The Secret of Dragons that human beings do not know The World of Dragons

The dragon is an energy-being that works in the material world. The dragon is a special energy-being that works only in the material world.


The dragon serves as a link between the Heaven and each living creature in the material world. The dragon plays the role of connecting the Heavenly Systems with the human systems.


Dragons are assigned to a person when the person is created before birth. The Dragons assigned to a person are optimized for the wavelength of the person’s spirit-soul.


Dragons always accompany a person by dwelling in the different inter-dimensional spaces from the space where the person belongs physically. Dragons assigned to a person are with that person all the time, sympathizing and resonating with that person.


Dragons help a person hear the Voice of the Heaven. Dragons serve as a link between the human mind and the Mind of the Heaven.


Dragons are responsible for supplying the Mind of the Heaven to living creatures. Dragons provide absolutely-positive energy to living creatures.


Dragons have no negative energy. Dragons exert their activities with the purest consciousness.


Dragons remove negative energy from human consciousness. Dragons also purify human emotions by removing negative energy from those human emotions.


Dragons have the energy that makes the bonds and affinity between them very strong. Based on strong bonds, dragons work by making one Wholeness Consciousness.


Dragons provide pure consciousness to the human mind. When the pure consciousness of dragons acts on the human mind, it appears as an angelic mind.


Dragons provide the energy of consonance to the human mind. When the energy of consonance given by dragons works on the mind of a person, the person has a desire to get along well with others.


Dragons feed the human mind with the energy of affinity. When the energy of affinity given by dragons acts on the mind of a person, the person becomes sociable and popular among people.


Dragons provide the energy of harmony and balance to the human mind. By acting on the mind of a person, this energy of harmony and balance provided by dragons helps the person make a sense of community well.


Dragons play roles in protecting human life. Dragons are involved in preserving the purity of human energy.


Dragons have a role in protecting humans from natural disasters. When a person is in an accident, the dragons assigned to that person have prepared thoroughly to protect the person 30 days before the accident.


Dragons have a role in healing human diseases. Dragons move freely in and out of the human meridian system. Dragons have a role in helping humans unleash their supernatural powers. Dragons manage the intangible devices in the inter-dimensional spaces installed in the human body.


Dragons have a role in helping to awaken human consciousness. Dragons have a role in helping humans exert their spiritual powers.


The golden dragon has the role of expanding or awakening human consciousness. The green dragon has healing powers. The red dragon provides the energy of affinity and consonance to the human mind. The blue dragon protects the human body and preserves human energy. The black dragon symbolizes strong power in the material world.


The Yeouiju (如意珠; a wish-fulfilling orb) that the dragon is holding in its mouth symbolizes the cosmic status of the dragon. The Yeouiju (如意珠) that the dragon is holding in its mouth symbolizes the ability and power of the dragon.


Dragons love water. Dragons exercise their abilities best when they are in the presence of water, which is because they can conserve their energy well where water is present.


Dragons are conduits through which pure consciousness with high vibrational frequencies can be supplied to living creatures. Dragons act as guardian angels protecting the pure energy of each living creature.


Dragons are passages of light that provide the Consciousness of the CREATOR to living things.


Dragons are energy-beings that provide the Consciousness of the CREATOR to living things.


Dragons are passages of light that provide the Consciousness of the CREATOR to human beings. Dragons are energy-beings that provide the Consciousness of the CREATOR to humans.


Dragons are passages of light that supply the Breath of the CREATOR to humans. Dragons are the public officials of the Heaven who supply the Breath of the CREATOR to humans.


As there is a need to unravel the secret of dragons, I, Captain Udeka, leave this message as a record.


August 13, 2022

Udeka wrote.


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