[LifeTree TV] The Memory of the Body and Karma
The body remembers my past, my pain, and my sorrow.
The karma is the past energy engraved in the body. The karma is the record of pain engraved in the body. The karma is the energy that the Heaven engraved in my body.
The karma is the negative energy that my body remembers. It's like the Scarlet Letter on my body. The karma is like a debt that must be paid back through physical pain, through physical suffering, through physical illness, and through experience.
The body is a link between the past and the present. The body is a link between the present and the future. Your past is hidden in your body. Your sad story is in your body. The sadness of your unfulfilled love is deeply engraved in your body.
In your body, the sadness and painful wounds you don’t remember are contained by the Heaven in each of your cells, in the form of karma energy fields, in the form of the energy fields, in the form of energy.
In your body, the sad and painful stories of your spirit-soul that you do not want to remember are engraved by the Heaven in each of your cells, in the form of karma energy fields, in the form of the energy fields, in the form of energy.
The body is connected to the traces of your past life through memory, through contradictions in the body, through the illness in the body, through the shape in the body.
Spirit creates consciousness. Soul creates emotions and egos. Baek refers to the sprite of the body. Spirit-Soul-Baek energies are always accompanied. Spirit-Soul-Baek energies are always partners when the Spirit-Soul's material experience is made.
Spirit records the experience in the Thought Adjuster. Soul records the experience in the Impaired Soul Energy. Baek records in the body. The energies of the Spirit-Soul-Baek record and remember your life as a human in their own ways.
The spirit of the body records the physical pain and pain wounds that occurred during the soul's material experience in the body. The spirit of the body records the mental pain, suffering anguish and conflict that occurred during the process of experiencing the material in the body.
You forget the person, but your body remembers your lover’s body. You forget him, but your body remembers the women you met. You forget him, but your body remembers the man who hurt your heart.
You forget that day's memory, but you have carved in your body the traces of the day you died when your leg was badly injured and your head was injured, so your legs are weaker than others, and your head is showing up as an unknown headache.
You forget the despair and sorrow of the day, but your body remembers.
The sadness and pain of leaving your family behind and dying in the war
remains on your body.
The energy of sorriness and compassion for each other that father and daughter
who met again as the woman of coming-back-home after their daughter was taken
to the Qing Dynasty during the war is clearly recorded in the body and is
engraved in the body.
Father and daughter who have the story of the past coming-back-home woman can remember the past through the body and can feel the feelings of the day only through the body.
The spirit-soul remembers the past through its body. The spirit-soul can remember and resonate with the senses or emotions in the body. The spirit-soul can communicate with each other through feelings and intuitions, and they can resonate with each other's energy.
The fact that the body is sick for no reason is that the body is resolving the energy of the past. The fact that the body is sick without knowing the cause is that the energy of the past engraved on the body is working. More sick days than unsick days mean that the energy of the day that hurt others was engraved in my body by the Heaven to resolve karma and that energy of the day is going through the same thing in my body.
The body remembers the body. The body remembers the energy of that time through emotion. The body remembers the person with a feeling. The body just recognizes and responds to the energy.
The spirit-soul remembers through the body. The spirit-soul is forced to resolve the karma that occurred during the spirit-soul's material experience only through the body. The spirit-soul can love each other through the body, and the spirit-soul can expand love through the body.
My past is engraved in my body. My past is recorded in my body. Only the body can resolve karma energy. The body is where the present and the past coexist. The body is where the present and the future coexist. Through the body, we share the past, the present, and the future.
The dream dialogue between the body and the body is the body communication,
the body conversation, the happiness the body feels, and the win-win by
resentment [karma] dissolution through the body.
August 15, 2019
Udeka writes.
*Translated by Windvoice.
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