[Life Tree TV] The Conception Vessel and The Governor Vessel
The Conception Vessel and The Governor
The 12 Meridian routes are called the Main Meridian routes. The circulation through the 12 Meridian routes is called the circulation of Yung-Ki (營氣). The Conception Vessel (CV; 任脈, Sea of Eum) and the Governor Vessel (GV; 督脈, Sea of Yang) belong to the Extraordinary Meridians (奇經). Or, these two meridian routes belong to ‘the Eight Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridian routes (奇經八脈)’, composed of 8 meridian routes.
The circulation through the Conception Vessel (CV; 任脈) begins from Hwe-Eum (會陰; the Perineum, CV1) and reaches Seung-Jang (承漿; the center of the lower lip, CV24) along the ventral median line of the human body. The route of the Conception Vessel (CV) extended from Seung-Jang (承漿; CV24) goes inside the mouth, passes through the pharyngeal tonsil, and is continued to Dan-Jun (丹田; CV4(關元), CV5(石門), CV6(氣海)).
The circulation through the Governor Vessel (GV; 督脈) starts from Hwe-Eum (會陰), passes through Og-Chim-Guan (玉枕關; BL9) and Baeg-Hwe (百會; GV20) along the median line of the spine of the body, and arrives at Ihn-Joong (人中; GV26, philtrum; alternative acupoint name is Su-Gu (水溝)). The Governor Vessel (GV) extended from Ihn-Joong (人中; GV26) enters inside the mouth, goes through the pharyngeal tonsil, and reaches Dan-Jeon (丹田).
Thus, the CV and the GV join inside the mouth through their extended meridian routes and then pass through the larynx of the throat, reaching Dan-Jeon (丹田). This merged meridian route is at least three times thicker than the 12 Main Meridian routes. Through this thick route, all the Eight Extraordinary Meridian routes (奇經八脈) and the 12 Main Meridian routes are connected to Dan-Jeon (丹田).
The CV and the GV have two-layered cylindrical structures; Ki-energy flows through the inner route; the magnetic field runs through the outer path. The radii of CV and GV are three times greater than those of the 12 Main Meridians. The energy source that enables the circulation through the CV and the GV come from the Wiji-Large Meridian route (WLM; 胃之大絡) and the Biji-Large Meridian route (BLM; 脾之大絡), both of which are connected to Hwe-Eum (會陰; Perineum, CV1). The WLM and BLM are two times thicker than CV and GV, and six times thicker than the 12 Main Meridians.
** Here, let me give you a supplementary explanation. The Wiji-Large Meridian (WLM; 胃之大絡) is a special meridian route related to the energy circulation among the stomach, the liver, and the kidneys, whereas Biji-Large Meridian (BLM; 脾之大絡) is another special meridian route related to the energy circulation among the spleen, the heart, and the lungs. **
Those who have their spiritual eyes activated can see the CV and WLM emit red light and the GV and BLM radiate blue light. The circulations through the CV and GV are far faster than those through the 12 Main Meridians, which means the CV and GV are more powerful. If the circulation of Yung-Ki (營氣) through the 12 Main Meridian routes is compared to a subtle movement of fog, the circulations through the 8 Extraordinary Meridians can be likened to the water fiercely discharged from a dam. Among the 8 Extraordinary Meridians, CV and GV are the only meridian routes that have their acupoints known to the public through Oriental medicine.
The CV and GV play the pivotal roles in the circulations through the 8 Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridians and work as important clues to healing terminal illness. The circulations through the CV and the GV are powered by the intangible Energy Amplification Device located at Hwe-Eum (會陰), which amplifies the energy provided by WLM and BLM. The Hwe-Eum (會陰) is not only an important acupoint used to diagnose and cure diseases but also the center of the circulations through the 8 Extraordinary Meridians.
Along the Conception Vessel, the 12 “Emotion Cords”, governing the emotions of Homo sapiens, exist apart from acupoints. Human beings can express various kinds of energy called emotions through these Emotion Cords. A variety of emotions such as hatred, sadness, love, envy, jealousy, fear, and dread are types of energy with different wavelengths in nature. In fact, all the human emotions are created through the combinational works of the 12 Emotion Cords, so that various emotions can be implemented as if occurring by coincidence. A person can feel and sympathize with a specific emotion even without firsthand experience if his “higher-self” intentionally manipulates his Emotion Cords.
In the human body, the 12 Emotion Cords and the 7 Consciousness Cords are located along the CV and the GV, respectively, in a way that these Cords do not crash with the acupoints of CV and GV. Their spatial arrangement is underpinned by the principle of creating spaces within spaces (inter-dimensional spaces) through the cosmic engineering technology of the Heaven. The 12 Emotion Cords and the 7 Consciousness Cords are connected with the Meta-humanoid Consciousness Implementation System located in the Simpo (心包; the invisible pericardium). The implementation of consciousness by a life form is a highly sophisticated mental activity, manifested by both the Emotion Cords and the Consciousness Cords being integrated in the Meta Consciousness Implementation System; indeed, sophisticated, albeit invisible, mechanical devices are essential for this elaborate mental activity.
After the Earth’s Dimensional Ascension, the existing human beings, Homo sapiens, will be replaced by Homo arahattus; this race is more evolved than Homo sapiens and has 15 Emotion Cords and 9 Consciousness Cords. Accordingly, this species of people will be able to feel or experience a broader spectrum of emotions, embody higher consciousness, and create more sophisticated, complex, and delicate things.
