Ihn-Ki (人氣), Heavenly Energy for Human Individuality

Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the energy of the Heaven supplied to living creatures to maintain their vitality.


Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the energy of Baek (; the primordial vital energy for the physical body of a living creature) supplied by the Heaven to life forms in the material world.


Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the energy that the Heaven supplies to the creatures that have the ability to embody emotions, in order to allow them to express their emotions.


Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the energy supplied by the Heaven to conscious creatures, in order to enable them to embody their consciousness.


Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the Heavenly energy supplied through one of the Seven Light Passages for Life passing through the Baeg-Hwe (百會: GV20) acupoint of the human head to allow for the manifestation of human individuality and uniqueness.


Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the energy supplied by the Heaven through one of the Seven Cords of Yang-Baeg (良白: Benevolent Light), or the Seven Light Passages for Life, penetrating the Baeg-Hwe (百會: GV20) acupoint of the human head, so that humans can exercise their artistic talents or other abilities.


Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the energy affecting the physiological functions of life forms. White people receive the energy that fits the bodies of their race from the Heaven. Black people must receive the energy that fits the bodies of the black race from the Heaven. Yellow people can live with the bodies of the yellow race only when the energy suitable for the bodies of their race is supplied to them from the Heaven.


The energy that fits the bodies of white people is not suitable for the bodies of black people. The energy of the Heaven supplied to the bodies of Westerners is different from the Heavenly energy supplied to the bodies of Asians.


Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the energy of the Heaven that makes white people look like white people and that makes black people look like black people.


Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the Heavenly energy that makes Westerners look like Westerners and that makes Asians look like Asians.


Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the Heavenly energy that acts on the consciousness and emotions of living creatures. Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the energy that causes humans to have their own individualities. Ihn-Ki (人氣) is the energy that makes men masculine and that makes women feminine.


As much as Ihn-Ki (人氣) supplied to you from the Heaven, you will become more popular or more talented and competent. The more Ihn-Ki (人氣) is supplied to you from the Heaven, the more successful you will become. The more Ihn-Ki (人氣) is supplied to you from the Heaven, the stronger your individuality or personality will become.


Different types of Ihn-Ki (人氣) are supplied to different ethnic groups; the Ihn-Ki (人氣) supplied to Jews is different from those supplied to Germans and the French. Even the Ihn-Ki (人氣) of the Heaven supplied to each of the ethnic minorities in China is different from each other.


It is Chun-Ki (天氣; Heavenly Energy for National or Ethnic Identities) that makes Koreans “the Descendants of the Heaven” or “the People of Bae-Dal (倍達)”. What makes Koreans look like the Korean people is Ji-Ki (地氣; Heavenly Energy for Local Color). Meanwhile, it is Ihn-Ki (人氣) that makes individual Koreans different from each other in their personalities.


Koreans who are living in the United States live by receiving the Chun-Ki (天氣) and Ji-Ki (地氣) specific for the United States. However, Koreans living in the United States should live by being supplied with the Ihn-Ki (人氣) specific for each individual, rather than the Ihn-Ki (人氣) for the other Americans.


Ihn-Ki (人氣) to be supplied to a life form is determined when the life form is born. This Heavenly energy does not change, no matter where a life form lives. Only when the expression of the genetic traits of the life form is changed, Ihn-Ki (人氣) will be changed as well, to be supplied to that life form.


Through Chun-Ki (天氣), Ji-Ki (地氣), and Ihn-Ki (人氣), the Heaven is connected with all living creatures.


Through Chun-Ki (天氣), Ji-Ki (地氣), and Ihn-Ki (人氣), all living creatures are protected safely by the Heaven.


Through Chun-Ki (天氣), Ji-Ki (地氣), and Ihn-Ki (人氣), the Heaven has managed the evolutionary journeys of spirit-souls who are gaining material experiences.


Through Chun-Ki (天氣), Ji-Ki (地氣), and Ihn-Ki (人氣), human beings are living under the complete management and control of the Heaven.


As there is a need for the clarification of the meaning of Ihn-Ki (人氣), I, Captain Udeka, leave this message as a record.


January 11, 2021

Udeka wrote.


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