[Life Tree TV] Emotional Exchanges between the Original Spirit and its Avatar

Emotional Exchanges between the Original Spirit and its Avatar

The human body is a kind of coat that spirit-souls need to wear

in order to gain material experiences.

Every human being has his own Higher-Self and Original Spirit.

The Original Spirit can make exchanges with its avatar

called a human being through the Higher-Self system.


All human beings whose spirit-souls are in the journey

for gaining material experience live in rapport with their own Original Spirits

and under the management and control of their Original Spirits;

each human being shares the same destiny with his Original Spirit

by exchanging his emotions and consciousness with his Original Spirit.


The Higher-Self and the Original Spirit can feel the feelings

that their human avatar experiences.

In order words, the sadness and suffering that a human being feels,

as well as his joy and happiness,

can also be felt by both his higher-self and his Original Spirit, .

The same goes true for the fear and dread that a human being experiences.


Ghosts, the energy-beings that perform their missions inside the human body,

can also feel the emotions and consciousness of the human beings

that they have entered.

The angels that enter and act on the human body,

which are also energy-beings,

also feel the emotions and consciousness of the people they have entered.

Satan and demons, which are also the energy-beings

playing the role of Darkness inside the human body,

share emotions and consciousness of the people who they have entered.


The maximum level at which the Original Spirit and the Higher-Self can feel

emotions and consciousness of their Avatar is 10% of the level

of the emotions and consciousness of their avatar.

The Higher-self can feel only about 8% of the level

at which its avatar feels pain and sadness.

In addition, the Higher-Self can only feel up to 8% of the emotions

that its avatar feel, such as fear, dread, happiness, and pleasure.


An avatar, whose spirit-soul is gaining material experiences,

may feel unimaginable physical or mental pain

or experience unimaginable pleasure,

but his Higher-Self cannot feel more than 8% of the intensity of the emotions

that he is feeling.

It is the Law of the Universe that the Higher-Self should not feel

more than 8% of the intensity of human suffering and pleasure.


In the case of the Original Spirit, once the integration of an avatar

with his Original Spirit is accomplished,

the level at which the Original Spirit can sympathize with its avatar

gets increased to 10% at maximum, which is also mandated by the law of the universe.

The energy-beings working inside the human body

by influencing human emotions and consciousness are allowed to feel

only about 6% of the intensity of the pain that human beings feel.


The Administrator Groups of the Heavenly Government,

which organize the four phases of human life

composed of life, aging, sickness, and death

and also govern the programs of reincarnation and karma for human beings,

can only feel 3% of the suffering that humans feel.

The higher the Administrator Group of the Heaven,

the less the level of resonance (sympathy) with human emotions.


The Heaven can be Heavenly when the Heaven goes the way

that it has set by itself; to this end,

the Heavenly energy-beings should feel the human suffering only minimally,

as strictly set by the law of the universe.

In order to manage the material world unfolded by the Heaven,

they have been programmed not to feel too much energy of the fear and dread

that humans feel.


The Heaven that manages and operates the material world steadily

should not be affected by the human emotions,

such as joy, anger, sadness, and enjoyment.

The energy-beings belonging to the Administrator Groups of the Heaven

 can feel only 3% of the suffering that living creatures feel,

so they can operate the reincarnation systems of life forms stably.


This is the reason that the Heaven cannot respond to your petitions,

no matter how desperately you complain to the Heaven

about the predicaments and trouble that you are in,

no matter how loudly you appeal to the Heaven for your chagrins,

or no matter how much you complain that your heart has been broken.

The Heaven must go the way that it has set by itself, with its heart closed.


The energy-beings of the invisible world that can understand you and your emotions

such as your pain, sorrow, and loneliness best and most deeply

are your Higher-Self and your Original Spirit.

The Heaven has the way the Heaven must go

whereas human beings have their own ways to go.

The Grand Universe is stably operated through the harmonious communication

and resonance between the way of the Heaven and that of the human being.


Through communicating and coordinating with the Heaven,

I, Captain Udeka, leave this message as a record.


June 5, 2019.

Udeka wrote.

Translated by BigBird.


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