[Life Tree TV] Wiji Large Meridian (胃之大絡) and Biji Large Meridian (脾之大絡)

Wiji-Large Meridian (胃之大絡) and Biji-Large Meridian (脾之大絡)

In the human body, the Wiji-Large Meridian (WLM; 胃之大絡) starting from the stomach and the Biji-Large Meridian (BLM; 脾之大絡) starting from the spleen are the meridian routes crossing over at the Hwe-Eum (會陰; the Perineum, CV1). The WLM and the BLM, which join at the Hwe-Eum, are responsible for providing the energy source necessary for the energy circulation through the 8 Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridian routes (奇經八脈).

The Hwe-Eum (會陰) literally means the site where all types of Eum () energy in the body are gathered (). In the aspect of the energy state of Eum-Yang (陰陽), the Hwe-Eum (會陰) is in the state of Gwol-Eum (厥陰; The First Phase of Eum energy).
In the human body, the energy-emitting function refers to the reactive action of the energy-collecting function and the emitting power depends on the collecting (gathering) power. The term “Hwe-Eum (會陰)” strongly reflects that this acupoint at the perineum has a strong gathering power. The energy accumulated by this collecting power of the Hwe-Eum (會陰) is released by the emitting power of the Hwe-Eum, acting as the driving force to enable the circulation of the 8 Extraordinary Meridian routes (奇經八脈).
The WLM passes through the Hwe-Eum (會陰) and the Simpo (心包; the invisible outer layer of the heart). The WLM consists of two routes: one route is connected to the Simpo (心包) and the other one is the route from the Simpo (心包) to the Hwe-Eum (會陰). The former route of the WLM acts as a pipeline for supplying the Simpo (心包) with nutrients and water as raw materials for the production of body fluids, so that the Simpo (心包) can generate Jin-Aek (津液; all types of body fluids except for blood) through its bio-distillation process. On the other hand, the latter route of the WLM is responsible for the circulation of Jin-Aek (津液) through the 8 Extraordinary Meridian routes (奇經八脈) by supplying Jin-Aek (津液) from the Simpo (心包) to the Hwe-Eum (會陰).
On the Life Circuit Diagram, which is the invisible control center of the human body, the stomach, liver, and kidneys are linked together to make a functioning unit, which is called the “Wi-Gan-Shin (胃肝腎) cycle”, or the cycle of stomach-liver-kidneys. The Wi-Gan-Shin (胃肝腎) cycle plays a part in the generation and circulation of Jin-Aek (津液) through special energy exchanges between these three organs.
** Here, let me give you a supplementary explanation. In the cycle of stomach-liver-kidneys, the term “stomach” represents not only the stomach itself but also digestive organs including the small and large intestines. In other words, the “stomach” here is the representative of the gastrointestinal tract and responsible for absorbing nutrients and water in the process of digesting food and drink, and the absorbed nutrients and water are to be used for making body fluids in the body. **
Again, the nutrients and water to be used for producing body fluids are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract including the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, and are sent to the Simpo (心包) through the first route of WLM. In the Simpo (心包), these raw materials go through the bio-distillation process, which produces Jin-Aek (津液) as one of its end products. Then, Jin-Aek (津液) is provided to several categories of Jin-Aek (津液) circulation system; one is the Wi-Gan-Shin (胃肝腎) cycle, which plays a part in circulating Jin-Aek (津液) to every corner of our body by the joint actions of the liver and the kidneys.
In addition, the circulation of Jin-Aek (津液) is accomplished in three ways, depending on the nature of the component of Jin-Aek (津液): Jin-Aek (津液) is further divided into “Jin ()” and “Aek ()”. Jin () is the body fluids flowing between flesh. Aek () is the body fluids that flow between muscle and bone.
The first type of the Jin-Aek (津液) circulation is the circulation of Jin () inside the abdominal cavity, involved in the moisturization or lubrication of the internal organs. This type of circulation is achieved by the collaborative works of the lungs, kidneys, and urinary bladder. In Oriental medicine, the lungs have the function called Sug-Gang-Ji-Ki (肅降之氣), which cools down the heat energy; the kidneys have the Nab-Ki (納氣) function, which pulls down the cooled-down energy to assist the Sug-Gang-Ji-Ki function of the lungs; the urinary bladder stores Jin () and vaporizes it with the action of an invisible humidifier existing in the inter-dimensional space of the urinary bladder. Through the cooperative functions of these three organs, Jin () is circulating inside the abdominal (peritoneal) cavity of the human body.
A second type of the circulation of Jin-Aek (津液) is the circulation of Jin () that is made through the flesh in our body and this circulation is controlled by the Sam-Cho (三焦) system, which refers to the system supported by three types of bio-distillation processes by three Po’s, located in the Simpo, the thyroid gland, and the prostate (or the womb for a woman). These three Po’s, also called Sam-Po (三包; three types of Po), work together to produce and supply Jin () to our body. This type of circulation is governed by the energy circulation through the meridian route of Sam-Cho (三焦; Triple Energizer), which is unknown to humankind yet and different from the function of the Triple Energizer meridian (TE; 手少陽三焦經) that is currently known to human beings. Besides, among the internal organs, it is the urinary bladder that is mainly responsible for the circulation of Jin ().
