel(YinLV; 陰維脈,
Eum-Yu-Maek, Channel Reuniting Yin Energy), 6) Yang Link Vessel(YangLV; 陽維脈, Yang-Yu-Maek, Channel Reuniting Yang Energy), 7)
Heel Vessel(YinHV; 陰蹻脈,
Eum-Gyo-Maek), 8) Yang Heel Vessel(YangHV; 陽蹻脈,
Ø Undisclosed(secret)
meridian routes which are not yet known to human race: Heart directs this
Ø Thready Vessel (細脈; Sae-Maek; Fine
Vessel) and Branch Vessel (絡脈; Nak-Maek): Samcho directs this function.
Ø Another meridian routes
to emit Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki
If we describe the 12 meridian routes where energy of “Jung-Ki-Shin” flows
as the system of water supply, then the special meridian routes to emit Sa-Ki
and Tak-Ki may be compared to the system of sewerage. This meridian system for Sa-Ki
and Tak-Ki takes the share of 30% in the whole meridian system.
The meridian system for Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki has the following three
Ø The Superficial (Exterior)
l This route lies
following the Bladder Meridian (BL)
l In general, Sa-Ki and
Tak-Ki are emitted through this superficial route. But if Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki
penetrate to deeper area (architecture of Interior, Semi-Interior layer), then they
cause more severe pain and illness.
Ø The Semi-Interior architecture
l This route is the
middle area where Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki are transmitted to the Superficial route or
Interior route.
Ø The Interior
l This route lies
following Pericardium Meridian (PC).
l Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki
staying the Interior route may run to the Interior route or Superficial route
via Semi-Interior route.
The routes for Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki may be further classified into two types;
One is the visible and the other is invisible.
The visible routes for emission of Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki consist of the
following three routes.
Ø The route of urine
l Emission of Sa-Ki and
Tak-Ki in this route is directed by the Bladder Meridian (BL).
Ø The route of stool
l Emission of Sa-Ki and
Tak-Ki in this route is directed by the Large Intestine Meridian (LI).
Ø The route of sweat
l Emission of Sa-Ki and
Tak-Ki in this route is directed by the Lung Meridian (LU)
The invisible routes for emission of Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki consist of the
following two routes.
Ø The route of “Bae-Su-Hyul
(背兪穴; 24 acupuncture points on the back)”
l Emission of Sa-Ki and
Tak-Ki in this route is directed by the Bladder
l Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki with relatively
finer size of particles is emitted through this route.
Ø The system of sewerage
for emission of Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki
l This route lies
following the Bladder Meridian (BL) and the Pericardium Meridian (PC)
July 20, 2017.
Udeka writes.
*Translated by Metrica.
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