46. Conversion to the Light : Saying good-bye to the Brothers in Darkness

The hardship of ghost or angels in darkness is the course as painful as not to be described well. While accompanying human for long time and having indirect experience of human’s life, they perform their roles to make human’s emotion rich, to make human’s life be distorted against one’s will, sometimes to make human’s life hard or fully blocked, or to put human’s life in the course of harsh situation in order to make it flower from the muds of life.

As a colleague having indirect experience of your life, as a guide leading the way of your life, as a harsh spiritual instructor pushing your learning toward light, as a servant already having gone through the course of learning toward light, as an actor taking villains’ role, the ghost and angel in darkness are the beings taking various roles. They conduct various missions for the spirit-souls traveling in 3rd dimensional material world.

Ghosts are being in the 4th dimensional spiritual world and are supervised by the 4th dimensional divine world. The angels in darkness mainly belong to the Government of Heaven in the 6th dimension, and are directed by the Higher-Committee of Heaven in the 8th dimension.

As energy-form they are doing their missions as volunteer to serve the mankind traveling in 3rd dimensional material world. They exist with the unique waves and keep well cooperated relations without any collisions and conflict.

Their visiting is set for 30 to 50 years in the case of a long way course, or set for a few days in the case of a short way course. There are some cases that their own group spirit-souls serve them as ghost or angels in darkness, or that their own family members, friends or colleagues do.

When the Brothers in Darkness get back to Heaven after finishing their missions for very long and painful years, they leave us with their own features recovered as the bright light or angel’s light, taking off the looks like a snake, a cobra, a witch, a horned goat, a bat, a scorpion or a trident.

Despite staying as energy-form, even though their parting is not like that between humans, they leave us while presenting deep sorrow, regret, appreciation, and pity. Listening to their advising words, we naturally come to feel that all things in universe are connected together in love, are connected as the ONENESS and come to realize their sincere efforts serving as energy-form.

Because there are just a handful of people to be able to talk with them, “the Story of Ghost” introduced by Udeka is not easy to understand or to accept. But it will be a common sense to everybody when mankind’s consciousness is enlightened and when the earth is new-born as the light. By taking this opportunity, Udeka would like to appreciate all the beings for their painful efforts while accompanying the mankind.

We are the one in the ONENESS consciousness.

January 30, 2015.
Udeka writes.

*Translated by Taejo. Edited by Metrica.


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