[Life Tree TV] The Final Unravelment on Robotoid

The Final Unravelment on Robotoid

People who believe in the invisible world are largely religious believers,
while those who believe in the invisible world from different perspectives
are called spiritual truth-seekers.
Religious people who believe in the invisible world can
never be free from religious matrices.
Likewise, spiritual truth-seekers are not free from
various conspiracy theories and false channeled messages
related to the Shadow Government, Illuminati and Freemasons,
and the existence of Aliens and UFOs.
Now, it is the time to unveil and correct
all the misleading concepts and theories
that spiritual truth-seekers have been exposed so far
and to reveal matrices in which they are trapped in confusion.
The term, ‘Robotoid’, is not coined for the first time
by those of the Shadow Government.
This term, which can be found in channeled messages,
was made by the Heavenly beings who give messages to channelers,
in order to disparage human beings
and instill the view that humans are meaningless mediocre beings.
Just by surfing the internet, you can easily find many channeling sites
such as ‘the Phoenix Journal’, ‘Abundant Hope’, or other channeling web-sites.
As a matter of fact, the information provided by these sites is tailored
and manipulated to some extent
to fit the level of the consciousness of humankind
who has currently been living on Earth
in order to enter into the Dimensional Ascension of Earth.
‘Robotoids’ refer to people
whose Meta-Humanoid Consciousness Implementation Systems
(MHCIS) have very low operating efficiencies.
If the maximum operating efficiency of the MHCIS is set to be 10,
then the average score for current humankind is about 6.2.
The lower the operation of the MHCIS,
the more problematic the perception of objects or phenomena.
In terms of the operating efficiency of the MHCIS,
people with a score of 2 have difficulty in gaining a linguistic ability
required for normal conversations;
they are likely to have symptoms of speech impediment called ‘dysphasia’.
In this case, affected people tend to repeat the same words
or simply follow other people’s words in talks.
People with a score of 3 can only use consecutive words.
Those with a score of 4 may have learning abilities to some extent
but cannot make creative behaviors.
These people with a score of 4 or lower are called
‘developmentally disabled people’, and children suffering from ‘autism’
are supposed to be given a score lower than 5.
On the other hand, ‘Robotoids’ are those
whose operating efficiencies of the MHCIS are scored lower than 5.8
and the patterns of their consciousness and behaviors
are manifested as follows:
First of all, these people show common features in their behaviors,
so-called “Cognitive dissonance” or “cognitive disorder”.
They have difficulty in behaving or talking in context,
and tend to use absurd words out of context
or distort their situations at the levels of their consciousness to understand.
They tend to be sluggish in their behaviors
and often mimic what others have said.
These Robotoid people are not very independent
and may bring about unexpected events
by misinterpreting others’ intentions.
Their symptoms of cognitive dissonance appear every way of their lives.
They are highly likely to be timid and very fearful. 
Currently, Robotoids account for about 3 percent of the human population in the world.
They are not living as such to atone for the sins
they committed in their previous lives
or dissolve their karmas.
Instead, their lives as ‘Robotoids’ have been set
as the parts of their life programs through which
their spirit-souls can experience the lives of disabled people
required for their evolutions.
The 'Robotoid' program is applied more frequently
to old spirit-souls than to young spirit-souls.
Likewise, the lives of disabled people are mostly given to old spirit-souls
whose cosmic ranks are relatively high, rather than young spirit-souls.
That is because more experienced or older spirit-souls
could endure such severe difficulties and ordeals
that they have to experience through the life programs
of Robotoids or other disabled people.
Also, some of the Light-Workers are experiencing the life programs of ‘Robotoids’
through the energy-sealings in their MHCIS.
This is the way How the Heaven works and is the secret of the Grand Universe
behind the portraits of Robotoids or people with disabilities.
This is the true appearance of the invisible world
in which the Grand Universe is moving forward
without any error within the Laws of the Universe.
Things are not always what they seem,
and what is not visible doesn’t mean that it does not exist.
Nothing goes wrong in this universe.
All of us are gaining such dramatic material experiences
for our learning and evolution by living our lives
that seem contradictory and irrational, fiercely and passionately.
The truth will set you free.
As such shall it be.
As such is it planned to be.
As such was it done.

July 21, 2017.
Udeka wrote.

translated by Metrica.


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