[LifeTree TV] The Meaning of the Karma Dissolution on Earth

The Meaning of the Karma Dissolution on Earth

On Earth, there are people who were born carrying Original Sins after committing misdeeds on their home planets. They made karmas by destroying either their own planets or other planets, or by living as cosmic pirates, and consequently, they lost their home planets where they could dissolve their karmas. Earth is a prison planet where these spirit-souls have been sequestered.

In each era, about 12% on average of the spirit-souls living on Earth have been composed of the alien spirit-souls. Currently, at the end times of this present civilization on Earth, about 17% of the human beings on Earth are the alien spirit-souls who have been dissolving their karmas.

The reason why the alien spirit-souls have flowed into Earth at these end times can be described as follows:

Earth is a prison planet for these alien spirit-souls. They cannot leave this planet until their karmas are dissolved completely. About 28% of these cosmic sinners who have been born through the route of ‘Chil-Sung-Jool are the administrators of the Spiritual Hierarchies of planets, who directly managed their own planets. The administrators of the Spiritual Hierarchy are the supreme administrators of a planet who operate and manage their planet on behalf of the CREATOR.

These administrators of the Spiritual Hierarchies used to operate their planets by means of a variety of authorities and missions necessary for planetary operation which the CREATOR granted. During the operations of their planets, they made karmas by destroying their planets due to their mistakes or misconducts. Then, they have come to Earth, a prison planet, and have been living here on Earth so far to dissolve their karmas.

The remaining 72% of the alien spirit-souls living on Earth are belonging to the general spirit-soul group. Some of these general spirit-souls were involved in the destructions of their planets or played the leading roles in destroying other planets. Some other general spirit-souls participated in galactic wars or lived as cosmic pirates. They have also been born through the route of ‘Chil-Sung-Jool’ and have been living on Earth so far to dissolve their karmas.

Earth is a prison planet where cosmic sinners have been brought together and taken into custody for special supervision. Earth is the only prison planet in the universe where cosmic sinners have karmic energy-fields installed in their bodies by means of the cosmic engineering technology in order to dissolve their karmas. Also, Earth is an experimental planet designed to investigate the causes of cosmic karmas and to find the solutions of those cosmic karmas through balancing the karmas of the cosmic sinners.

Earth is a planet set to dissolve the cosmic karmas. On the other hand, the processes of karma dissolution on the other planets are mainly aimed to balance karmic energies of spirit-souls. This process is subject to the operational principles of the Grand Universe, which are installed for the reincarnation of spirit-souls. On the other hand, the objective of the karma dissolution on Earth is not limited to the aim to balance karmic energies of spirit-souls. The karma dissolution on Earth is also conducted for the clear purpose of investigating spirit-souls’ contradictions and finding the solutions of those contradictions through various methods in diverse environments installed and set by the Heaven.

The material experiences of the alien spirt-souls on their home planets were mainly focused on the acquisition of various material experiences, rather than the dissolution of their karmas. Therefore, their Original Spirits tended to organize their avatars' lives on their planets in such a way as to allow their cognate spirit-souls to have various material experiences, rather than to search for their own contradictions. On the contrary, the karma dissolution on Earth is programmed to allow them to find their own contradictions under the strict control of the Heaven. Thus, the karma dissolution on Earth focuses on balancing karmic energies of spirit-souls and furthermore, it has a strong feature as the preparatory process for determining the future destinies of spirit-souls.

For this purpose, the strict control by the Heaven has been implemented as follows: The Heaven has created planetary matrices customized to satisfy the purpose of dissolving the karmas of the alien spirit-souls on Earth. Also, the Heaven has applied life programs and karmic energy-fields to the avatars of the alien spirit-souls by utilizing high-level, high-dimensional cosmic engineering technology. In this way, the Heaven has been operating Earth as a prison planet for alien spirit-souls. Compared to Earth, the alien planets which the alien spirit-souls came from were not able to have the opportunity to provide such detailed and exquisite ways to dissolve the karmas of their spirit-souls because those planets were already destroyed.

The karma dissolution on Earth is different from those on other planets in terms of method and quality. On Earth, the Original Spirits of the alien spirit-souls have had chances to introspect their own contradictions correctly and properly, which is another reason why the karma dissolution on Earth is so important and special.

After dissolving their karmas on Earth, the Alien Reinforcement Team, or the alien spirit-souls, will be notified of one of the following decisions made through the judicial process of the universe:


The annihilation of spirit, which is applied to both the spirit-soul and its cognate Original Spirit, will be enforced upon some alien spirit-souls. They will be initialized after the thought adjusters affected by fallacies are all retrieved to the Heaven.

As mentioned above, 28% of the alien spirit-souls living on Earth are the administrators of the Spiritual Hierarchies of their planets. Some of those administrators of the Spiritual Hierarchies, corresponding to 6% of the alien spirit-souls, are subject to the annihilation of spirit.

Also, as mentioned above, 72% of the alien spirit-souls on Earth belong to the group of general spirit-souls. The general spirit-souls corresponding to about 12% of the alien spirit-souls will be annihilated.


In the case when the thought adjusters affected by fallacies need to be partially rectified or replaced, the spirit-souls with such thought adjusters will have to resolve their contradictions completely through the reincarnation process on Earth beforehand. Otherwise, they cannot leave Earth.

About 8% of the alien spirit-souls, who correspond to the administrators of the Spiritual Hierarchies, and 22% of the alien spirit-souls, who belong to the general spirit-soul group, are those who cannot leave Earth. They will have to go through the reincarnation process on Earth during or even after the Earth’s Dimensional Ascension. Some of these spirit-souls will have their Original Spirits additionally annihilated, based on the decisions made through the judicial process of the universe.


If the fallacy of the thought adjuster can be resolved through the process of dissolving karmas on Earth, this thought adjuster does not need to be rectified or replaced. In this case, they will be able to return to their home planets and will have the opportunity to rebuild their planets. This case includes about 12% of the alien spirit-souls, who are the administrators of Spiritual Hierarchies and 26% of the alien spirit-souls, who belong to the general spirit-soul group.

I, Captain Udeka, leave this message as a record in communication with the Heaven and in coordination with the Heaven.

July 22, 2019
Udeka wrote.

Translated by Twinflame


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