[LifeTree TV] Chakra 5-Haeng (五行) and Ki-madang

Chakra 5-Haeng (五行) and Ki-madang

Every acupoint has 5 different states of energy, which is called “Chakra 5-Haeng (五行)”. The definition of each state in “Chakra 5-Haeng” is as follows:

A specific acupoint indicates the state of related internal organs (five viscera and six entrails) as one state in “5-Haeng”. The conventional books in oriental medicine regarding acupoints and the meridian system were written without knowing the energy state of acupoint, and can’t avoid some limitations by birth.

Here is an example of the revolutionary future medicine, especially in the area of acupuncture therapy, which will be done in the following order: 

  Verify the energy state of acupoints

  Understand the energy state of internal organs

   Check the “Ki-madang” (Ki-energy field) that can take effect on the energy state of   ① and ②.

   Try acupuncture precisely that allows the acupoints and the internal organs to 
        regain their energy balance

We can solve the problems of the visible world fundamentally, only if we can see the invisible world that supports the visible world.

In the invisible world, the energy state of acupoints changes according to some rules.

When acupuncture is applied on an acupoint which is in the state of “Mog (木)”, it may cause a side-effect. The intensity of the side effect depends on the size of the acupoint. Thus, it is recommended to avoid strong stimulation on the acupoint in the state of “Mog (木)”. When a patient has numerous acupoints in the state of “Geum (金)” or “Soo (水)”, it means that the patient may be weak or exhausted energetically. In this case, it is highly likely that acupuncture therapy may also cause side-effects to the patients.

If acupuncture is applied on an acupoint, the energy state of the acupoint turns to the state of “Mog (木)” within 1 minute, and “Ki-madang” is formed around the acupoint. In addition, other Ki-madangs are also created on the relevant locations in the network of acupoints. As time goes by, the Ki-madang of the stimulated acupoint gradually diminishes. And by the time when the acupuncture therapy is over and the needle is removed, the energy state of the stimulated acupoint becomes “Tto (土)”.

If we assume that the size of Ki-madang on a specific acupoint directly stimulated by a needle is 1, then the relative size of Ki-madang arising on other related acupoints may come up to 10 ~ 20. When a single acupoint is stimulated by acupuncture, it generates multiple Ki-madangs on other 2 or 3 spots associated with the original acupoint.

In general, let’s assume that the size of Ki-madang generated on the stimulated (original) acupoint is 1. Then, the size of another Ki-madang generated on the same acupoint of the opposite side may come up to 5. Further, another Ki-madang is also generated in internal organ related to the stimulated acupoint and its size is about 10. When the working of Ki-madang is finished, the remaining Ki energy which comes from Ki-madang after treatment is accumulated in Dan-Jun (丹田; Svadhisthana; CV4(關元), CV5(石門), CV6(氣海)), which is called Choog-Ki (蓄氣; accumulation of Ki).

Oriental Medical Doctors in the old era had known the principle of Ki-madang and the special area where Ki-madang is formed. But as time goes by, the wise doctors who had known the secret of Ki-madang disappeared one by one and the descendent doctors only tended to memorize the principle of Ki-madang abstractly without knowing the true secret. The sad truth is that nowadays the knowledges about Ki-madang has gone away. This is the reason why most of current doctors in traditional Korean medicine rely on acupuncture which only stimulates the pain area directly, not knowing anything about Ki-madang.

The energy of Ki-madang is created by the well-known principles of meridian system as follows:

     Jang-Bu-Sang-Tong (臟腑相通; the direct relation of meridian routes)

     Pyo-Rhi (表裏; outer and inner relation of meridian routes)

Here, I will give you a supplementary explanation. 

Firstly, Jang-Bu-Sang-Tong (臟腑相通) means that an internal organ of six viscera is directly linked with another related organ of six entrails through the system of meridian routes. This pair of internal organs exchange energies with each other directly and intensely.

Secondly, Pyo-Rhi (表裏) means that an internal organ of six viscera is loosely linked with another related organ of six entrails through the system of meridian routes. More specifically, one of the outer meridian routes (six entrails) in the superficial layer are connected with one of the inner meridian routes (six viscera) in the deep layer. The energy exchanges between the outer and the inner meridian routes are achieved, which allows the energy exchange between a pair of the corresponding internal organs with small intensity. 

Now, let’s go back to the original message.

For example, let’s assume that the acupoint of “Hap-Gok (合谷; LI4)” in the left hand is in the state of “Soo (水)” and we apply acupuncture on it. Then, the state of the stimulated acupoint (“Hap-Gok (合谷)”) turns to the state of “Mog (木)”. Next, the triggered energy spreads away as follows:

     The energy goes along the “Large Intestine Meridian (LI)”

     The energy goes through Conception Vessel (CV; 任脈, Im-Maek, Sea of Eum)

     A big and wide Ki-madang is created on the opposite (right) side of Large Intestine

     Another Ki-madang is also created on the “Hap-Gok (合谷)” in the opposite (right) hand.

The fundamental energy of the acupuncture to change the energy state of “Hap-Gok (合谷)” arise from the liver by the principle of Jang-Bu-Sang-Tong (臟腑相通) relation. However, if the energy of the liver is not sufficient, the energy is taken from the lung following the principle of Pyo-Rhi (表裏) relation, in order to change the energy state of “Hap-Gok (合谷)” to “Mok (木)”. By looking at the meridian’s flow with the spiritual eyes, we could realize that all the rules forming Ki-madang were decided by the Life Circuit Diagram (LCD).

The fundamental principles of Ki-madang creation for the case of “Hap-gok” can be summarized as follows:

     Note that “Hap-Gok (合谷)” lies in the route of “Large Intestine Meridian (LI)”.

     By the principle of Jang-Bu-Sang-Tong (臟腑相通), there is the direct meridian relation between large intestine and liver. The fundamental energy to create Ki-madang comes from the liver.

     If the energy of liver is in shortage, the energy to creat Ki-madang is borrowed from “Lung” by the principle of Pyo-Rhi (表裏) relation between large intestine and lung.

Ki-madang created on the spot where acupuncture is applied is not utilized for treatment. In fact, it just signals the strength and intensity of Ki-madang. The strength and intensity of Ki-madang formed on the related internal organs is proportional to the state of Ki-madang formed on the stimulated acupoint.

This message is left as a record, for those who have the promise of the Heaven and Light-Workers whose consciousness is being awakened.

May 17, 2017.
Udeka wrote

*Translated by Genesis


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