The Symptoms that appear when Baeg-Hwe (百會), the Top of the Head, is closed

Baeg-Hwe (百會) is the area located on the top of the head, and if it is closed, the Gate of the Heaven will be closed, leading to a lack of light supplied from the Heaven to the human body.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the body will not get enough light to make the body function properly. If your Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the vibrational frequency of your body will plummet, and the vitality of your body will be reduced.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the body will suffer from a lack of oxygen. If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the body will become heavier due to the increased levels of Sa-Ki (邪氣), which is degenerated light harmful to the body, and Tag-Ki (濁氣), which means impaired Ki-energy ().


If your Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, your body will lack Jung-Ki (正氣), which is benevolent and healthy Ki-energy that your body needs. If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the circulatory power of the meridian system of the body will be decreased, and also the cardiopulmonary function of the body will be weakened significantly.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the conscious activities of the internal organs will be reduced, the brain function will be less active, and the immunity of the body will be impaired.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the aging process of the body will accelerate, and diseases will aggravate very quickly or will not be cured well.


If your Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, you will be unable to communicate with the CREATOR or the Heaven easily; also, it will be difficult for you to communicate with your Original Spirit.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, you will not be able to live under either the protection of the Heaven or the protection of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet where you are living now. If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, you will not be able to receive the light coming from “the Tree of Life in the Light” of the planet where you are living now.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the 7 Cords of Yang-Baeg (良白; Benevolent Light) that connect each individual with the Heaven will be locked up. In other words, if Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, it results in the shutdown of the 7 Cords of Life connecting each person with the Heaven. If your Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, you will be disconnected from the Heaven and will eventually die soon.


If your Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, your emotions will be unstable, and you will have negative thoughts or fears more frequently.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, various mental diseases such as schizophrenia, intermittent explosive disorder, depression, and bipolar disease will be developed very quickly.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the activities of unconsciousness, subconsciousness, and waking consciousness will be reduced significantly.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, consciousness cannot be expanded or awakened. If your Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, you will become absent-minded frequently.


If your Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, you will become a selfish and stubborn person who would not listen to others. If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, soul-consciousness will be expressed more strongly than spirit-consciousness.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, cells will begin to struggle for life, and the functions of tissues will deteriorate significantly. If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, cancer will be developed more easily in various tissues or organs.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the brain function will be significantly impaired, and cognitive ability and judgment will be lowered.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, even a smart person will become an ordinary person. If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, a talented person will become a mediocre person. The closure of Baeg-Hwe (百會) makes an ordinary person dull and stupid.


If your Baeg-Hwe (百會) is closed, the spiritual power that you have had so far will be weakened or incorrectly exerted, and eventually, you will lose it.


If Baeg-Hwe (百會) is completely closed, the activities of human consciousness will be discontinued, and the biological activity of the human body will cease, leading to human death.


The closure of Baeg-Hwe (百會) means the shutdown of the Gate of the Heaven as well as the loss of protection of the Heaven.


The closure of your Baeg-Hwe (百會) means that the Heaven cannot help you who wander on a fork in the road deciding life or death.


The closure of your Baeg-Hwe (百會) means that you who have not been helped by the Heaven at the crossroads of Life or Death will enter the valley of death on your own.


The closure of your Baeg-Hwe (百會) means that the 7 Cords of Yang-Baeg (良白; Benevolent Light) over your head will be darkened and that the light passages connecting you with the Heaven will be disconnected.


The closure of Baeg-Hwe (百會) means that the Judgment of the Heaven will begin silently for those who are not afraid of the Heaven.


The closure of Baeg-Hwe (百會) means that the Judgment of the Heaven is being quietly executed on those who have lost the Heaven in their hearts.


The closure of Baeg-Hwe (百會) means that the punishment of the Heaven is beginning by causing diseases in the human body. The closure of Baeg-Hwe (百會) means that physical and mental pains are beginning in the human body. The closure of Baeg-Hwe (百會) means that the Heaven begins a new program that brings suffering to human beings.


November 1, 2021

Udeka wrote.


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