19. The Matrix and Personality Sealing that governs human

After listening the same story,
someone who couldn’t catch on things is called Saojung.
Another one does not understand with brain
but feels things with heart.
Other people can’t even feel anything with heart
but their bodies react first.

The way of understanding
is unfolded
as we feel,
as we think,
as our minds direct,
as we calculate,
and as we expect.
The thing that I understand this way,
how come that person accepts it that way?
I take it like this,
why are his standings so different?

As each one can bear another
within the level of each one’s consciousness,
also the way of understanding is done
within each level of knowledge and emotions.
Our experiences tell us that.
Comprehension is that
energy flow of my thought flows well,
not colliding the energy outside.
Misapprehension is that
energy flow of my thought is distorted or inflects,
when it collide the external energy.

The energy of my thought is
composed of the light, intermediate, and darkness matrix.
This is called the person’s body mesh.

People who have strong matrix of light
pursuit spiritual life, appreciating love and affirmation.
People who have strong matrix of darkness
have tendency to focus on law, social system and wealth.
The intermediate matrix emphasizes harmony and balance.

Besides, when people are born,
personalities are determined to some degrees as well.
Personalities are controlled and coordinated
by seven invisible energy cords.

Personality of a person
is created by adjusting the character line.
Flow of ego and
protruding character of ego
are all created
after simulations are undertaken
by higher-self and the Government of Heaven.

The flow of thoughts,
types of thoughts,
and patterns of thinking are associated with
life of this time,
program for this present life,
and karma in this time incarnation.
In the big picture,
these are structurally pre-determined.
It’s called ‘Personality Sealing’
or ‘Sealing in Forms and Nature’.

We are not free from thoughts.
This is the limit of our consciousness,
living in the 3rd dimensional world.
Understanding that
“Our thoughts
and even a piece of pure mind
come from the structure of matrix and Personality Sealing.”
is the key
to knowing essence of thinking.
Udeka tells you this message from Heaven.
The person who has ears shall hear it.
The person who has eyes shall see it
with eyes of heart.

Only after passing through
resistance of common sense and ego,
we could see and taste
the truth and secret
of the universe.

Please feel this with your heart.
Understand it with your body.
This is the code
which could take you to the truth of universe
at the speed of light.


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