[Life Tree TV] The Cosmic Principle of Chakra Healing through the Meridi...

The Cosmic Principle of Chakra Healing through the Meridian System 

Every creature that has a beating heart has both the blood circulation system and the meridian system. The magnetic field created by the heart allows the visible cardiovascular system to work, which has the attribute of Eum (; -). This magnetic field also enables the invisible meridian system to operate, which has the attribute of Yang (; +). Blood flows through the cardiovascular system, while Ki-energy flows through the meridian system.

The heartbeat enables the circulation of blood and that of Ki-energy. Once the heart stops beating, it cannot generate magnetic fields and consequently, blood and blood vessels get into magnetic field-free conditions, leading to no blood circulation. At the same time, the magnetic field vanishes from the meridian system and the circulation of Ki-energy is stopped. 

Mankind has been ignorant about the structure and function of the meridian system so far. Traditional Korean medicine explains the principle of life creation and laws of the Grand Universe very well. But the secrets of the meridian system remain an invincible area that human understanding has not been able to reach throughout history. Nowadays most people only depend on the books of traditional oriental medicine and hence they can’t transcend the limited consciousness about the meridian system.

Now it is due time that I, Udeka, should reveal the secrets of the meridian system in communication with the Heaven. So far, no one has known exactly what the meridian system is. 

The meridian system is only partially described in the traditional old books of Korean or oriental medicine and can’t be identified by human scientific technology. When Homo sapiens was created by the CREATOR, all the advanced technologies of cosmic engineering were employed. Once life is created, a system to embody consciousness in life should be installed. The system to embody consciousness and the meridian system were introduced into the body of Homo sapiens by the cosmic biological engineers. The technology applied to these systems belong to the 7th-dimensional cosmic engineering. This 7th-dimensional engineering system which allows humans to implement their consciousness is called the MHCIS (Meta-Humanoid Consciousness Implementation System). On the other hand, the meridian system is equipped with a circuit diagram in which the grand universe is miniaturized. This is why the human body itself is called the small universe, microcosm, in contrast to the grand universe, macrocosm.

Homo sapiens is equipped with both the MHCIS and the meridian system to support this MHCIS, by which a foundation for a high level of consciousness can be laid. Consciousness (thinking, mind) affects the meridian system and vice versa. This relationship has been described as “Mind is Ki-energy” in Oriental medicine. Recognizing that the world of consciousness (mind) could be controlled by the world of Ki-energy, people have come up with the idea that the causes of all the diseases are rooted in mind (Ki-energy). Hence, acupuncture and herbal medicine have prospered as ways of controlling and regulating Ki-energy.

Meridian routes consist of three-layered cylindrical tubes. In the outermost layer, there exists a passage for the magnetic field which are generated by the action of the heart. In the middle layer, a route for light, also called Shin-energy(), exists. In the innermost layer of the meridian route, there exists a route for Ki-energy, also called Jung-Ki-energy (精氣), which is generated through the digestive process of food.

Figuratively speaking, about 35 percent of human diseases can be cured by controlling the flow of Ki-energy which flows through the innermost layer of the meridian route. Also, the remaining 65% can be treated by Heavenly light which flows through the middle layer of the meridian route together with Shin-energy(). Acupuncture and herbal medicine, which are major specialties of traditional oriental medicine, have failed to explain even that 35% of the meridian route. Because the meridian routes were invisible to the human eye, the approach to curing human diseases through the route of Ki-energy was inevitably ineffective and limited.

The prototype of oriental medicine and the meridian system was a gift of the Heaven given to the ancient Koreans by means of downloading. The origin of oriental medicine can be traced back to the age of Dan-Guns (檀君), who ruled an ancient Korean country called Gojoseon where spiritual civilization prospered. Then, it spread out to the nearby countries and tribes. As the spiritual civilizations declined and the material civilizations developed, the oriental medicine has waned. As the number of people who could see the invisible world of the meridian system decreased gradually, the meridian system became trapped in the textbooks of oriental medicine.

Now, I, Udeka, will open up the new paradigm of medicine based on the invisible world of the meridian system to terminate the material civilizations and to introduce new spiritual epoch. Our members in “the Tree of Life in the Light” were granted the spiritual ability of Chakra healing by the Heaven. By enlightening the 12 Chakras in our body, we could vitalize the route of light in the meridian system and thus heal a variety of diseases.

We could see Ki-energy and light running through the different layers of meridian routes. The mechanisms that internal organs are cured by light could be explained and described in detail. Further, we could see the processes that every cell in our body is being cured by light, just like looking at a monitor. We will set a new medical paradigm through the ability to see the meridian system in our body.

As the Chakra healing through the meridian system uses the light activated by the Chakra system, not using the Ki-energy accumulated in Dan-Jun (丹田; Svadhisthana; CV4(關元), CV5(石門), CV6(氣海)), this healing method has no side-effects. Before we are granted the ability of chakra healing, first we should have all the 12 Chakras in our body opened. The Chakra healing through the meridian system is a gift of the Heaven, which has been prepared and planned for the future of mankind. This privilege of Chakra healing will be given to those who have the promise of the Heaven, the Light-Workers who deserve to have this privilege, and those who have passed the severe tests of the Heaven.

As mankind goes through the Cataclysmic Pole Shift of Earth and life in the PEFA (Protective Energy-Field Area), the Chakra healing will be the indispensable healing method for mankind. The reason why the Heaven bestowed the authority of chakra healing upon Udeka is that the Chakra healing needs to be introduced to mankind before the cataclysmic pole shift. The Chakra healing is a new medical revolution that suits new spiritual civilizations. Through the wide spread of chakra healing among people, mankind should overcome the Pandemic Outbreak of Unknown Virus Diseases.  

On the New Earth under the New Heaven, the drugs like antibiotics and painkillers will be gone. “New wine must be put into fresh wineskins.” In the new spiritual civilization of the 6th dimension, the Chakra healing through the meridian system – which is a common curing method in the universe – will be the most fundamental healing mechanism for human beings. The 6th-dimensional spiritual civilization requires new technologies of science and medicine belonging to the 6th dimension. Udeka, the team leader of “the Tree of Life in the Light” will restore the meridian system which had been granted to Korean ancestors in ancient times and will start new spiritual civilizations on the Korean peninsula.

We will prepare for the upcoming Pandemic Outbreak of Unknown Virus Diseases, by taking advantage of the Chakra healing through the meridian system. Also, we will make public this Chakra healing method, in order to help human beings who are suffering from a variety of incurable diseases. We will unveil the invisible secrets of the meridian system as visible ones. I leave this message as a record for the ones who carry the promise of the Heaven.

January 9, 2017.
Udeka wrote.

Translated by Genesis


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