The third type of the Jin-Aek (津液) circulation is the circulation of Aek () that is carried out through the 8 Extraordinary Meridian routes (奇經八脈); it is not related to the 12 Main Meridian routes or the circulation of Wi-Ki (衛氣; the Guardian energy circulating on the surface of the skin). The circulation of Aek () between muscles and bones is mainly conducted by the 8 Extraordinary Meridian routes (奇經八脈), which are very powerful circulation routes with relatively high flow speeds. This circulation of Aek () is involved in the supply of Aek () to the large skeletal muscles, large joints, and Gi-Hang-Ji-Boo (奇恒之腑; special organs such as the brain and the womb, not included in the five viscera and six entrails) in our body.
On the other hand, the Biji-Large Meridian (BLM; 脾之大絡), which is also connected to the Simpo (心包) like the WLM, serves as a route for supplying the particles of Ki-energy () as source materials for the production of Ki-energy (). These particles of Ki-energy () are absorbed through the process of food digestion and then delivered to the Simpo (心包) to enter the bio-distillation process, through which the energies of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) are produced. Some of these energies are gathered and assorted at Dan-Joong (; an acupoint which is located in the midpoint between the nipples) and embark on the circulation of Yung-Ki (營氣; the energies circulating through the twelve main meridian routes) or the circulation of Wi-Ki (衛氣).
Some other energies of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) produced in the Simpo (心包) are delivered through another route of the BLM from the Simpo (心包) to the Hwe-Eum (會陰) and then start to circulate through the 8 Extraordinary Meridian routes (奇經八脈) so that the Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) energies (or simply Ki-energy) can be supplied to the whole body.
Just like the Wi-Gan-Shin (胃肝腎) cycle, three internal organs of the spleen, the heart, and the lungs form a functional unit to work together, which is called the “Bi-Sim-Pye (脾心肺) cycle” meaning the cycle of spleen-heart-lungs, involved in the circulation of Yung-Ki (營氣) and Wi-Ki (衛氣).
In the Bi-Sim-Pye (脾心肺) cycle, the spleen has the function called “Woon-Hwa” (運化; the function of the spleen that absorbs Ki-energy from the gastrointestinal tract and delivers this energy to the meridian routes). The heart is responsible for Sim-Saeng-Hyul (心生血; the generation of magnetic fields by the heart to circulate blood and Ki-energy) and manages the circulation of Yung-Ki (營氣) through the 12 Main Meridian routes. Whereas, the circulation of Wi-Ki (衛氣), which has been produced by the Woon-Hwa (運化) function of the spleen, is governed by the lungs.
The WLM and BLM are the crucial meridian routes which are deeply involved in the circulation of Jin-Aek (津液), the circulation of Wi-Ki (衛氣), and the circulation of Yung-Ki (營氣); they are also responsible for providing energy sources for the energy circulation through the 8 Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridian routes (奇經八脈). Unfortunately, as for the functioning of the WLM and BLM, there are few records remaining in the existing textbooks of Oriental medicine.
Through this series of articles, the functions and roles of the WLM and BLM, which disappeared even in the traditional medical textbooks have been disclosed; the hidden secrets about the circulation of Jin-Aek (津液) and the circulation system through the 8 Extraordinary Meridian routes (奇經八脈) have been unveiled; the secrets about the circulations of Wi-Ki (衛氣) and Yung-Ki (營氣) have also been explained at the level of human consciousness.
Through the communication with the Heaven, the principles that are unfolded in the invisible world of the human body are revealed, which have been the exclusive property of a few experts so far. Behind the visible biological functions exerted by internal organs (five viscera and six entrails), there are numerous mechanisms taking place in the invisible world of our body. About the phenomena happening in the invisible world of the human body, Captain Udeka leaves this article as a record based on the paradigm of Korean traditional medicine to fit the level of human consciousness.
At the End Times, the modern medical approaches will no longer work. No medication will take effect; Medical treatments that have been accepted and used commonly at the level of human common sense will no longer be effective. Thus, mankind will be helpless in the face of unidentified epidemics. The dismantlement of the medical matrix has already been initiated by the Heaven.
At the End Times, human survivors will need new medical knowledge appropriate for the New Heaven and the New Earth. The Life Circuit Diagram of Homo sapiens and the operating mechanism of the meridian system will be invaluable texts, which are essential for understanding the human body.
I wish all the best for humanity.
August 28, 2017.
Udeka wrote.

*Translated by Genesis


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