The Full Moon’s Effects on Human Bodies
Small grasses, such as flowers and grains are called Eul-Mog (乙木; the plants with the relatively strong Eum energy), because they are said to grow in the moonlight. Trees are called Gahb-Mog (甲木; the plants with the relatively strong Yang energy), because they are said to grow in the sunlight.
In the moonlight, all the plants grow. In the moonlight, all the animals grow and control their reproduction. People who are heavily influenced by the moon are called Eum-Ihn (陰人; people with the relatively strong Eum energy). Women are relatively emotional than men. The moon affects the bodies of women more sensitively than the men.
Depending on the shape of the moon, the period and aspects of women’s menstruations vary. When you have a peace of mind and assimilate with nature, the menstrual period follows the full moon cycle, and menstrual pain decreases. However, when you don’t have any room in mind and feel anxious, the menstrual period follows the cycle of crescent moon, and menstrual pain increases.
The moon is the only satellite of the Earth. A planet usually has 2 or 4 satellites. When the gravitation between satellites is balanced, the ups and downs of climates decrease. The ocean’s current circulation and atmospheric circulation also become stable, so that the grains can grow stably.
Because there is only one moon on the Earth, the Earth has a distinct polarity. Because there is only one moon on the Earth, climate change is severe and there are unusual weather phenomena, such as strong typhoons. The problems that arise from a single moon on the Earth are as follows.
When the full moon rises, human emotions become the most unstable. When the full moon rises, human’s sexual desire becomes strongest. When the full moon rises, humans become irrational, and violent and destructive instincts can be easily revealed, resulting in the highest crime rate.
When the full moon rises, human emotions become unstable and impulsive. When the full moon rises, women are more likely to get pregnant. When the full moon rises, the delivery of the Spirit-Souls become easy, so the birth rate is the highest. When the full moon rises, fish hide to mate and spawn, so fishers don’t catch fish in this time.
When the full moon rises, the
gravity between the moon and the Earth is the biggest.
When the full moon rises, natural disasters occur most frequently and the scales get the largest.
When the full moon rises, the physiology of human body is also the most active. When the full moon rises, the ionization in body is the most active. When the full moon rises, it is good to drink enough water for Dam-Che (膽體; the physical traits of person who lacks blood and has relatively abundant fire-energy in body), who don’t usually drink water. Because ionization is active during this period, it is a good time to discharge toxins through urine and feces.
When the full moon rises, drinking enough water is also good for Bang-Gwang-Che (膀胱體; the physical traits of person who lacks Ki and has relatively abundant dampness), who usually sweat a lot and are usually fat because of lack of Yang-Ki(陽氣). Just like getting an IV (intravenous) when the body is heavy or weak, it is good to take enough moisture in this period to increase its circulation and remove dampness in the body.
When the full moon rises, it is also good for the lithiasis cure to take enough moisture.
Because there is only one moon on the Earth, there has been a severe energy imbalance on the Earth. To ease the energy imbalance, the Earth had to undergo extreme changes in temperature and climate.
Because of the single moon, there also had to be an energy imbalance in the human body. So humans have been in troubles in dealing with human egos, although they have done so many spiritual practices and meditation.
Because of this structural contradiction of the Earth, humans on the Earth haven’t been able to open the era of spirituality.
In the process of the Earth Ascension, the Earth’s tilted axis will be straightened up. After humans go through living in the protective energy field area (PEFA), the second moon, which is about 80% size of the existing moon, will be added in the future. By the second moon, there will be 20% of the energy imbalance remained on the Earth.
When Ja-Mi-Won (紫薇垣; the New Paradise in the Material Universe) is completely built up on the Earth, the third, a huge moon will be added to balance the energy with other two moons.
In communication with the Heaven,
In the coordination with the Heaven,
Captain Udeka writes this article
for the record.
June 27, 2019.
Udeka writes.
*Translated by ET.
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