The beginning of spiritual war #4 : the era of asceticism and praying is being closed
The strongest faith of human is the religious belief which is rooted in fear and blessing. Most ascetics and disciplinants have fixed ideas that they are not awakened because of lack of asceticism. This stereotype views are prevalent among disciplinants, and are being transformed into belief, faith and conviction in religious people.
Now, it’s time for mankind to wake up from the box of stereotypes that awakening is not possible due to the lack of time to practice asceticism or to pray. There will be moments of sudden changes, and the sky will be crying and wailing. The ground will be pitching and tossing. Also the Sun will be changed and different. Mankind will have to suffer from pandemic viral diseases and natural disasters which have never been experienced before.
In that time, the ones who have forgotten Heaven, the ones who have not believed in Heaven, the ones who have religions as their jobs with practicing asceticism in their whole lives, and the firm believers with full devotion to praying will gather together in cathedrals, temples, churches, or sanctuaries, just for more praying. The era of praying will come along with the natural disasters. They will pray more and more to solve fears, to complete the religious faiths, to survive, to eat something, and to cure diseases, and so on.
As the time of praying and number of praying persons increase, hopes in praying minds will be altered into despairs. The natural changes which force people to pray more and more will get worse, and the social bases will be destroyed so swiftly.
Many people will spend half a day in praying. The persons who feel they don’t have enough time to pray will pray and pray at their bests, and will go asleep in praying and wake up to pray again repeatedly. But they will not obtain any answers from praying. There is no choice but to pray and to go asleep in praying.
Life circumstances will become worse day by day until they get to know that it’s no use praying over and over, and that the existing religious paradigms are no use in solving present problems. The existing religions will be helpless in the circumstances that many social bases are destroyed along with lots of natural disasters. Lots of religion matrices will be broken from inside by the awakened people in that organization.
The changes and disasters of Earth will not stop. Heaven will shut down the material civilizations according to Heaven’s program without any errors, without stop, with closed mind, very quickly and all at once everywhere.
Heaven will continue to drive mankind into the extreme survival circumstances with rapid changes and disasters, until all religious faiths are destroyed, religious values are corrected, new paradigm for God is needed, all beliefs which they considered as justice in their own believing are destroyed, and lots of prejudices deeply inscribed are put down. Also Heaven will make all possessions and wealth worthless to make mankind realize the vanity of materials.
Experiencing and feeling the vanity of praying, mankind will be awakened to the new consciousness in the end. Mankind will be led to new truths by the lightworkers who are prepared by Heaven. The truths contaminated in material civilizations will be replaced by new truths through collective living in PEFA (Protective Energy-Field Area). Living in PEFA about a year with communal living and group education, mankind will open the new spiritual civilization.
I, Udeka, inform that New Heaven and Earth, and New Universe will start from this Earth.
As such shall it be. As such was it done.
Good luck to all of you.
June 1, 2016.
Udeka writes.
*Translated by Yeoyeo. Edited by Metrica.
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