[Life Tree TV] Reincarnation and Chun-Do-Jae (薦度齋; a ritual for invoking a spirit-soul)

Reincarnation and Chun-Do-Jae (薦度齋; a ritual for invoking a spirit-soul)

The main teachings of early Christian groups were about

the divinity of the spirit-soul and the idea of reincarnation.

Most teachings of such early Christian communities are left out

in current versions of the Bible, but some of them

have been preserved in the form of ‘Apocrypha’.

After the death of Jesus, the divinity of the spirit-soul

and the thought of reincarnation was passed down

to the Essene Christians.


However, as these Christians got persecuted,

they hid themselves underground.

Due to the persecution against the Essene Christians,

the divinity of spirit-soul was replaced by the concepts of

Orignal Sin and sinners,

and the idea of reincarnation was removed from the Bible.

As time passed, the Essene Christians had gradually disappeared

and only been able to engage in their religious activities underground.


What is worse, the Essene Christians,

who had barely been surviving in their reign, were once again slaughtered

through ‘Witch Hunting’ during the Middle Ages, and

thus the divinity of the spirit-soul and the thought of reincarnation,

both of which were the legacy of the age of Spirituality, were depreciated

as a heretic or pseudo-religious ideas.

Christianity, after abandoning the idea of reincarnation,

became the religion institutionalized to fit into the materialistic times.


The religion became materialistic and influenced by Capitalism,

and power and religion became the central axis

manipulating the world by holding hands together behind the veil.

With the disappearance of the divinity of the spirit-soul

and the idea of reincarnation, Christianity has come to provide

cognitive frameworks that are too narrow to accommodate

and embrace various human lives.


In the age of materialism, materialistic Christianity has become

the center of endless debates on heresy.

The debates on heresy have been further intensified

to eliminate opponents or rivals of power,

to strengthen power, or to gain legitimacy.


On the other hand, in the East, the thought of reincarnation

gained its position in the consciousness of the public

under the influence of Buddhism.

The truth of the universe called ‘Reincarnation and Karma’

became popularized along with Buddhist culture.

The popularized idea of reincarnation contributed to

rationalizing the social stratification system in human societies.

The popularized concept of reincarnation led to a belief in ‘Maitreya’,

which was born in an attempt to solve social contradictions at that time.

As this popularized reincarnation idea met with Confucian culture,

a unique culture called Chun-Do-Jae

(薦度齋; a soul evocation ceremony) was formed.


Through ‘Chun-Do-Jae (薦度齋), people at those days tried to comfort

the spirit-souls of the dead and prayed for their good afterlife

and next reincarnation. As time passed, ‘Chun-Do-Jae (薦度齋)

has become a ritual to console the hearts of living people

and help living people feel comfortable.


As the concept of reincarnation disappeared in the West,

the personification of God has started on a full scale.

In the thoughts of people in the West, it became natural

for God to get angry about people; it came to be accepted

as natural that God judges people;

it became no wonder that God speaks of justice.


In the East, the concept of Reincarnation has been distorted

and tarnished in its true meaning.

The notion of Karma has played a significant role in keeping

the social stratification systems in the societies of the East.

As the idea of reincarnation met with the idea of the Taoism in the East,

the Taoist culture, in which people tried to become spiritual masters

(people with supernatural powers) by gaining spiritual enlightenment

away from the secular world, and the thought of Shin-Suhn

(神仙; the Divine-Human) has emerged.


The cosmic truth of ‘Chun-Do-Jae’ is as follows.

The processes of ‘Chun-Do-Jae’ and ‘Hae-Won-Sang-Saeng

(解冤相生; the resolution of deep-rooted grievances for mutual welfare)’

can be conducted by the Heaven only at the End Times,

in which all the civilizations of a planet are terminated.

Those are performed to distinguish the spirit-souls who should leave Earth

from those who will continue to live on Earth,

for the purification of the energy of Yung-Gye

(靈界; the 5th-dimensional Astral Plane).


‘Chun-Do-Jae’ and ‘Hae-Won-Sang-Saeng’ are also needed to awaken

the consciousness of the Light-Worker and make them integrated

with their Original Spirits.

These are the Heavenly procedures that the Heaven takes

to terminate the civilization of Earth, which is one of the ways

the Heaven works to go the path that the Heaven has set by itself. 


The processes of ‘Chun-Do-Jae’ and ‘Hae-Won-Sang-Saeng’ cannot take place

while the matrix of religion is in effect.

‘Hae-Won-Sang-Saeng’ cannot be achieved during the period

when civilization is being unfolded.

The Heaven has established and operated the matrix of religion

for spirit-souls on the journey to gain material experiences.


‘Chun-Do-Jae’ and ‘Hae-Won-Sang-Saeng’ are the matrix of religion

installed by the Heaven.

These types of the religious matrix have been established by

many high-level Buddhist monks who were integrated with their Higher-Selves

 and historically recognized as great monks.

They were allowed to visit the 5th-dimensional Yung-Gye (靈界).


As only a few people who were chosen by the Heave

could experience Yung-Gye (靈界), through which the matrix of

‘heaven and hell’ has been installed.

This matrix of ‘heaven and hell’ installed by the Heaven

has been managed and maintained through paranormal, mystic experiences

and the world of Yeo-Si-A-Mun (如是我聞; “Just like this, I have heard”)

as if they happened by coincidence.


The Heaven is using a tremendous amount of energy to operate

the matrix of ghosts and shamans.

To keep the matrix of ‘spiritual maters and those

who have supernatural powers’, the Heaven is using a lot of energy.

To operate the matrix of ‘Chun-Do-Jae’ and “Hae-Won-Sang-Saeng”,

the Heaven is using an ample amount of energy.


Nothing goes wrong in this universe.

Everything in the world is the setting of the theater stage

installed to allow spirit-souls on the journey for their evolutions

to experience the material world dramatically.

All of us are actors cast by the Heaven to play roles on this stage

set up on Earth.


Have you felt at ease by offering rituals to invoke

the help of shamans for spirit-souls, by praying or performing spiritual practices,

or by doing ‘Chun-Do-Jae’ or ‘Hae-Won-Sang-Saeng’?


Truth makes you feel uncomfortable.

The truth for everyone will become the law in the future.

The uncomfortable truth for a few people, for now,

will become common sense later.

I wish all the best for humankind.


Udeka wrote in the Year 2015.

translated by BigBird and Edited by Twinflame


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