For constructing a new spiritual civilization, an upgraded model of human beings who can implement much higher consciousness is indispensable. Homo arahattus that is the future human species is the latest humanoid model. Just as new wine should be poured into new wineskins, the species of Homo sapiens that will survive during the process of the Earth’s Dimensional Ascension will gradually become extinct and at the same time, a new species, Homo arahattus, will take the place of Homo sapiens on a new Earth.
Aside from the 7 Consciousness Cords of Homo sapiens, on the Governor Vessel are the following three main gates, through which the energies of Jung (精), Ki (氣), or Shin (神) [to be referred to as ‘Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神)’] pass:
Firstly, Mi-Ryeo-Gate (尾閭關) is located in the tailbone (the coccyx). It serves as the main route for supplying the energies of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) to the reproductive organs, thus related to sexual desire.
Secondly, Nog-Rho-Gate (轆轤關) is located in the inter-dimensional space near Yung-Dae (靈臺; GV10) and is associated with the functions and diseases of internal organs.
Thirdly, Og-Chim-Gate (玉枕關) is located in the occipital region of the brain. It influences the function of the brain, thus associated with intelligence, and is one of the major targets of the “Energy-Sealing” in the brain.
Through these three main gates on the GV, the energies of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) can also be supplied to major internal organs (five viscera and six entrails) in addition to the aforementioned brain and womb, which are known as Gi-Hang-Ji-Boo (奇恒之腑; some special organs such as the brain (腦) and the womb (子宮), not included in the five viscera and six entrails). However, the 3 main gates in the GV only have the auxiliary role in supplying the energies of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) to these organs whereas the 12 main meridian routes play the key role in providing these energies for the internal organs.
The acupoints in CV and GV have a critical role in treating incurable diseases, so the therapeutic effect can be maximized by performing acupuncture and Meridian-Chakra-mediated Healing simultaneously. In addition, there are seven great Chakras in the inter-dimensional space located along the meridian routes of CV and GV.
The 7 great Chakras are as follows:
Along the Governor Vessel, there are the 2 great Chakras; the Baeg-Hwe (百會: GV20;) Chakra, alternatively called the Crown Chakra, and the Ihn-Dang (印堂; EX-HN3; an acupuncture point between eyebrows) Chakra, or the Third Eye Chakra.
Along the Conception Vessel, there are the 5 great Chakras; the Thyroid Chakra (the Throat Chakra), the Heart Chakra, the Spleen Chakra (the Solar Plexus Chakra), the Dan-Jun (丹田) Chakra (the Sacral Chakra), and the Hwe-Eum (會陰) Chakra (the Root Chakra).
For the healing of terminal illnesses and incurable diseases, the 7 great Chakras should be enlightened by the Heaven and at the same time, both CV and GV should be fully activated. You should be aware that the Chakra system can’t be opened or activated by human efforts or human abilities. It is only the Will of the Heaven that makes this possible.
Some people who are immersed in the matrixes of prayers and spiritual practices would argue that they have completed their So-Ju-Chun (小周天; the microcosmic orbit; the Self Winding Wheel of the Law) by activating both CV and GV. They would boast of their mystical and esoteric experiences as evidence for the completion of their So-Ju-Chun. However, this is far from the truth. Those mystical experiences they had are just the phenomenon that occurred to them when some of the 7 great Chakras were temporarily enlightened or the situation in which they felt some of the energies flowing from their Emotion Cords and Consciousness Cords that have been manipulated.
Behind their experiences, “the invisible hands” of the Heaven and their higher-selves have worked so hard to make such mystical and supernatural phenomena happen to them as if by coincidence during their spiritual disciplines or their prayers. All of these are carried out to maintain and manage the matrices of spiritual practices and religions and to satisfy the egos of those who want to believe so.
The Governor Vessel and the Conception Vessel are the subject matter with a dreadful pitfall that the matrices of the spiritual practices and prayers have, in which spiritual practicers and religious people are exposed to the mystical experiences related to So-Ju-Chun (小周天). After having mysterious experiences, many spiritual practicers and religious people have insisted that they have had their CV and GV enlightened, without any objective evidence.
The system of CV and GV can’t be activated fully without the Will of the Heaven. For the last 2.5 million years, there have been only dozens of people with CV and GV fully activated. Furthermore, they are just those who have been invited to play their roles in the Heaven’s programs elaborately planned and undertaken to install and manage the matrices of prayers and spiritual disciplines.
Human beings are inclined to be locked in their experiences, in their own paradigms of consciousness, and in their own belief and faiths. Once they encounter special and spiritual events or energies from the invisible world, they tend to misinterpret and exaggerate their situations by thinking that the Heaven moved by their sincere efforts and endurance has presented them special gifts.
Then they believe that they have achieved spiritual enlightenment and become special beings in the universe, Ascended Masters, or Taoist Masters, and behave as such. This is a typical example reflecting one aspect of human nature. At the center of the culture of prayers and spiritual practices, there is a lack of knowledge about CV and GV, and there are also ignorance and fantasy about the So-Ju-Chun (小周天) and Dae-Ju-Chun (大周天; the macrocosmic orbit).
Nothing goes wrong in this universe! This is because such things are good evidence demonstrating that the matrices of prayers and spiritual practices installed for the spirit-souls to experience the material world work perfectly, fitting the level of human consciousness.
I wish all the best for humankind.
July 21, 2017.
Udeka wrote.
Translated by Genesis.
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