[Life Tree TV] The Circulation in Sam Cho (三焦)

The Circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦)

In the human body, light and Ki-energy circulate through the meridian system such as the 12 Main Meridians routes and the 8 Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridian routes (奇經八脈). During the circulation through these meridian routes, Sa-Ki (邪氣; degenerated light) and Tak-Ki (濁氣; impaired Ki-energy) are discharged out of the meridian system through Bae-Su-Hyul (背兪穴; 24 drainage-specific acupoints aligned on the back) and other drainage-specific acupoints on hands and feet. In addition, Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki are discharged out of the body in conjunction with the excretion of Jin-Aek (津液; all types of body fluids except for blood) or the processes of sweating, urination, or defecation.
Sa-Ki (邪氣) and Tak-Ki (濁氣) that have not been discharged outside the body remain in acupoints and are mostly accumulated in tender points (壓痛點; pressure points). In particular, Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki accumulated in the abdominal region tend to form Jug-Chui (積聚; invisible masses of degenerated or impaired energies). Joong-Wan (中脘; CV12) is the acupoint where Sa-Ki and Tak-Ki are gathered most.
After finishing the circulations through the 12 Main Meridians routes or the 8 Extraordinary Meridian routes (奇經八脈), the energies of Jung () and Ki () that have not lost their magnetic properties are gathered into a specific venue called Dan-Jun [丹田; CV4 (關元), CV5 (石門), and CV6 (氣海)]. There is a special meridian route connecting the meridian system to Dan-Jun (丹田); this route is located along the ventral median line of the human body in the layer different from the one in which the Conception Vessel (CV; 任脈, Sea of Eum) is established; it is a one-way passage through which energy flows in the opposite direction to the energy flow through the CV and is about five times thicker than the CV.
During the circulation through the 12 Main Meridian routes or the 8 Extraordinary Meridian routes, if the flow of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) energies slows down as they lose their properties as light and magnetic nature, they are gathered and accumulated as the forms of Sa-Ki (邪氣) or Tak-Ki (濁氣). These relatively heavier energy particles built up at acupoints become causative of pain in our bodies.
The Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) energies, which flow through the meridian system, nourish cells and tissues and maintain the biological phenomena of the human body. Once finishing cycles of their circulations through the meridian system, the Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) energies which have not lost their magnetic properties come together at Dan-Jun (丹田) to prepare for another round of circulation; those Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) energies that retain magnetism or the nature of light start their circulations in Sam-Cho (三焦; the triple energizer supported by three types of bio-distillation processes in the Simpo (心包), the thyroid gland, and the prostate (or the womb for women)) with the help of the intangible devices at Dan-Jun (丹田).
The circulation system of the human body is mainly composed of the cardiovascular system in the visible world and the meridian system in the invisible world. The cardiovascular system can be subdivided largely into arterial circulation, venous circulation, and capillary circulation. On the other hand, the meridian system can be subdivided mainly into the followings:
1. the circulation of Wi-Ki (衛氣; the Guardian energy circulating on the surface of the skin) governed by the lungs
2. the circulation of Yung-Ki (營氣; various types of Ki-energy circulating in the 12 Main Meridian routes) governed by the heart.
3. the circulation through the Eight Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridian routes (奇經八脈) governed by Hwe-Eum (會陰; the Perineum, CV1).
4. the circulation through Se-Maek (細脈; Thready Vessels) and Nag-Maek (絡脈; Branch Vessels), which is related to Sam-Cho (三焦) and governed by Dan-Jun (丹田).
The particles of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) energies accumulated at Dan-Jun are exposed to the magnetic field generated by the intangible devices installed at Dan-Jun (丹田) once again so that their nature of light becomes strengthened. This process of reinforcing the property of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) energies occurs simultaneously with the process of Choog-Ki (蓄氣; the accumulation of Ki-energy). The particles of energies accumulated at Dan-Jun are delivered to three kinds of Po () to be reprocessed into finer particles. The three kinds of Po () refer to the Simpo (心包), the thyroid gland, and either the womb (for females) or the prostate (for males). Because all these organs have the properties of Po () conducting the bio-distillation process, the womb (or the prostate) and the thyroid gland have been called the second heart and the third heart, respectively, in Oriental medicine. In this context, Sam-Cho (三焦) is alternatively called “Sam-Po” (三包; three kinds of Po) in a broad sense.
Also, the bio-distillation process is subdivided into two types: the primary bio-distillation process takes place in the Simpo (心包) whereas the secondary bio-distillation processes occur in three kinds of Po (), which are related to the circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦). In the case of the Simpo (心包), the primary and the secondary bio-distillation process occur separately in two different areas which face with each other, in which the intangible devices necessary for each process are installed.
The energies gathered at Dan-Jun (丹田) go through the process of Choog-Ki (蓄氣) and another simple process and are sent to the three kinds of Po (), in which the energies are reprocessed into more refined energies through the secondary bio-distillation processes. Then, these reprocessed energies are delivered to every corner of the body through the system of Se-Maek (細脈) and Nag-Maek (絡脈). This type of energy flow is called the circulation of Sam-Cho (三焦) and is entirely different from the meridian circulation through the Triple Energizer meridian route (TE; 手少陽三焦經).
The circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦) refers to the three types of circulations in Sang-Cho (上焦; the part of the body above the collarbone line), Joong-Cho (中焦; the part of the body between the collarbone and the navel line), and Ha-Cho (下焦; the part of the body below the navel line). The circulations in Sang-Cho (上焦) and Joong-Cho (中焦) are governed by the thyroid gland and the Simpo (心包), respectively; the circulation in Ha-Cho (下焦) is governed by the womb (or the prostate for men). In this way, the circulation through the Nag-Maek (絡脈) and Se-Maek (細脈) in each area of the human body is supported by its corresponding Po ().
The center of the circulation in Sang-Cho (上焦) is the thyroid gland called “the third heart”. The area of Sang-Cho (上焦) corresponds to the area above Chun-Dol (天突; CV22) that is located at the midpoint of the colloarbone line, and includes the neck and head of the human body. The circulation in Sang-Cho (上焦) involves the Nag-Maek (絡脈) and Se-Maek (細脈) that pass through the cerebrum and the brainstem as well as the cerebellum in the brain. In this type of circulation, the Po () in the thyroid gland is responsible for refining the particles of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) energies delivered from Dan-Jun (丹田) through the secondary bio-distillation process. The energy particles reprocessed through this secondary process are smaller and finer than those produced through the primary bio-distillation in the Simpo (心包) so that these particles can circulate through Nag-Maek (絡脈) and Se-Maek (細脈) smoothly, which are very small and narrow meridian vessels like capillaries in the cardiovascular system.
On the other hand, the circulation in Joong-Cho (中焦) is governed by the Simpo (心包), covering the middle area of the human body from the collarbone line containing Chun-Dol (天突; CV22) to the navel line. This circulation is mediated through the Nag-Maek (絡脈) and Se-Maek (細脈) which are distributed in the musculoskeletal system and internal organs in the middle part of the body. In addition, the Simpo (心包) plays a central role in the circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦), let alone the circulation in Joong-Cho (中焦).

