39. The case that the darkness matrix is dominnt (1)
The stronger the light matrix is, the stronger the darkness matrix is. The stronger the darkness matrix is, the stronger the light matrix is. Except a class of people who take a role of the darkness, the light is stronger than the darkness for the people born in this material world. Let’ say the power of light is 100, then the power of darkness is about 80. The matrix is installed such that one could manage and surmount it by one’s free-will or inner light. This rule also applies to individuals, specific country and region. The matrix is programmed so that the balance between light and darkness is maintained. The Government of Heaven oversees and manage all of this. This is one aspect of the perfect control of Heaven. Nevertheless, the people who have the matrix of darkness heavily are divided into the following three cases. *** The first case *** The light matrix is more dominantly installed for the lightworkers at birth. - example: light 50, darkness 30, free-will 20 ...