[Life Tree TV] The size of spirits in animals
The size of spirits in animals
Every life form in this world has a spirit-soul.
Now we will take a look at the sizes of spirits in the bodies of animals.
The relative sizes of animals including fish can be compared by taking a spirit ranked in the 8th level of the 12th dimension as an example.
▪ A spirit ranked in the 8th
level of the 12th dimension
could divide and differentiate
its spirit energy into 8
~ 10 white-colored spirits (typically ranked in the 6th dimension).
▪ The same spirit could divide
and differentiate its spirit energy into 6 ~ 8
silver-colored spirits (typically ranked in the 8th dimension) or pink-colored spirits
(typically ranked in the 9th dimension).
▪ This spirit could also divide
and differentiate its spirit energy into 4 yellow-colored
spirits (typically ranked in the 10th dimension).
For fish, this spirit could divide and differentiate its spirit energy into the following number of spirits depending on species:
▪ squid: 0.2 million
▪ mackerel: 0.15 million
▪ salmon: 80 thousand
▪ cod: 70 thousand
▪ tuna: 20 thousand
▪ grampus (killer whale):
15 hundred
For more evolved animals, this spirit could divide and differentiate its spirit energy into the following number of spirits depending on species:
▪ rat: 50 thousand
▪ chick: 7 thousand
▪ pig: 2 thousand
▪ sheep: 2.5 thousand
▪ horse: 4 hundred
▪ camel: 2.5 hundred
▪ cow: 3 hundred
▪ elephant: 1.5 hundred
For fish, they have a very small amount of spirit-energy.
The level at which they can implement consciousness is not high.
In general, they are predisposed to live as gregarious animals.
The animals which have bigger bodies and are more evolved than fish need a larger size of spirits.
A spirit could enjoy the material world through entering into the physical body of a living creature.
The choice of a physical body determines the type of life
such as a plant, an animal or a human.
In this universe, there are various ways of spiritual evolution:
a journey of the spirit, a journey of the spirit-soul, a journey of the spirit-soul-baek
A spirit is basically part of the energy of the CREATOR.
A spirit is the love of the Grand Universe.
A spirit is the breath of the CREATOR, which can’t be separated from “the Wholeness Consciousness”.
Hence, everything in this world is connected to the energy of the CREATOR.
This is why we are the ONE itself.
The new spiritual civilization to be built on the Earth will start to be constructed based on the life-centered philosophy ,
which will be expanded to the Wholeness -Consciousness in the end.
As such shall it be.
As such is it planned to be.
As such was it done.
As of June 26, 2017,
Udeka wrote.
Translated by BigBird.
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