When it comes to the circulation in Ha-Cho (下焦), the womb for women and the prostate for men play the role of Po () involved in the secondary bio-distillation process. This circulation system is established in the lower part of the human body below the navel line.

The circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦) also helps the circulation of Jin-Aek (津液; all types of body fluids except for blood). In fact, the circulation of Jin-Aek (津液) cannot be achieved without the circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦). Furthermore, the circulation through the 8 Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridian routes (奇經八脈) supports the circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦); these two circulations have synergistic effects on each other, through which Jin-Aek (津液) and the energies of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) can be supplied to every corner of our bodies.
The energies of Jung () and Shin () are produced from the energies absorbed during the food digestion and nutrient absorption through the primary bio-distillation process in the Simpo (心包). Then, these energies are combined with Ki-energy absorbed by the Woon-Hwa (運化) function of the spleen and start the circulation of Yung-Ki (營氣) and Wi-Ki (衛氣).
Some of the energies of Jung () and Shin () produced in the Simpo (心包) are sent to the two Po()’s of the thyroid gland and womb for women (or the prostate for men) through special energy passages in order to enter the secondary bio-distillation process. This process enables the circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦).
In addition, as mentioned above, after finishing the circulations through the meridian system, the energies of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) are gathered at Dan-Jun (丹田) and pass through the process of Choog-Ki (蓄氣). Then, these energies are transferred again to three Po’s of the Simpo (心包), thyroid gland, and womb (or prostate) for the secondary bio-distillation process, and are further refined into finer energy particles than those produced through the primary bio-distillation process in the Simpo (心包). This procedure allows for the recycling of Jung-Ki-Shin (精氣神) energies in our bodies.
If you want to accumulate Ki-energy at your Dan-Jun (丹田) smoothly, you need to breathe naturally but deeply, so that you can have your body and mind stabilized. In the world, there are so many people performing energy-cultivating practices such as Taoist practices or Yoga, devoting their whole lives to make Dan (; golden elixir; the core of Dan-Jun) that is known to be formed when Ki-energy is accumulated at Dan-Jun (丹田). For this goal, they do Ki-Gong practice (氣功修練), various breathing practices, yoga, or carry out other spiritual disciplines. In fact, all of these practices are the attempts to activate the circulation through 8 Extraordinary Meridian routes and enhance the circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦).
If the circulation in Sam-Cho is fully activated, it means that the human body is transformed into “the Light Body” or “the Enlightened Body”. For your understanding, if the 8 Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridian routes (奇經八脈) are likened to wide expressways, then the 12 Main Meridian routes can be compared to national roads with normal widths whereas the circulation system for Sam-Cho (三焦) to country roads with narrow widths.
The circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦) supplies light and energy to every corner of the human body, enabling the human body to be enlightened. Also, by securing the passages for light free from any blockage or resistance in the body, this circulation helps to increase the vibrational frequency of the body, reduces the incidence of cancer, prevents cells from aging, and plays a key role in curing terminal illnesses or incurable diseases.
The matrices of spiritual practices and prayers are closely associated with the circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦) and various breathing practices. The Heaven has installed and managed these matrices so that people believe they can achieve spiritual awakening, acquire supernatural powers that Taoist Masters are known to possess, and even create immortal bodies. At the center of these matrices are Dan-Jun (丹田) breathing and various Ki-Gong practices (氣功修練) such as Neidan or internal alchemy that Taoists are known to initiate for cultivating Dan () at their Dan-Juns (丹田). Eight Extraordinary or Homeostatic Meridian routes (奇經八脈), So-Ju-Chun (小周天; the microcosmic orbit) and Dae-Ju-Chun (大周天; the macrocosmic orbit) are important contents of the theories and disciplines related to such Ki-Gong practices (氣功修練).
Taken together, the circulation in Sam-Cho (三焦) should be understood in three different aspects:
Firstly, the circulation of Jin-Aek (津液) in the three areas of Sam-Cho (三焦), which is governed mainly by the urinary bladder.
Secondly, the circulation through Nag-Maek (絡脈) and Se-Maek (細脈), which is governed by Dan-Jun (丹田).
Thirdly, the circulation of Yung-Ki (營氣) through Triple Energizer meridian (TE; 手少陽三焦經) as one of the 12 Main Meridian routes.
July 24, 2017.
Udeka wrote.

*Translated by Genesis


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