The Big Dipper and 9 stars in the Great Bear
Korean people are called as the tribes of the Big Dipper*, who worship the Big Dipper, and also called as the ‘DAN(丹) tribes’. The DAN tribes are the origins of Korean people. They had originated from the Polaris, travelled through the Big Dipper - which is the star-gate of the Nebadon galaxy - and finally they have settled in the Korean Peninsula. In this way, the Nebadon galaxy has emerged out of the Polaris and the Big Dipper.
*The Big Dipper - which is located around the Polaris - looks like a ladle and is composed of 7 stars. The Big Dipper belongs to the stellar system of Pleiades.
The Polaris is center of all the stars in the Nebadon galaxy. The ancients believed that the Polaris is the heart of all things and creations, and the place where the Creator inhabits.
The Polaris is the center of our universe, and the Big Dipper is located around the Polaris. The Big Dipper is also called as ‘the Seven Stars’ in Korea. The Seven Stars generate their own lights in the Nebadon universe and play roles of star-gate.
The Big Dipper supervises the lights of 7 colors in Nebadon Galaxy. They are expressed as 7 colors of rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue, and violet color. The lights of 7 colors represent each supervisor of ‘the Seven Stars’.
As the Nebadon galaxy evolves, two additional planets will become stars which could generate their own lights. Then the Big Dipper will expand spectrum of lights into the 9 color rainbow, which are 9 stars in the Great Bear.
The planet Earth belongs to the Nebadon galaxy. All beings that come into the Nebadon universe should pass through the consciousness of planets’ Gaia, which are supervised by ‘the direct-line family group’ of the Creator.
The Big Dipper might be represented by 7 lights or 7 colors:
1. star of violet ‘Tamrang; Dubhe’ (17th dimension),
2. star of dark blue ‘Geumoon; Merak’ (15th dimension),
3. star of blue ‘Nokjon; Phecda’ (13th dimension),
4. star of green ‘Mungok; Megrez’ (11th dimension),
5. star of yellow ‘Yeumjung; Alioth’ (9th dimension),
6. star of orange ‘Moogok; Mizar’ (7th dimension),
7. star of red ‘Pagun; Alkaid’ (5th dimension)
There are supervisors in each star of the Big Dipper. They exist in the forms of energy. They are the spirits who were differentiated from the Creator directly. They govern and manage the Nebadon universe. The Big Dipper represents the top executive group of the Nebadon galaxy, and they are in charge of all the consciousness of planets in the Nebadon galaxy. They are direct-line family group of the Creator and are 7 avatars of the Creator.
The Big Dipper is the passage route of lights - which are originated from the Paradise and come to this Nebadon universe - and plays a role of star gate.
The Creator’s breath which had passed through the Big Dipper opened the civilizations in the Nebadon galaxy. By the DAN tribes, the ‘Divine Plan’ of the Creator had been implanted in the Korean Peninsula on this planet Earth.
The DAN tribes opened the civilization of this planet Earth through ‘Adam and Eve project’ in the Korean Peninsula, a small nation of Northeast Asia. The DAN tribes came here for the ‘Terra project’, which will finish the 6th great cycle of the universe and will start the beginning of the 7th great cycle. For this Tera project, the higher administrators of the universe - who take charge of the universal administrations in the 16th, 14th and 12th dimension - came to this planet Earth which is located in periphery of the Nebadon galaxy, through the Big Dipper.
The DAN tribes were the key elites of the ‘Hwan empire’ which had spread over vast region of Northeast Asia including the Korean Peninsula.
In the evolutionary process of 2.5 million years of the Nebadon universe, the new-born galaxy, the Big Dipper has played roles of ‘passage route of light’. Also the Big Dipper has conducted key missions as the higher administrators of Nebadon galaxy, and the key executive organizations to execute the Creator’s Divine Plan.
A new planet of 4th dimension - named ‘Gosang Okwhang’- was born near the Big Dipper. Also, another planet of 4th dimension was born near the Big Dipper, which is named ‘Jami Jegoon’. The Big Dipper adding these 2 later-born planets is called ‘Bukdoo Gujin; the 9 stars of the Great Bear’.
The Nebadon Galaxy originated from the Big Dipper have continued to evolve. Two additional star gates have been created. Thereby, the evolutionary process of the Nebadon galaxy accelerated by accepting various universal civilizations. If the Nebadon universe evolves and grows more and more, the 7 stars of the Big Dipper will be upgraded to the 9 stars of the Big Dipper.
The great universe of 18th dimension have been experimented on this Earth and now it was completed. In the process of this experiment, the Big Dipper has been the commanding and directing star for both the Nebadon universe’s evolution and the Tera project as the center of the invisible world. I, Udeka, reveals this secret as it is the right timing.
The Big Dipper (the Seven Stars) can be matched to their universal status by well-known positions in this Earth:
1. the Creator of Nebadon universe (local universe Creator) in 17th dimension,
2. the Supervisor of all stellar system in Nebadon universe in 15th dimension(the Grove of Dharma Garland Bodhisattva and the Bodhisattva of the Great and Marvelous Mark),
3. the Supervisor of all planet system in Nebadon universe in 13th dimension (Avalokitesvara (Kwan-yin; who perceives the world's lamentations) and Avalokitesvara(Guanzizai; who looks down upon sound)),
4. the Supervisor of sun in 11th dimension(Daylight Bodhisattva),
5. The Supervisor of moon(satellite) in 9th dimension (Moonlight Bodhisattva),
6. the chief administrator of the Heaven’s Government in 7th dimension (the Great Jade Emperor),
7. The Supervisor of the spiritual world in 5th dimension (the King of Underworld),
All of them are avatars of the Creator and the Top Administrators of each dimension in Nebadon universe. Also, they constitute the direct line family group of the Creator.
The traces of the Big Dipper remain in Samseong-gak or Chilseong-gak of the Buddhist temple. Also the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper are well described in the altar portrait of Buddha. All of them are the children of the Creator. The existence of these beings implies that the Creator governs and controls the Nebadon universe, with energy downsized to the level of Nebadon universe. These are the universal secrets of the Big Dipper (the Seven Stars in the Big Dipper).
* Samseong-gak: The Three Sages Shrine (the Mountain Spirit, the Spirit of the Big Dipper, and the Pratyeka-buddha or the Solitary Sage); They are enshrined together or sometimes in separate shrine.
* Chilseong-gak: The Seven Stars Shrine: This is the shrine where the seven saints or Tatathagatas of the Big Dipper are enshrined. In Daoism, it is believed that the Seven Stars govern good or bad luck and the fortunes or misfortune of people. This is also called the Seven Sages of Tathagata, or the Seven Original Kings of Stars.
* The Big Dipper: The glowing of seven bright stars resembling such a vessel in outline. In Korean folklore, it is believed that it has the power of granting longevity to human beings. This belief is outside of Buddhism, but so is the worshiping of the mountain spirit. This is a typical aspect of Korean Buddhism, a coexistence of Buddhism and the beliefs of traditional folklore and shamanism.
April 4, 2016.
Udeka writes.
*Translated by Yeoyeo. Edited by Metrica.
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